OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码

转自:OpenCV4.5.1新增微信QRCode解码功能使用步骤与测评 附源码和效果视频_Color Space的博客-CSDN博客



OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第1张图片




    (1) 编译是勾选BUILD_opencv_wechat_qrcode选项(默认勾选)

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第2张图片

    (2) 勾选BUILD_opencv_world 这样只生成一个dll方便使用

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第3张图片

    (3) 先Configure,后Generate,直至不报错(警告可忽略)

    (4) 打开OpenCV.Sln,先生成ALLBuild,再仅用于项目生成Install,生成成功(无错误,无失败)会得到如下文件:

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第4张图片

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第5张图片


OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第6张图片


OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第7张图片



#include "pch.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
  Ptr detector;
  string detect_prototxt = "./model/detect.prototxt";
  string detect_caffe_model = "./model/detect.caffemodel";
  string sr_prototxt = "./model/sr.prototxt";
  string sr_caffe_model = "./model/sr.caffemodel";
  Mat img = imread("./QR/T33/result.bmp");
    detector = makePtr(detect_prototxt, detect_caffe_model,
                                                  sr_prototxt, sr_caffe_model);
  catch (const std::exception& e) 
    cout <<
      "Failed to initialize WeChatQRCode.\n"
      "Please, download 'detector.*' and 'sr.*' from\n"
      "and put them into the current directory.\n"
    cout << e.what() << endl;
    return 0;
  vector vPoints;
  vector strDecoded;
  strDecoded = detector->detectAndDecode(img, vPoints);
  for (int i = 0; i < strDecoded.size(); i++)
    cout << "decode-" << i+1 << ": " << strDecoded[i] << endl;
    Point pt1 = Point((int)vPoints[i].at(0, 0), (int)vPoints[i].at(0, 1));
    Point pt2 = Point((int)vPoints[i].at(1, 0), (int)vPoints[i].at(1, 1));
    Point pt3 = Point((int)vPoints[i].at(2, 0), (int)vPoints[i].at(2, 1));
    Point pt4 = Point((int)vPoints[i].at(3, 0), (int)vPoints[i].at(3, 1));
    line(img, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    line(img, pt2, pt3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    line(img, pt3, pt4, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    line(img, pt4, pt1, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    putText(img, strDecoded[i], pt1, 0, 0.5, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);
  imshow("wechat_qrcode", img);
  imwrite("result.png", img);

    核心函数strDecoded = detector->detectAndDecode(img, vPoints);可以得到QRCode位置和解码内容,使用到的模型下载地址如下:

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第8张图片


OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第9张图片

OpenCV 微信QRCode二维码_第10张图片
