
数据分析员工作总结范文(2篇) - 百度文库

[1] YANG B, et al. Towards kmeansfriendly spaces: Simultaneous deep learning and clustering[C]/ICML. 2017: 3861-3870. 

[2] TIAN K, et al. Deepcluster: A general clustering framework based on deep learming[C]/ECML/PKDD. 2017: 809-825. 

[3] ALQAHTANI A, et al. A deep convolutional autoencoder with embedded clustering[C]/ICIP. 2018: 4058-4062.

[4]MA Q, et al. Learming representations for time series clustering[C]/NeurIPS. 2019: 3776-3786.

[5] CARON M, et al. Deep clustering for unsupervised learing of visual features[C]/ECCV. 2018: 139-156.


[1] YANG X, et al. Deep spectral clustering using dual autoencoder network[C]/CVPR. 2019:4066-4075.

[2] SHAHAM U, et al. Spectralnet: Spectral clustering using deep neural networks[C]/ICLR. 2018.

[3] HUANG S, et al. Multi-spectralnet: Spectral clustering using deep neural network for multiview data[J]. IEEE Transactio on Computational Social Systems, 2019, 6:749-760.

[4] YANG L, et al. Deep clustering by gaussian mixture variational autoencoders with graph embedding[C]/ICCV. 2019:643 


[1] JIANG Z, et al. Variational deep embedding: An unsupervised and generative approach to clustering[C]/IJCAI 2017:1965-1972. [2] WILLETTS M, et al. Disentangling to cluster: Gaussian mixture variational ladder autoencoders[]. ArXiv, 2019.

[3] YIN M, et al. Shared gencrative latent representation learning for multi-view clustering[C]/IJCAI. 2020: 6688-6695.


[1] YANG B, et al. Towards kmeans-friendly spaces: Simultaneous deep learning and clustering[C]/ICML.2017: 3861-3870.

[2] MA Q, et al. Learning representations for time series clustering[C]/NeuIPS. 2019: 3776-3786.

[3] YANG X, et al. Deep spectral clustering using dual autoencoder network[C]/CVPR.2019:4066-4075.

[4] ZHANG J, et al. Self-supervised convolutional subspace clustering network[C]/CVPR. 2019: 5468-5477.

[5] Л P, et al. Deep subspace clustering networks[C]/NIPS. 2017: 24-33.

[б] ZHOU P, et al. Deep adversarial subspace clustering[C]/CVPR. 2018: 1596-1604.

[7]ZHOU L, et al. Latent distribution preserving deep subspace clustering[C/]/IJCAI. 2019: 4440-4446.

[8] ZHANG T, et al. Neural collaborative subspace clustering[C]/ICML. 2019: 7384-7393.

[9] GUO X, et al. Improved deep embedded clustering with local structure preservation[C]//IJCAI. 2017: 1753-1759.

[10] DIZAJI K G, et al. Deep clustering via joint convolutional autoencoder embedding and relative entropy minimization[C]/ICCV. 2017
