pandas 写入字典_将pandas Dataframe列映射到字典值

I have a one:many dictionary. I would like to map the values of a pandas Dataframe column to the keys (NOT values) of the dictionary. here is my dictionary:


And here is the pandas Series object:


the desired output i want:

0 food

1 fruits

2 food

dtype: object


What if 'other' was in both 'fruits' and 'food'? That is why you cannot do a reverse lookup without having some sort of logic to resolve duplicates.

If your values are all unique, then you can reverse your dictionary using a dictionary comprehension:

reversed_dict = {val: key for key in dict1 for val in dict1[key]}

>>> reversed_dict

{'apple': 'fruits',

'fibre': 'food',

'fish': 'food',

'grapes': 'fruits',

'meat': 'food',

'oranges': 'fruits'}

You could then map.

>>> pd.Series(['fish','apple','meat']).map(reversed_dict)

0 food

1 fruits

2 food

dtype: object
