ViLT: Vision-and-Language Transformer Without Convolution or Region Supervision

ViLT: Vision-and-Language Transformer Without Convolution or Region Supervision

Tags: Transformer, VLP, multimodal
发表日期: 2021
星级 : ★★★★★
模型简写: ViLT
简介: 使用统一tranformer架构的Vision-and-Lanuage多模态模型
精读: Yes

1. Abstract

当前VLP模型严重依赖于图像的特征抽取过程,而大多数的图像特征抽取往往包含region supervision (object detection)和convolution architecture (ResNet),这往往导致两个严重的问题:

  1. efficiency/speed: 特征抽取过程往往需要比多模态融合过程更大很多的计算资源
  2. expressive power: 图像特征提取器和预定义的视觉数据集绝对了模型的表达能力上限

本文中提出一种minimal VLP model (lightweight and fast embedding of visual inputs),完全移除region supervision和convolution过程,使得图像特征抽取过程大大缩短。

This paper

Keyword: VLP, multimodal

2. Introduction

术语:Vision-and-Language Pre-training (VLP)

The transformer module — used for modality interaction in VLP models — can also manage to process visual features in place of convolutional visual embedder, just as it process textual features.

Transformer module作用:1. modality interaction, 2. process textual features, 3. process visual features.

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This paper proposes the Vision-and-Language Transformer (ViLT) that handles two modalities in a single unified manner. It mainly differs form previous VLP models in its shallow, convolution-free embedding of pixel-level inputs.


  1. ViLT是在论文提出时最轻量化的VLP模型,用transformer模块替代separate deep visual embedder,以用来抽取视觉特征,极大的节省了运行时间和参数效率。
  2. 第一个VLP模型,不使用region feature和deep convolutional visual embedder。
  3. Whole word masking和image augmentation可在VLP模型中用于提升下游任务性能。

Taxonomy of Vision-and-Language Models

本文还对目前的 Vision-and-Language Model (VLP)做了简要的综述,首先对目前的模型做了分类 (依据两种模态的参数量和计算量,两种模态在网络中是如何融合的):

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(a) visual semantic embedding: 视觉语义嵌入embedder比文本模型大很多

(b) CLIP, use separate but equally expensive transformer embedders for each modality. Interaction between the pooled image vector and text vector is still shallow (dot product), [简单融合多模态的特征表示的模型性能差]

© 使用deep transformer模型去学习image和text模态的融合

(d) 本文提出的架构

Modality Interaction Schema


  1. single-stream approaches,例如UNITER,对图像和文本两种模态做拼接后再进行统一的操作
  2. dual-stream approaches,例如ViLBERT,LXMERT,对图像和文本先做单独的处理

本文采用single-stream approach,减少计算量。

Textual Embedding Schema

几乎所有的preformant VLP models share the same textual embedder: tokenizer from pre-trained BERT

Visual Embedding Schema

传统VLP模型:Region Feature / Grid Feature

本文所使用的方法(从ViT借鉴过来):Patch Projection: linear projection that operates on image patches

3. Method (Vision-and-Language Transformer)

A VLP model with a minimal visual embedding pipeline and following the single-stream approach.

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模型主干结构是ViT,使用imagenet上预训练的ViT-B/32参数进行初始化。Hidden size H为768,layer depth D为12,patch size p为32. MLP size 为3072,注意力头为12.

输入的每个图像和文本embedding包含word/image embedding、token position embedding、patch position embedding modal-type embedding。

图像和文本embedding和相对应的positon embedding,modal-type embedding相加后输入Transfomer Encoder.


  1. Image Text Matching (ITM los)


  1. Word Patch Alignment (来源于几何最优化理论,approximate wasserstein distance)
  2. Mask Language Modeling

受启发于BERT,以0.15的概率随机mask输入text tokens

This paper use a two-layer MLP MLM head that inputs a m a s k e d D ∣ t a_{masked}^D|t amaskedDt and output logits over vocabulary, just as the MLP objective of BERT. The MLM loss is then computed as the negative log likehood loss for the masked tokens


  1. Whole word masking
  2. Image Augmentation

RandAugment,但是不使用color inversion和cutout


  1. Scalability
  2. Masked Modeling for Visual Inputs
  3. Augmentation Strategies


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Wonjae Kim
