【论文笔记】LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers

Vision-and-language reasoning requires an understanding of visual concepts, language semantics, and, most importantly, the alignment and relationships between these two modalities.




we present one of the first works in building a pre-trained vision-and-language cross-modality framework and show its strong performance on several datasets.


Our new cross-modality model focuses on learning vision-and-language interactions, especially for representations of a single image and its descriptive sentence.
It consists of three Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) encoders: an object relationship encoder, a language encoder, and a cross-modality encoder.
In order to better learn the cross-modal alignments between vision and language, we next pre-train our model with five diverse representative tasks:

  1. masked cross modality language modeling,
  2. masked object prediction via RoI-feature regression,
  3. masked object prediction via detected-label classification,
  4. cross-modality matching,
  5. image question answering.


  • object relationship encoder(关系)
  • language encoder(语言)
  • cross-modality encoder(跨模态)


  • 跨模态语言遮盖建模
  • 目标预测-回归
  • 目标预测-分类
  • 跨模态匹配
  • 图片问答


our model takes two inputs: an image and its related sentence (e.g., a
caption or a question). Each image is represented as a sequence of objects, and each sentence is rep resented as a sequence of words.

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A sentence is first split into words {w1, . . . , wn} with length of n by the same WordPiece tokenizer (Wu et al., 2016) in Devlin et al. (2019). Next, as shown in Fig. 1, the word wi and its index i (wi’s absolute position in the sentence) are projected to vectors by embedding sub-layers, and then added to the index-aware word embeddings:
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  • 先把句子分词,固定分成n个词,使用的是WordPiece tokenizer。
  • 然后分别位置编码和词编码
  • 最后把位置编码和词编码得到的向量相加,做LayerNorm


Instead of using the feature map output by a convolutional neural network, we follow Anderson et al. (2018) in taking the features of detected objects as the embeddings of images.

  • 没有使用卷积神经网络进行特征提取,而是使用目标的RoI特征作为图片嵌入
  • 所谓的目标,是指目标检测得到的目标,即图片框住部分

Specifically, the object detector detects m objects {o1, . . . , om} from the image (denoted by bounding boxes on the image in Fig. 1). Each object oj is represented by its position feature (i.e., bounding box coordinates) pj and its 2048-dimensional region-of-interest (RoI) feature fj . Then, we learn a position-aware embedding vj by adding outputs of 2 fully-connected layers:
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  • pj是图片框的坐标
  • fj是图片的2048维RoI特征(CV领域的方法,Bottom-up and top-down attention for image captioning and visual question answering.这篇论文可能有介绍)


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After the embedding layers, we first apply two transformer encoders (Vaswani et al., 2017), i.e., a language encoder and an object-relationship encoder, and each of them only focuses on a single modality (i.e., language or vision). Different from BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), which applies the transformer encoder only to language inputs, we apply it to vision inputs as well.


  • 自注意力层
  • 残差连接
  • LayerNorm(+号代表)
  • 前馈层


the cross-modality encoder consists of two self-attention sub-layers, one bi-directional cross-attention sublayer, and two feed-forward sub-layers.


  • 1个双向cross-attention层
  • 2个自注意力层
  • 2个前馈层


the bi-directional cross-attention sub-layer (‘Cross’) is first applied, which contains two uni-directional cross-attention sub-layers: one from
language to vision and one from vision to language.
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The query and context vectors are the outputs of the (k-1)-th layer

  • 对于文本向量K而言,所有视觉向量都是Q
  • 对于视觉向量K而言,所有文本向量都是Q
  • K+1层以k层的输出作为QK

The cross-attention sub-layer is used to exchange the information and align the entities between the two modalities in order to learn joint cross-modality representations.

  • Cros目的是实现两个模态之间的对齐
  • 对齐之后再次进行self-attention以提取信息


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As shown in the right-most part of Fig. 1, our LXMERT cross-modality model has three outputs for language, vision, and cross-modality, respectively. The language and vision outputs are the feature sequences generated by the cross-modality encoder. For the cross-modality output, following the practice in Devlin et al. (2019), we append a special token [CLS] (denoted as the top yellow block in the bottom branch of Fig. 1) before the sentence words, and the corresponding feature vector of this special token in language feature sequences is used as the cross-modality output.


  • 视觉输出:跨模态编码器的视觉部分特征输出
  • 文本输出:跨模态编码器的文本部分特征输出
  • 跨模态输出:跨模态编码器的文本部分特征输出的[CLS]对应输出


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文本任务:Mask Language Model

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In addition to BERT where masked words are predicted from the non-masked words in the language modality, LXMERT, with its cross-modality model architecture, could predict masked words from the vision modality as well, so as to resolve ambiguity.


  • Bert预训练只能通过上下文去预测Mask
  • LXMERT可以通过上下文结合图片信息共同预测Mask


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we pretrain the vision side by randomly masking objects (i.e., masking RoI features with zeros) with a probability of 0.15 and asking the model to predict proprieties of these masked objects.

  • 文字mask是把原文用mask住
  • 视觉mask是把ROI特征值用零替代(相当于把框内图扣掉)


  • 文字mask任务目标是恢复原词(分类任务)
  • 视觉mask任务目标是恢复ROI特征值(回归任务)


  • 文字mask任务目标是恢复原词(分类任务)
  • 视觉mask任务目标是预测遮盖住部分的标签(分类任务)

In the ‘Detected Label Classification’ sub-task, although most of our pre-training images have object-level annotations, the ground truth labels of the annotated objects are inconsistent in different datasets (e.g., different number of label classes). For these reasons, we take detected labels output by Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015).



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For each sentence, with a probability of 0.5, we replace it with a mismatched sentence. Then, we train a classifier to predict whether an image and a sentence match each other.



We ask the model to predict the answer to these image related questions.



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  • Visual Genome
  • VQA
  • GQA
  • VG-QA



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