

by Mariya Yao

姚iya(Mariya Yao)

区块链和人工智能正在彻底改变这10个行业 (Blockchain and AI are revolutionizing these 10 industries)

This piece was written & edited in collaboration with TOPBOTS writer Karin Flieswasser.

这篇文章是与TOPBOTS作家Karin Flieswasser合作编写和编辑的。

Organizations are increasingly looking to adopt blockchain technologies for alternative data storage. And with heaps of data distributed across blockchain ledgers, the need for data analytics with AI is growing.

组织越来越多地希望采用区块链技术来替代数据存储 。 随着跨区块链分类账分布的大量数据,对AI进行数据分析的需求正在增长。

The combination of AI and blockchain is fueling the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by reinventing economics and information exchange.

AI和区块链的结合通过重新发明经济和信息交换,助长了第四次工业革命的爆发 。

From healthcare to government, the potent combination of both AI and blockchain is slowly but surely transforming industries. Here are 10 industries where these two technologies could be applied to great effect.

从医疗保健到政府,人工智能和区块链的强大结合正在缓慢但必将改变行业。 在这10个行业中,可以应用这两种技术取得显著成效。

1.精密医学 (1. Precision Medicine)

Google DeepMind is developing an auditing system for healthcare data. Blockchain will enable the system to remain secure and shareable, while AI will allow medical staff to obtain analytics on medical predictions drawn from patient profiles.

Google DeepMind正在开发用于医疗保健数据的审核系统 。 区块链将使系统保持安全性和可共享性 ,而人工智能将使医务人员能够获取从患者资料中得出的医学预测分析。

The project’s aim is to facilitate information exchange for patient benefit. But it could also derive game-changing insights for medical staff to use.

该项目的目的是促进信息交流以使患者受益。 但这也可以为医务人员提供改变游戏规则的见解。

With an error rate of <2%, AI can generate valuable and reliable insights in data oceans made available by healthcare institutions.


DeepMind’s blockchain technology has already been tested on NHS data, and its AI applications are being deployed to spot warning signs of degenerative eye conditions for Moorfields Eye Hospital.

DeepMind的区块链技术已经在NHS数据上进行了测试 ,其AI应用程序正在部署中,以为Moorfields眼科医院发现退化性眼疾的警告信号。

2.智能能源,智能建筑 (2. Smart Energy, Smart Buildings)

Green-friendly AI and blockchain help reduce energy waste and optimize energy trade.


For example, an AI system governing a building can oversee energy use by counting in factors like the presence and number of residents, seasons, and even traffic information.


To supply the energy, distributed blockchain technology is implemented for transparent and cost-effective transactions between producers and consumers, while machine learning algorithms can even hone in on transactions to estimate pricing.


Blockchain combined with AI significantly expedites real estate related transaction processes which can otherwise go through too many channels before a contract is approved.


3.没有更多的血钻 (3. No More Blood Diamonds)

IBM Watson is experimenting with the combined strengths of AI and blockchain. Their research team is developing Everledger with blockchain technology to tackle fraud in the diamond industry.

IBM Watson正在试验AI和区块链的综合优势。 他们的研究团队正在利用区块链技术开发Everledger ,以解决钻石行业的欺诈行为。

They are merging this with cognitive analytics that heavily “cross-check” regulations, records, supply-chain, and IoT data in the blockchain environment.


Combined with a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), an AI-infused blockchain can even become fully self-governing, capable of adapting on the fly to changes in the environment.


4.公共科学 (4. Public Science)

The file-drawer problem in academia happens when researchers don’t publish “non-result” experiments. Duplicate experiments and a lack of knowledge follow, trampling scientific discourse.

当研究人员不发表“非结果”实验时,就会发生学术界的文件抽屉问题 。 随后重复的实验和知识的缺乏,践踏了科学的话语。

To resolve this, experimental data can be stored in a publicly accessible blockchain. It also seems to us that adding data analytics could help identifying elements, like how many times the same experiment has happened or what the probable outcome of a certain experiment is.

为了解决这个问题,可以将实验数据存储在可公开访问的区块链中。 在我们看来,添加数据分析可以帮助识别元素,例如同一实验发生了多少次或某个实验的可能结果是什么。

Hossein Kakavand, CEO of Luther Systems, forecasts that AI will also play a bigger role in public science once “smart contracts” transacted by blockchain technology require smarter “nodes” that function in a semi-autonomous way.

路德系统(Luther Systems)首席执行官Hossein Kakavand 预测 ,一旦通过区块链技术进行交易的“智能合约”需要以半自治方式运行的更智能“节点”,人工智能在公共科学中也将发挥更大的作用。

Smart contracts simulate contractual agreements and can have wide-ranging applications, also in public science, when academics embrace the blockchain for knowledge transfer.

当学者采用区块链进行知识转移时, 智能合约可以模拟合同协议,并且可以在公共科学中具有广泛的应用。

5.网络安全2.0 (5. Cyber Security 2.0)

When AI and blockchain are put together, they provide a double shield against cyberattacks.


Machine learning algorithms can be trained to automate real-time threat detection and to continuously learn about the behavior of attackers, thereby thickening the malware detection armor.


Meanwhile, decentralized blockchains dismantle the inherent vulnerability of centralized databases, requiring cyber attackers to challenge not one but several entrance gates.


Another area where AI and blockchain shine together is large data breaches. It is extremely difficult to identify which data may have been poisoned or modified by the attacker. Using blockchain with AI against data vaults allows someone to determine when the breach occurred.

AI和区块链共同发挥作用的另一个领域是大数据泄露 。 要确定哪些数据可能已经被攻击者中毒或修改是极其困难的。 将AI与数据仓库结合使用区块链可以使某人确定何时发生泄露。

6.数字版权 (6. Digital Rights)

Digitalization has introduced complicated digital rights to the Intellectual Property management spectrum. But when clever AI learns the rules of the game, it can identify actors who break international copyright law.

数字化已将复杂的数字版权引入了知识产权管理领域。 但是,当聪明的AI学习游戏规则时,它就能识别出违反国际版权法的演员。

As for IP contract management, blockchain technology enables immediate payment methods to artists and authors. Artist Imogen Heap recently suggested the blockchain could help musicians simplify creative collaboration and make money again.

对于IP合同管理,区块链技术支持向艺术家和作者立即付款。 艺术家Imogen Heap 最近建议区块链可以帮助音乐家简化创意合作并再次赚钱。

Companies like Verizon and Ujo Music count on blockchain to audit licenses and distribute products, with Ujo Music making use of the Ethereum blockchain platform for song distribution.

Verizon和Ujo Music等公司依靠区块链来审核许可证和分发产品,Ujo Music利用以太坊区块链平台进行歌曲分发。

7.计算金融 (7. Computational Finance)

Smart contracts could also take center stage where transparent information is crucial for trust in financial services. Financial transactions may no longer rely on a human “clearing agent.” Instead, they’d become automatized, performing better and faster.

智能合约也可能占据中心位置,透明信息对于信任金融服务至关重要。 金融交易可能不再依赖人类的“清算代理人”。 取而代之的是,它们将变得自动化,并表现得更快更好。

But since confidence in transactions remains dependent on people, AI can step in to monitor human emotions and predict the most optimal trading environment. Thus, algorithmic trading can be powered by algorithms that trade based on investment patterns correlated with emotions.

但是由于对交易的信心仍然取决于人,因此AI可以介入以监控人类的情绪并预测最佳的交易环境。 因此, 算法交易可以通过交易基于与情绪相关的投资模式算法来供电。

8. BaaS软件 (8. BaaS Software)

Microsoft, the mother of computer software, is aiming to provide the best BaaS — Blockchain-as-a-Service — platform in the cloud.


Microsoft is integrating BaaS modules in Azure, a cloud-computing platform, that users can create test environments for. Blockchains are cheaper to create and test, and in Azure they come with reusable templates and artifacts.

微软正在将BaaS模块集成到云计算平台Azure中,用户可以为其创建测试环境 。 区块链的创建和测试成本更低,在Azure中,它们带有可重用的模板和工件。

The BaaS modules are not coded by Microsoft, but are based on the public Ethereum blockchain platform, which is endowed with a broad developer base that can feed well into Azure’s developer base. And unlike some blockchain platforms, Ethereum is interoperable with Azure.

BaaS模块不是由Microsoft编码的,而是基于公共的以太坊区块链平台,该平台具有广泛的开发人员基础,可以很好地融入Azure的开发人员基础。 与某些区块链平台不同,以太坊可与Azure互操作。

Competitors like IBM also offer BaaS products.


9.无人驾驶汽车 (9. Self-Driving Vehicles)

Although cars are becoming a data source on wheels — with autonomous driving, chatbots, and smart navigation — not everybody will be able to afford an AI-driven car right away.


With car leasing being the second-best option, blockchain technology can promise to simplify the leasing process by reducing the number of people involved, synthesizing all data, and providing an audit trail.

随着汽车租赁成为第二好的选择,区块链技术有望通过减少相关人员的数量,综合所有数据并提供审计追踪来简化租赁过程 。

10.电子政务 (10. E-Governance)

Although global organizations like NATO and the UN won’t vanish, blockchain technology and AI could both contribute to the development of direct democracy.


Blockchain and AI together can transfer big hordes of data globally, tracing e-voting procedures and displaying them publicly so that citizens can engage in real-time.


Democracy Earth Foundation, an organization aspiring to hack democracy, is jumping on the direct democracy bandwagon. It’s waved political intermediation goodbye as it advocates open-source software, peer-to-peer networks, and smart contracts.

一个渴望破解民主的组织民主地球基金会(Democracy Earth Foundation)正跳上直接的民主潮流。 它倡导开源软件,对等网络和智能合约,从而挥舞着政治中介的告别。

The organization also hopes to fight fake identities and reclaim individual accountability in the political sphere.


挑战依然存在 (Challenges Remain)

While blockchain and AI combined have enormous disruptive potential across industries, all emerging technologies face substantial challenges.


You can read more about the 6 major challenges facing widespread blockchain adoption and also the limitations of deep learning approaches in AI.

您可以了解有关广泛采用区块链的6大挑战以及AI 中深度学习方法的局限性的更多信息 。

This was originally published on TOPBOTS.com.

这最初发布在TOPBOTS.com上 。

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/blockchain-and-ai-are-revolutionizing-these-10-industries-92b07fd12bcd/

