public B channel(Class extends C> channelClass) {
if (channelClass == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("channelClass");
return channelFactory(new ReflectiveChannelFactory(channelClass));
public T newChannel() {
try {
return clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ChannelException("Unable to create Channel from class " + clazz, t);
final ChannelFuture initAndRegister() {
Channel channel = null;
try {
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (channel != null) {
// channel can be null if newChannel crashed (eg SocketException("too many open files"))
// as the Channel is not registered yet we need to force the usage of the GlobalEventExecutor
return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE).setFailure(t);
ChannelFuture regFuture = config().group().register(channel);
if (regFuture.cause() != null) {
if (channel.isRegistered()) {
} else {
// If we are here and the promise is not failed, it's one of the following cases:
// 1) If we attempted registration from the event loop, the registration has been completed at this point.
// i.e. It's safe to attempt bind() or connect() now because the channel has been registered.
// 2) If we attempted registration from the other thread, the registration request has been successfully
// added to the event loop's task queue for later execution.
// i.e. It's safe to attempt bind() or connect() now:
// because bind() or connect() will be executed *after* the scheduled registration task is executed
// because register(), bind(), and connect() are all bound to the same thread.
return regFuture;
public NioSocketChannel(SelectorProvider provider) {
private static SocketChannel newSocket(SelectorProvider provider) {
try {
* Use the {@link SelectorProvider} to open {@link SocketChannel} and so remove condition in
* {@link SelectorProvider#provider()} which is called by each otherwise.
* See #2308.
return provider.openSocketChannel();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ChannelException("Failed to open a socket.", e);
public NioSocketChannel(SocketChannel socket) {
this(null, socket);
public NioSocketChannel(Channel parent, SocketChannel socket) {
super(parent, socket);
config = new NioSocketChannelConfig(this, socket.socket());
到这里,一个完整的NioSocketChannel 就初始化完成了,我们可以稍微总结一下构造一个NioSocketChannel所需要做的工作: 1、调用NioSocketChannel. newSocket (DEFAULT_ SELECTOR_ PROVIDER) 打开一个新的Java NI0 SocketChannel 2、AbstractChannel (Channel parent) 中 初始化AbstractChannel 的属性:parent属性置为null unsafe通过newUnsafe() 实例化一个unsafe对象,它的类型是AbstractNioByteChannel. NioByteUnsafe内部类 pipeline是new Defaul tChannelPipeline(this)新创建的实例.这里体现了:Each channel has its own pipeline and it is created automatically when a new channel is created.
上面我们分析了一个Channel (在这 个例子中是NioSocketChannel) 的大体初始化过程,但是我们漏掉了一个关键的部分,即ChannelPipeline 的初始化. 根据Each channel has its own pipeline and it is created automatically when a new channel is created.,我们知道,在实例化一个Channel 时,必然伴随着实例化一个ChannelPipeline. 而我们确实在AbstractChannel 的构造器看到了pipeline字段被初始化为DefaultChannelPipeline 的实例. 那么我们就来看一下,Defaul tChannelPipeline构造器做了哪些工作吧:
protected DefaultChannelPipeline(Channel channel) { = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(channel, "channel");
succeededFuture = new SucceededChannelFuture(channel, null);
voidPromise = new VoidChannelPromise(channel, true);
tail = new TailContext(this);
head = new HeadContext(this); = tail;
tail.prev = head;
在前面的分析中,我们提到,channel 会在Bootstrap. ini tAndRegister中进行初始化,但是这个方法还会将初始化好的Channel 注册到EventGroup 中,接下来我们就来分析一下Channel注册的过程. 回顾一下AbstractBootstrap. ini tAndRegister方法:
final ChannelFuture initAndRegister() {
Channel channel = null;
try {
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (channel != null) {
// channel can be null if newChannel crashed (eg SocketException("too many open files"))
// as the Channel is not registered yet we need to force the usage of the GlobalEventExecutor
return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE).setFailure(t);
ChannelFuture regFuture = config().group().register(channel);
if (regFuture.cause() != null) {
if (channel.isRegistered()) {
} else {
return regFuture;
private void register0(ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
// check if the channel is still open as it could be closed in the mean time when the register
// call was outside of the eventLoop
if (!promise.setUncancellable() || !ensureOpen(promise)) {
boolean firstRegistration = neverRegistered;
neverRegistered = false;
registered = true;
// Ensure we call handlerAdded(...) before we actually notify the promise. This is needed as the
// user may already fire events through the pipeline in the ChannelFutureListener.
// Only fire a channelActive if the channel has never been registered. This prevents firing
// multiple channel actives if the channel is deregistered and re-registered.
if (isActive()) {
if (firstRegistration) {
} else if (config().isAutoRead()) {
// This channel was registered before and autoRead() is set. This means we need to begin read
// again so that we process inbound data.
// See
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Close the channel directly to avoid FD leak.
safeSetFailure(promise, t);
register0又调用了AbstractNioChannel. doRegister: .
protected void doRegister() throws Exception {
boolean selected = false;
for (;;) {
try {
selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().selector, 0, this);
} catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
if (!selected) {
// Force the Selector to select now as the "canceled" SelectionKey may still be
// cached and not removed because no operation was called yet.
selected = true;
} else {
// We forced a select operation on the selector before but the SelectionKey is still cached
// for whatever reason. JDK bug ?
throw e;
public final void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
// Normally this method will never be called as handlerAdded(...) should call initChannel(...) and remove
// the handler.
if (initChannel(ctx)) {
// we called initChannel(...) so we need to call now pipeline.fireChannelRegistered() to ensure we not
// miss an event.
} else {
// Called initChannel(...) before which is the expected behavior, so just forward the event.
private static void doConnect(
final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise connectPromise) {
// This method is invoked before channelRegistered() is triggered. Give user handlers a chance to set up
// the pipeline in its channelRegistered() implementation.
final Channel channel =;
channel.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (localAddress == null) {
channel.connect(remoteAddress, connectPromise);
} else {
channel.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, connectPromise);
public T newChannel() {
try {
return clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ChannelException("Unable to create Channel from class " + clazz, t);
public NioServerSocketChannel() {
private static ServerSocketChannel newSocket(SelectorProvider provider) {
try {
* Use the {@link SelectorProvider} to open {@link SocketChannel} and so remove condition in
* {@link SelectorProvider#provider()} which is called by each otherwise.
* See #2308.
return provider.openServerSocketChannel();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ChannelException(
"Failed to open a server socket.", e);
public NioServerSocketChannel(ServerSocketChannel channel) {
super(null, channel, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
config = new NioServerSocketChannelConfig(this, javaChannel().socket());
final ChannelFuture initAndRegister() {
Channel channel = null;
try {
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (channel != null) {
// channel can be null if newChannel crashed (eg SocketException("too many open files"))
// as the Channel is not registered yet we need to force the usage of the GlobalEventExecutor
return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE).setFailure(t);
ChannelFuture regFuture = config().group().register(channel);
if (regFuture.cause() != null) {
if (channel.isRegistered()) {
} else {
return regFuture;
void init(Channel channel) throws Exception {
final Map, Object> options = options0();
synchronized (options) {
final Map, Object> attrs = attrs0();
synchronized (attrs) {
for (Entry, Object> e: attrs.entrySet()) {
AttributeKey key = (AttributeKey) e.getKey();
ChannelPipeline p = channel.pipeline();
final EventLoopGroup currentChildGroup = childGroup;
final ChannelHandler currentChildHandler = childHandler;
final Entry, Object>[] currentChildOptions;
final Entry, Object>[] currentChildAttrs;
synchronized (childOptions) {
currentChildOptions = childOptions.entrySet().toArray(newOptionArray(childOptions.size()));
synchronized (childAttrs) {
currentChildAttrs = childAttrs.entrySet().toArray(newAttrArray(childAttrs.size()));
p.addLast(new ChannelInitializer() {
public void initChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception {
final ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
ChannelHandler handler = config.handler();
if (handler != null) {
// We add this handler via the EventLoop as the user may have used a ChannelInitializer as handler.
// In this case the initChannel(...) method will only be called after this method returns. Because
// of this we need to ensure we add our handler in a delayed fashion so all the users handler are
// placed in front of the ServerBootstrapAcceptor.
ch.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
pipeline.addLast(new ServerBootstrapAcceptor(
currentChildGroup, currentChildHandler, currentChildOptions, currentChildAttrs));
init方法在ServerBootstrap中重写了,从上面的代码片段中我们看到,它为pipeline 中添加了一个ChannelInitializer,而这个ChannelInitializer 中添加了一个关键的ServerBootstrapAcceptorhandler.关于handler 的添加与初始化的过程,我们留待下一小节中分析,我们现在关注一下ServerBootstrapAcceptor类. Server BootstrapAcceptor中重写了channelRead 方法,其主要代码如下:
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
final Channel child = (Channel) msg;
for (Entry, Object> e: childOptions) {
try {
if (!child.config().setOption((ChannelOption) e.getKey(), e.getValue())) {
logger.warn("Unknown channel option: " + e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Failed to set a channel option: " + child, t);
for (Entry, Object> e: childAttrs) {
child.attr((AttributeKey) e.getKey()).set(e.getValue());
try {
childGroup.register(child).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
forceClose(child, future.cause());
} catch (Throwable t) {
forceClose(child, t);
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