Paper reading (一):Bioinformatics: an overview and its applications

  • Genetics and Molecular Research 16 (1)
  • Wellison Jarles Da Silva Diniz
    Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Key words:Data analysis; Databases; Genomics; Systems biology
    这是一篇综述:an overview of bioinformatics and its use in the analysis of biological data, exploring approaches, emerging methodologies, and tools that can give biological meaning to the data generated.
  • 1.the emergence of new analytical strategies
    2.the use of genomic technologies in gene therapy and personalized medicine
  • 1.a large amount of “omic” data
    2.The crescent generation and availability of this information available in public databases
    3.make sense of the enormous amount of structural data and sequences
    4.development of tools is necessary (statistical and computational) capable of assisting in understanding the mechanisms underlying biological questions
    5.a highly reductionist view.
    6.bioinformatics and computational biology的出现,催生了new biology
    7.bioinformatics and genomics have evolved interdependently
    1.types of biological information and databases; 
    2.sequence analysis and molecular modeling;
    3.genomic analysis, biology. 
  • 1.介绍了生物信息学的历史和概念
    2.organisation of information:types of information and databases
    3.analysis of biological sequences
    4.genome-wide analyzes-from genome to proteome
    5.system biology:the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
  • Historical moments:
    1.the publication of the structure of DNA
    2.the accumulation of data and knowledge of biochemistry and protein structure
    BOOK:Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure
  • Regarding the issues involved in bioinformatics, we can classify them into two classes: the first related to the sequence and the second related to the biomolecular structure 
    The information sources used by bioinformatics can be divided into
     i) raw DNA sequences,
    ii) protein sequences, 
    iii) macromolecular structures, 
    iv) genome sequencing, among others.
  • Public databases store big amounts of information, and they are classified into primary and secondary databases. 
    Alignment can be categorized by type according to the number of sequences that are compared, which can be: i) simple and ii) multiple.
    the BLAST may be divided into four stages . 
    i) Compiling the word list (k-tuples); 
    ii) searching for correspondence in the database; 
    iii) extending alignments from the identified words,
    iv) assembling the spaced alignments according to high-score segment pairs (HSP) .
    The prediction process consists of five main steps : 
    1) reference identification;
    2) selection of templates;
    3) alignment; 
    4) construction,
    5) model validation .
  • data integration emerges to link our ability to generate large amounts of data to our understanding of biology, making it possible to identify key genomic factors and their interactions that explain the biological result.
