





Lecture 1: Power Distribution Systems Overview(配网概述)

Lecture 2: Load Allocation across a Feeder(配网馈线的负荷分布和计算指标)

Lecture 3: Approximate Feeder Analysis(电压降和网损分析)

Lecture 4: Series Impedance of Distribution Lines(三相线路计算)

Lecture 5: Shunt Admittance of Distribution Lines(配电线路容抗效应)

Lecture 6: Distribution Line Models(配电线路模型)

Lecture 7: Load Models(负荷模型:ZIP模型,时间序列模型,动态建模)

Lecture 8: Voltage Regulation(电压调节器)

Lecture 9: Three-Phase Transformer Models(三相变压器模型)

Lecture 10: Distribution Feeder Analysis(配电馈线潮流计算)

Lecture 11: DistFlow and LinDistFlow(线性潮流模型,二阶锥潮流,三相线性潮流)

Lecture 12: Modeling DERs(DERs建模,包括风光储,热控负荷,电压调节器)

Lecture 13: Distribution Grid Optimization under Uncertainty(不确定性优化:鲁棒优化。机会约束优化,场景优化,多参数规划,)

Lecture 14: Mixed-Integer Optimization Models for Distribution Grids(配网中的混合整数规划问题及技巧)

Lecture 15: Center-Tapped Transformers and Secondaries(中心抽头变压器和次级变压器)


Lecture 0: Mathematical Background(数学基础:范数,矩阵,二次函数,海塞矩阵和雅克比矩阵,特征值分解,舒尔算子,泰勒公式)

Lecture 1: Overview and Generation Units(电力系统经典问题及典型发电机组)

Lecture 2: Convex Sets and Convex Functions(凸集和凸函数,与电力系统经济调度问题的联系等)

Lecture 3: Convex Optimization Problems(凸优化问题)

Lecture 4: Lagrangian Duality(拉格朗日对偶,KKT条件)

Lecture 5: Economic Dispatch(经济调度,分段线性和多种优化形式对比)

Lecture 6: Unit Commitment(机组组合,单阶段,多阶段,动态规划)

Lecture 7: Power Flow Problem(潮流问题,潮流方程到潮流模型)

Lecture 8: Network-constrained Economic Dispatch(网络约束经济调度,从调度问题到发电机组规划问题)

Lecture 9: Secure Power System Operation(安全约束下的调度,比如N-1约束)

Lecture 10: Power System State Estimation(电力系统状态评估,基本方法到SCADA和PMU测量区别,可观测性分析)

Lecture 11: Control of Power Generation(发电控制,从【秒级调速器/下垂控制】到【分钟级AGC】到【10分钟级ED】三级控制)

Lecture 12: Gradient and Newton Methods(梯度法和牛顿法)



DTU课程DTU Summer School 2022 - Advanced Optimization, Learning, and Game‐Theoretic Models in Energy Systems

Jalal Kazempour Introduction
Munther Dahleh A Marketplace for Data   –   Learning Linear Systems
Dolores Romero Morales The Opportunities and Challenges of Mathematical Optimization for Data Science
Johanna Mathieu Data‐Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization   –   Codes
Andrea Simonetto Data‐Driven Optimization in Power Systems   –   Hands-on Exercises
Saverio Bolognani Data‐Driven Control in Power Distribution Grids
Pierre Pinson Statistical and Machine Learning for Forecasting   –   Part 2   –   Part 3
Spyros Chatzivasileiadis Data‐Driven Methods for Power System Security Assessment   –   Exercises   –   Codes   –   Database
Jalal Kazempour Distributed Optimization   –   Part 2   –   Part 3   –   Part 4   –   Exercises
Michal Adamaszek Mosek





