(CoaT)Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers


  • Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers
  • 一、Conv-Attention Module
    • 1.代码
  • 二、Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Transformers
    • 1.代码

Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers

  1. 提出一种新的atten计算方法-Factorized Attention
  2. 提出一种新的相对位置编码方法,通过atten中的q和v来计算相对位置编码
  3. 运用了卷积位置编码,通过对atten计算前的tokens运用卷积来获得位置编码
  4. 提出一种多尺度backbone结构-CoaT Serial Block
  5. 提出一种多尺度解码器结构-CoaT Parallel Block
    (CoaT)Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers_第1张图片

一、Conv-Attention Module

  1. Factorized Attention Mechanism
  2. Convolutional Relative Position Encoding
  3. Convolutional Position Encoding
    (CoaT)Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers_第2张图片



class FactorAtt_ConvRelPosEnc(nn.Module):
    """ Factorized attention with convolutional relative position encoding class. """
    def __init__(self, dim, num_heads=8, qkv_bias=False, qk_scale=None, attn_drop=0., proj_drop=0., shared_crpe=None):
        self.num_heads = num_heads
        head_dim = dim // num_heads
        self.scale = qk_scale or head_dim ** -0.5

        self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=qkv_bias)
        self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)                                           # Note: attn_drop is actually not used.
        self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
        self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)

        # Shared convolutional relative position encoding.
        self.crpe = shared_crpe

    def forward(self, x, size):
        B, N, C = x.shape

        # Generate Q, K, V.
        qkv = self.qkv(x).reshape(B, N, 3, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)  # Shape: [3, B, h, N, Ch].
        q, k, v = qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2]                                                 # Shape: [B, h, N, Ch].

        # Factorized attention.
        k_softmax = k.softmax(dim=2)                                                     # Softmax on dim N.
        k_softmax_T_dot_v = einsum('b h n k, b h n v -> b h k v', k_softmax, v)          # Shape: [B, h, Ch, Ch].
        factor_att        = einsum('b h n k, b h k v -> b h n v', q, k_softmax_T_dot_v)  # Shape: [B, h, N, Ch].

        # Convolutional relative position encoding.
        crpe = self.crpe(q, v, size=size)                                                # Shape: [B, h, N, Ch].

        # Merge and reshape.
        x = self.scale * factor_att + crpe
        x = x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, C)                                           # Shape: [B, h, N, Ch] -> [B, N, h, Ch] -> [B, N, C].

        # Output projection.
        x = self.proj(x)
        x = self.proj_drop(x)

        return x                                                                         # Shape: [B, N, C].


class ConvRelPosEnc(nn.Module):
    """ Convolutional relative position encoding. """
    def __init__(self, Ch, h, window): # window {3:2, 5:3, 7:3}
            Ch: Channels per head.
            h: Number of heads.
            window: Window size(s) in convolutional relative positional encoding. It can have two forms:
                    1. An integer of window size, which assigns all attention heads with the same window size in ConvRelPosEnc.
                    2. A dict mapping window size to #attention head splits (e.g. {window size 1: #attention head split 1, window size 2: #attention head split 2})
                       It will apply different window size to the attention head splits.

        if isinstance(window, int):
            window = {window: h}                                                         # Set the same window size for all attention heads.
            self.window = window
        elif isinstance(window, dict):
            self.window = window
            raise ValueError()            
        self.conv_list = nn.ModuleList()
        self.head_splits = []
        for cur_window, cur_head_split in window.items(): # {3:2, 5:3, 7:3}
            dilation = 1                                                                 # Use dilation=1 at default.
            padding_size = (cur_window + (cur_window - 1) * (dilation - 1)) // 2         # Determine padding size. Ref: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/how-to-keep-the-shape-of-input-and-output-same-when-dilation-conv/14338
            cur_conv = nn.Conv2d(cur_head_split*Ch, cur_head_split*Ch,                   # 通道数不变
                kernel_size=(cur_window, cur_window),                                    # stride的默认值为1
                padding=(padding_size, padding_size),                                    # 卷积后HW不变
                dilation=(dilation, dilation),                          
                groups=cur_head_split*Ch,                                                # 组数等于输入通道数
            self.head_splits.append(cur_head_split)             # Ch是每个head的通道数
        self.channel_splits = [x*Ch for x in self.head_splits]  # 把通道维度分为几份,每份的数量为Ch的整数倍,相当于每几个head为一份

    def forward(self, q, v, size):
        B, h, N, Ch = q.shape
        H, W = size
        assert N == 1 + H * W

        # Convolutional relative position encoding.
        q_img = q[:,:,1:,:]                                                              # Shape: [B, h, H*W, Ch].
        v_img = v[:,:,1:,:]                                                              # Shape: [B, h, H*W, Ch].
        v_img = rearrange(v_img, 'B h (H W) Ch -> B (h Ch) H W', H=H, W=W)               # Shape: [B, h, H*W, Ch] -> [B, h*Ch, H, W].
        v_img_list = torch.split(v_img, self.channel_splits, dim=1)                      # Split according to channels. 将v按照通道维度分为多份,(2*Ch, 3*Ch, 3*Ch)
        conv_v_img_list = [conv(x) for conv, x in zip(self.conv_list, v_img_list)]       # 对每份v分别做卷积,每份通道数不变,HW不变,kernel-size不同 (3, 5, 7)
        conv_v_img = torch.cat(conv_v_img_list, dim=1)                                   # 将每份v重新cat成一份v,通道数不变
        conv_v_img = rearrange(conv_v_img, 'B (h Ch) H W -> B h (H W) Ch', h=h)          # Shape: [B, h*Ch, H, W] -> [B, h, H*W, Ch].

        EV_hat_img = q_img * conv_v_img        # 每个元素相乘
        zero = torch.zeros((B, h, 1, Ch), dtype=q.dtype, layout=q.layout, device=q.device)   # 对应CLS_token
        EV_hat = torch.cat((zero, EV_hat_img), dim=2)                                # Shape: [B, h, N, Ch].

        return EV_hat


class ConvPosEnc(nn.Module):
    """ Convolutional Position Encoding. 
        Note: This module is similar to the conditional position encoding in CPVT.
    def __init__(self, dim, k=3):
        super(ConvPosEnc, self).__init__()
        self.proj = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, k, 1, k//2, groups=dim) 
    def forward(self, x, size):
        B, N, C = x.shape
        H, W = size
        assert N == 1 + H * W

        # Extract CLS token and image tokens.
        cls_token, img_tokens = x[:, :1], x[:, 1:]                                       # Shape: [B, 1, C], [B, H*W, C].
        # Depthwise convolution.
        feat = img_tokens.transpose(1, 2).view(B, C, H, W)
        x = self.proj(feat) + feat     # self.proj(feat) 卷积位置编码
        x = x.flatten(2).transpose(1, 2)

        # Combine with CLS token.
        x = torch.cat((cls_token, x), dim=1)

        return x

二、Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Transformers

  1. CoaT Serial Block:
    (CoaT)Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers_第3张图片
  2. CoaT Parallel Block:
    (CoaT)Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers_第4张图片



  1. encoder:每个stage通过通过patch_embed和后面的reshape来降低特征图的HW,每个stage有一个单独初始化的cls_token,tokens在传入SerialBlocks前cat上cls_token,传入后分离,再传入下一个stage进行迭代
  2. decoder:将encoder里每个stage中传入SerialBlocks后还未分离cls_token的tokens及其特征图的HW共同传入ParallelBlocks,最终可以返回多尺度的特征图或者经过cat和aggregate的最终的cls_token
def forward_features(self, x0):
    B = x0.shape[0]

    # Serial blocks 1.
    x1, (H1, W1) = self.patch_embed1(x0)      # 通过patch_embed(卷积加flatten)和后面的reshape回三维来进行降低HW
    x1 = self.insert_cls(x1, self.cls_token1) # 每个stage有一个单独初始化的cls_token
    for blk in self.serial_blocks1:
        x1 = blk(x1, size=(H1, W1))           # SerialBlocks (pos-enc、atten、mlp)
    x1_nocls = self.remove_cls(x1)            # 去掉cls_token,以便于传入下一个stage
    x1_nocls = x1_nocls.reshape(B, H1, W1, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() # reshape回三维,传入下一个stage
    # Serial blocks 2.
    x2, (H2, W2) = self.patch_embed2(x1_nocls)
    x2 = self.insert_cls(x2, self.cls_token2)
    for blk in self.serial_blocks2:
        x2 = blk(x2, size=(H2, W2))
    x2_nocls = self.remove_cls(x2)
    x2_nocls = x2_nocls.reshape(B, H2, W2, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()

    # Serial blocks 3.
    x3, (H3, W3) = self.patch_embed3(x2_nocls)
    x3 = self.insert_cls(x3, self.cls_token3)
    for blk in self.serial_blocks3:
        x3 = blk(x3, size=(H3, W3))
    x3_nocls = self.remove_cls(x3)
    x3_nocls = x3_nocls.reshape(B, H3, W3, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()

    # Serial blocks 4.
    x4, (H4, W4) = self.patch_embed4(x3_nocls)
    x4 = self.insert_cls(x4, self.cls_token4)
    for blk in self.serial_blocks4:
        x4 = blk(x4, size=(H4, W4))
    x4_nocls = self.remove_cls(x4)
    x4_nocls = x4_nocls.reshape(B, H4, W4, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()

    # Only serial blocks: Early return.
    if self.parallel_depth == 0:
        if self.return_interm_layers:   # Return intermediate features for down-stream tasks (e.g. Deformable DETR and Detectron2).
            feat_out = {}   
            if 'x1_nocls' in self.out_features:
                feat_out['x1_nocls'] = x1_nocls
            if 'x2_nocls' in self.out_features:
                feat_out['x2_nocls'] = x2_nocls
            if 'x3_nocls' in self.out_features:
                feat_out['x3_nocls'] = x3_nocls
            if 'x4_nocls' in self.out_features:
                feat_out['x4_nocls'] = x4_nocls
            return feat_out
        else:                           # Return features for classification.
            x4 = self.norm4(x4)
            x4_cls = x4[:, 0]
            return x4_cls

    # Parallel blocks.
    for blk in self.parallel_blocks:
        x1, x2, x3, x4 = blk(x1, x2, x3, x4, sizes=[(H1, W1), (H2, W2), (H3, W3), (H4, W4)]) # 传入的是不同stage的cat了cls_token的经过了SerialBlocks的多尺度特征图

    if self.return_interm_layers:       # Return intermediate features for down-stream tasks (e.g. Deformable DETR and Detectron2).
        feat_out = {}                   # 返回特征图,做其他任务
        if 'x1_nocls' in self.out_features:
            x1_nocls = self.remove_cls(x1)
            x1_nocls = x1_nocls.reshape(B, H1, W1, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
            feat_out['x1_nocls'] = x1_nocls
        if 'x2_nocls' in self.out_features:
            x2_nocls = self.remove_cls(x2)
            x2_nocls = x2_nocls.reshape(B, H2, W2, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
            feat_out['x2_nocls'] = x2_nocls
        if 'x3_nocls' in self.out_features:
            x3_nocls = self.remove_cls(x3)
            x3_nocls = x3_nocls.reshape(B, H3, W3, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
            feat_out['x3_nocls'] = x3_nocls
        if 'x4_nocls' in self.out_features:
            x4_nocls = self.remove_cls(x4)
            x4_nocls = x4_nocls.reshape(B, H4, W4, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
            feat_out['x4_nocls'] = x4_nocls
        return feat_out
    else:                               # 做分类
        x2 = self.norm2(x2)
        x3 = self.norm3(x3)
        x4 = self.norm4(x4)
        x2_cls = x2[:, :1]              # Shape: [B, 1, C].
        x3_cls = x3[:, :1]
        x4_cls = x4[:, :1]
        merged_cls = torch.cat((x2_cls, x3_cls, x4_cls), dim=1)       # Shape: [B, 3, C].
        merged_cls = self.aggregate(merged_cls).squeeze(dim=1)        # Shape: [B, C].  # torch.nn.Conv1d
        return merged_cls

SerialBlock:Convolution Position Encoding、Convolutional Relative Position Encoding、Factorized Attention、MLP

class SerialBlock(nn.Module):
    """ Serial block class.
        Note: In this implementation, each serial block only contains a conv-attention and a FFN (MLP) module. """
    def __init__(self, dim, num_heads, mlp_ratio=4., qkv_bias=False, qk_scale=None, drop=0., attn_drop=0.,
                 drop_path=0., act_layer=nn.GELU, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
                 shared_cpe=None, shared_crpe=None):

        # Conv-Attention.
        self.cpe = shared_cpe

        self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim)
        self.factoratt_crpe = FactorAtt_ConvRelPosEnc(
            dim, num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop, 
        self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0. else nn.Identity()

        # MLP.
        self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim)
        mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
        self.mlp = Mlp(in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop)

    def forward(self, x, size):
        # Conv-Attention.
        x = self.cpe(x, size)                  # Apply convolutional position encoding.
        cur = self.norm1(x)
        cur = self.factoratt_crpe(cur, size)   # Apply factorized attention and convolutional relative position encoding.
        x = x + self.drop_path(cur) 

        # MLP. 
        cur = self.norm2(x)
        cur = self.mlp(cur)
        x = x + self.drop_path(cur)

        return x

ParallelBlock:除第一个stage的特征图外,对每个stage的特征图运用Convolution Position Encoding、Convolutional Relative Position Encoding和Factorized Attention,然后将每个stage的输出加上另外两个stage经过上/下采样后的输出,再经过一层mlp,得到最终多尺度的输出(第一个stage的特征图不做处理直接输出)。

class ParallelBlock(nn.Module):
    """ Parallel block class. """
    def __init__(self, dims, num_heads, mlp_ratios=[], qkv_bias=False, qk_scale=None, drop=0., attn_drop=0.,
                 drop_path=0., act_layer=nn.GELU, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm,
                 shared_cpes=None, shared_crpes=None):

        # Conv-Attention.
        self.cpes = shared_cpes

        self.norm12 = norm_layer(dims[1])
        self.norm13 = norm_layer(dims[2])
        self.norm14 = norm_layer(dims[3])
        self.factoratt_crpe2 = FactorAtt_ConvRelPosEnc(
            dims[1], num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop, 
        self.factoratt_crpe3 = FactorAtt_ConvRelPosEnc(
            dims[2], num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop, 
        self.factoratt_crpe4 = FactorAtt_ConvRelPosEnc(
            dims[3], num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop, 
        self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0. else nn.Identity()

        # MLP.
        self.norm22 = norm_layer(dims[1])
        self.norm23 = norm_layer(dims[2])
        self.norm24 = norm_layer(dims[3])
        assert dims[1] == dims[2] == dims[3]                              # In parallel block, we assume dimensions are the same and share the linear transformation.
        assert mlp_ratios[1] == mlp_ratios[2] == mlp_ratios[3]
        mlp_hidden_dim = int(dims[1] * mlp_ratios[1])
        self.mlp2 = self.mlp3 = self.mlp4 = Mlp(in_features=dims[1], hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop)

    def upsample(self, x, output_size, size):
        """ Feature map up-sampling. """
        return self.interpolate(x, output_size=output_size, size=size)

    def downsample(self, x, output_size, size):
        """ Feature map down-sampling. """
        return self.interpolate(x, output_size=output_size, size=size)

    def interpolate(self, x, output_size, size):
        """ Feature map interpolation. """
        B, N, C = x.shape
        H, W = size
        assert N == 1 + H * W

        cls_token  = x[:, :1, :]
        img_tokens = x[:, 1:, :]
        img_tokens = img_tokens.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, C, H, W)
        img_tokens = F.interpolate(img_tokens, size=output_size, mode='bilinear')  # FIXME: May have alignment issue.
        img_tokens = img_tokens.reshape(B, C, -1).transpose(1, 2)
        out = torch.cat((cls_token, img_tokens), dim=1)

        return out

    def forward(self, x1, x2, x3, x4, sizes):
        _, (H2, W2), (H3, W3), (H4, W4) = sizes
        # Conv-Attention.
        x2 = self.cpes[1](x2, size=(H2, W2))  # Note: x1 is ignored.
        x3 = self.cpes[2](x3, size=(H3, W3))
        x4 = self.cpes[3](x4, size=(H4, W4))
        cur2 = self.norm12(x2)
        cur3 = self.norm13(x3)
        cur4 = self.norm14(x4)
        cur2 = self.factoratt_crpe2(cur2, size=(H2,W2))
        cur3 = self.factoratt_crpe3(cur3, size=(H3,W3))
        cur4 = self.factoratt_crpe4(cur4, size=(H4,W4))
        upsample3_2 = self.upsample(cur3, output_size=(H2,W2), size=(H3,W3))
        upsample4_3 = self.upsample(cur4, output_size=(H3,W3), size=(H4,W4))
        upsample4_2 = self.upsample(cur4, output_size=(H2,W2), size=(H4,W4))
        downsample2_3 = self.downsample(cur2, output_size=(H3,W3), size=(H2,W2))
        downsample3_4 = self.downsample(cur3, output_size=(H4,W4), size=(H3,W3))
        downsample2_4 = self.downsample(cur2, output_size=(H4,W4), size=(H2,W2))
        cur2 = cur2  + upsample3_2   + upsample4_2
        cur3 = cur3  + upsample4_3   + downsample2_3
        cur4 = cur4  + downsample3_4 + downsample2_4
        x2 = x2 + self.drop_path(cur2) 
        x3 = x3 + self.drop_path(cur3) 
        x4 = x4 + self.drop_path(cur4) 

        # MLP. 
        cur2 = self.norm22(x2)
        cur3 = self.norm23(x3)
        cur4 = self.norm24(x4)
        cur2 = self.mlp2(cur2)
        cur3 = self.mlp3(cur3)
        cur4 = self.mlp4(cur4)
        x2 = x2 + self.drop_path(cur2)
        x3 = x3 + self.drop_path(cur3)
        x4 = x4 + self.drop_path(cur4) 

        return x1, x2, x3, x4
