svm python实现手写字_Python opencv实现的手写字符串识别(SVM 神经网络 K近邻 Boosting......





SVM,knn,nn,boosting, RTrees的代码都是opencv python里现成的。直接调就好。



[numpy.float32(struct.unpack('B', item)[0])/numpy.float32(255) for item in byte]


Boosting在train 60k个item时候出错。其他分类器都没问题。

SVM没有调参数,事实上如果调参数SVM在10k个train的时候error rate就能到5%以内。

from import *

import cv2

import os

import struct

import numpy

class_n = 10

number_of_training_set = 2000 #0 for all, 60,000 max

number_of_test_set = 0 #0 for all, 10,000 max

trainimagepath = r'.\data\train-images.idx3-ubyte'

trainlabelpath = r'.\data\train-labels.idx1-ubyte'

testimagepath = r'.\data\t10k-images.idx3-ubyte'

testlabelpath = r'.\data\t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte'

def evalfun(method, y_val, test_labels, test_number_of_images):

count = 0

for item in range(test_number_of_images):

if y_val[item] == test_labels[item]:

count += 1

print method + ':' + str(float(count)/test_number_of_images)

def unroll_samples(samples):

sample_n, var_n = samples.shape

new_samples = numpy.zeros((sample_n * class_n, var_n+1), numpy.float32)

new_samples[:,:-1] = numpy.repeat(samples, class_n, axis=0)

new_samples[:,-1] = numpy.tile(numpy.arange(class_n), sample_n)

return new_samples

def unroll_responses(responses):

sample_n = len(responses)

new_responses = numpy.zeros(sample_n*class_n, numpy.int32)

resp_idx = numpy.int32( responses + numpy.arange(sample_n)*class_n )

new_responses[resp_idx] = 1

return new_responses

def readImage(filepath, re_size, number_of_images_set):

f = open(filepath, 'rb')

byte =

magic_number = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

byte =

number_of_images = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

if number_of_images_set != 0:

number_of_images = number_of_images_set

#number_of_images = 30000

byte =

number_of_rows = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

byte =

number_of_cols = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

images_readed_count = 0

images = numpy.array([], dtype = numpy.float32)

while images_readed_count < number_of_images:

##        print 'starting read image' + str(images_readed_count) + \

##              ' of ' + str(number_of_images)

byte = * number_of_cols)

pixels = [numpy.float32(struct.unpack('B', item)[0])/numpy.float32(255) for item in byte]

pixels = numpy.resize(pixels, (number_of_rows, number_of_cols))

left = number_of_cols

right = 0

top = number_of_rows

bottom = 0

for i in range(number_of_rows):

for j in range(number_of_cols):

if pixels[i, j] > 0:

if j < left:

left = j

if j > right:

right = j

if i < top:

top = i

if i > bottom:

bottom = i

if (bottom-top) > (right-left):

length = bottom - top


length = right - left

midx = float(right + left)/2; midy = float(bottom + top)/2

left = int(midx - float(length)/2)

right = int(midx + float(length)/2) + 1

top = int(midy - float(length)/2)

bottom = int(midy + float(length)/2) + 1

left = left if left > 0 else 0

right = right if right < number_of_cols else number_of_cols

top = top if top > 0 else 0

bottom = bottom if bottom < number_of_rows else number_of_rows

pixels = pixels[left:right, top:bottom]

##        print str(int(midx - float(length)/2)) + ':' + \

##              str(int(midx + float(length)/2)) + ',' + \

##              str(int(midy - float(length)/2)) + ':' + \

##              str(int(midy + float(length)/2))

pixels = numpy.resize(cv2.resize(pixels, re_size), (1, re_size[0]*re_size[1]))

if images.size == 0:

images = numpy.array(pixels, dtype = numpy.float32)


images = numpy.append(images, pixels, axis = 0)

images_readed_count += 1


return number_of_images, images

def readLabel(filepath, number_of_images_set):

f = open(filepath, 'rb')

byte =

magic_number = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

byte =

number_of_images = struct.unpack('>i',byte)[0]

if number_of_images_set != 0:

number_of_images = number_of_images_set

#number_of_images = 10000

images_readed_count = 0

labels = numpy.array([], dtype = numpy.float32)

while images_readed_count < number_of_images:

byte =

labels = numpy.append(labels, numpy.float32(struct.unpack('B', byte)[0]))

images_readed_count += 1


return number_of_images, labels

to_size = (8,8)

number_of_training_set = 2000

train_number_of_images, train_images = readImage(trainimagepath, to_size, number_of_training_set)

train_number_of_images, train_labels = readLabel(trainlabelpath, number_of_training_set)

##train_images = train_images * 255

##train_images = cv2.normalize(train_images)

number_of_test_set = 0

test_number_of_images, test_images = readImage(testimagepath, to_size, number_of_test_set)

test_number_of_images, test_labels = readLabel(testlabelpath, number_of_test_set)

print 'loaded images and labels.'


modelnn = cv2.ANN_MLP()

sample_n, var_n = train_images.shape

new_train_labels = unroll_responses(train_labels).reshape(-1, class_n)

layer_sizes = numpy.int32([var_n, 100, class_n])


params = dict( term_crit = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 300, 0.01),


bp_dw_scale = 0.001,

bp_moment_scale = 0.0 )

modelnn.train(train_images, numpy.float32(new_train_labels), None, params = params)

ret, resp = modelnn.predict(test_images)

y_val_nn = resp.argmax(-1)

evalfun('nn', y_val_nn, test_labels, test_number_of_images)


modelknn = cv2.KNearest()


y_val_knn= modelknn.find_nearest(test_images, k = 3)

count_knn = 0

for item in range(test_number_of_images):

if y_val_knn[1][item][0] == test_labels[item]:

count_knn += 1

print 'knn:'+str(float(count_knn)/test_number_of_images)


modelsvm = cv2.SVM()

modelsvm.train(train_images, train_labels)#, params = params

y_val_svm = [modelsvm.predict(test_image) for test_image in test_images]

evalfun('svm', y_val_svm, test_labels, test_number_of_images)


modelRTtree = cv2.RTrees()

sample_n, var_n = train_images.shape

var_types = numpy.array([cv2.CV_VAR_NUMERICAL] * var_n + [cv2.CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL], numpy.uint8)

params = dict(max_depth=10)

modelRTtree.train(train_images, cv2.CV_ROW_SAMPLE, train_labels, varType = var_types, params = params)

y_val_RTtree = numpy.float32( [modelRTtree.predict(s) for s in test_images] )

evalfun('RTtree', y_val_RTtree, test_labels, test_number_of_images)


modelBoost = cv2.Boost()

sample_n, var_n = train_images.shape

new_train_images = unroll_samples(train_images)

new_train_labels = unroll_responses(train_labels)

var_types = numpy.array([cv2.CV_VAR_NUMERICAL] * var_n + [cv2.CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL, cv2.CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL], numpy.uint8)

params = dict(max_depth=5) #, use_surrogates=False)

modelBoost.train(new_train_images, cv2.CV_ROW_SAMPLE, new_train_labels, varType = var_types, params=params)

new_test_images = unroll_samples(test_images)

y_val_Boost = numpy.array( [modelBoost.predict(s, returnSum = True) for s in new_test_images] )

y_val_Boost = y_val_Boost.reshape(-1, class_n).argmax(1)

evalfun('Boost', y_val_Boost, test_labels, test_number_of_images)

##[self.model.predict(s) for s in samples]

## params = dict( kernel_type = cv2.SVM_LINEAR,

##                       svm_type = cv2.SVM_C_SVC,

##                       C = 1 )


##samples = numpy.array(numpy.random.random((4,2)), dtype = numpy.float32)

##y_train = numpy.array([1.,0.,0.,1.], dtype = numpy.float32)


##clf = SVM()

##clf.train(samples, y_train)

##y_val = clf.predict(samples)
