
1. 数据集

  1. 数据集地址:Credit Card Fraud Detection
  2. 数据集整体浏览:
  • 284807个样本,30个特征,1个分类标签Class
  • Class为0的是多数类,一共有284315个样本。
  • Class为1的是少数类,一共有492个样本,可见数据集是不平衡的。

2. 对Adaboost的代码进行修改,构造代价调整函数,并对数据集进行分类

  1. 代码结构:
  2. adacost.py
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import  AdaBoostClassifier
from scipy.special import xlogy

class AdaCostClassfier(AdaBoostClassifier):
    def _boost_real(self, iboost, X, y, sample_weight, random_state):
        estimator = self._make_estimator(random_state=random_state)
        estimator.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)

        y_predict_proba = estimator.predict_proba(X)

        if iboost == 0:
            self.classes_ = getattr(estimator, 'classes_', None) # 获取estimator的classes_属性值
            self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)

        y_predict = self.classes_.take(np.argmax(y_predict_proba, axis=1), axis=0)

        # 分类不正确的实例
        incorrect = y_predict != y

        # 误差分数
        estimator_error = np.mean(np.average(incorrect, weights=sample_weight, axis=0))

        # 如果分类器完美,那么就停止
        if estimator_error <= 0:
            return sample_weight, 1.0, 0.0

        n_classes = self.n_classes_
        classes = self.classes_
        y_codes = np.array([-1.0 / (n_classes - 1), 1.0])
        y_coding = y_codes.take(classes == y[:, np.newaxis])

        proba = y_predict_proba  # 别名
        np.clip(proba, np.finfo(proba.dtype).eps, None, out=proba)

        estimator_weight = (
            * self.learning_rate
            * ((n_classes - 1.0) / n_classes)
            * xlogy(y_coding, y_predict_proba).sum(axis=1)

        # 在此处更新,增加代价敏感系数
        if not iboost == self.n_estimators - 1:
            # Only boost positive weights
            sample_weight *= np.exp(
                estimator_weight * ((sample_weight > 0) | (estimator_weight < 0)) * self._beta(y, y_predict)

        return sample_weight, 1.0, estimator_error

    def _beta(self, y, y_hat):
        res = []
        for i in zip(y, y_hat):
            if i[0] == i[1]:
                res.append(1) # 正确分类,系数保持不变
            elif i[0] == 1 and i[1] == -1:
                res.append(1.25) # 将正类(好人)判断为负类(坏人)代价更大,系数增大
            elif i[0] == -1 and i[1] == 1:
                res.append(1) # 将负类(坏人)判断为正类(好人)代价不变,系数保持不变
                print(i[0], i[1])

        return np.array(res)

  1. AdaCost用于信用卡欺诈分类预测(与Adaboost对比).py
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, precision_score, f1_score
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
from adacost import AdaCostClassfier

def load_creditcard_data():
    df = pd.read_csv('C:\\work-file\\pythonProject\\Demo练习\\Datasets\\creditcard.csv')
    df.loc[df.Class == 1, 'Class'] = -1 # 少数类
    df.loc[df.Class == 0, 'Class'] = 1 # 多数类
    print(df.shape) # 总样本数
    print(df.Class.value_counts()) # 正例、负例的数量
    return df.drop('Class', axis=1), df['Class'] # 返回X、y

def clf_compare(clfs):
    for clf in clfs:
        y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
        print(recall_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label=-1),
              precision_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label=-1),
              f1_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label=-1), '\n') # 更关注-1的少数类

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X, y = load_creditcard_data()
    # 划分数据集
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
    print(pd.Series(y_test).value_counts()) # 测试集中正例、负例的个数统计

    ada_clf = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100)
    ada_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

    adacost_clf = AdaCostClassfier(n_estimators=100)
    adacost_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

    clf_compare([ada_clf, adacost_clf])

3. 结果分析

3.1 评价指标

  1. 查全率 R 又称之为召回率,是少数类样本被模型成功预测到的几率,体现了
    机器学习模型对少数类的预测能力。查全率的取值区间为[0, 1],查全率越大,说
  2. 查准率 P 又称之为精确率,定义为被模型预测为少数类样本之中真实的少
    值区间为[0, 1],精确率越大,说明被模型预测为少数类样本的可信度越高。
  3. F1 值被定义为查准率和查全率的调和均值,综合考虑两个指标的作用。

3.2 结果


4. 参考

  1. 减少信用卡欺诈识别误杀:实现基于代价敏感的AdaCost算法
  2. machine-learning - f1_score 中的 pos_label 到底是什么意思?
  3. 代价敏感学习
