论文《Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks》阅读

论文《Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks》阅读

  • 论文概况
  • Introduction
  • Method
    • A.Interest Graph Construction
    • B. Interest-fusion Graph Convolutional Layer
    • C.Interest-extraction Graph Pooling Layer
    • D. Prediction Layer
  • 总结





  • 并不是会话中的每个项目都能体现用户的兴趣,会话中夹杂大量噪音.
  • 用户的喜好是迅速变化的,单从历史会话中很难捕获接下来的喜好变化

对于上述问题,作者提出SURGE网络(Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks):(1)从新角度解决顺序推荐,考虑隐信号行为和快速变化的偏好(2)通过物品-物品兴趣图,使用GNN网络将隐式信号转化为显式信号,设计动态池化来过滤和保留主要偏好以供推荐


论文《Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks》阅读_第1张图片

A.Interest Graph Construction

M i j = cos ⁡ ( w → ⊙ h ⃗ i , w → ⊙ h ⃗ j ) (1) M_{i j}=\cos \left(\overrightarrow{\mathbf{w}} \odot \vec{h}_{i}, \overrightarrow{\mathbf{w}} \odot \vec{h}_{j}\right)\tag{1} Mij=cos(w h i,w h j)(1)
M i j δ = cos ⁡ ( w → δ ⊙ h ⃗ i , w → δ ⊙ h ⃗ j ) , M i j = 1 δ ∑ δ = 1 ϕ M i j δ (2) M_{i j}^{\delta}=\cos \left(\overrightarrow{\mathbf{w}}_{\delta} \odot \vec{h}_{i}, \overrightarrow{\mathbf{w}}_{\delta} \odot \vec{h}_{j}\right), \quad M_{i j}=\frac{1}{\delta} \sum_{\delta=1}^{\phi} M_{i j}^{\delta}\tag{2} Mijδ=cos(w δh i,w δh j),Mij=δ1δ=1ϕMijδ(2)
A i j = { 1 , M i j > = Rank ⁡ ε n 2 ( M ) 0 ,  otherwise;  (3) A_{i j}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1, & M_{i j}>=\operatorname{Rank}_{\varepsilon n^{2}}(M) \\ 0, & \text { otherwise; } \end{array}\right.\tag{3} Aij={1,0,Mij>=Rankεn2(M) otherwise; (3)

B. Interest-fusion Graph Convolutional Layer

通过兴趣图来计算每个节点的向量表征,aggregate可以是Mean,Sum, Max, GRU,这里使用Sum,并且同样利用多头机制
h ⃗ i ′ = σ ( W a ⋅  Aggregate  ( E i j ∗ h ⃗ j ∣ j ∈ N i ) + h ⃗ i ) .  (4) \vec{h}_{i}^{\prime}=\sigma\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{a}} \cdot \text { Aggregate }\left(E_{i j} * \vec{h}_{j} \mid j \in \mathcal{N}_{i}\right)+\vec{h}_{i}\right) \text {. }\tag{4} h i=σ(Wa Aggregate (Eijh jjNi)+h i)(4)
h i ′ → = ∥ δ = 1 ϕ σ ( W a δ ⋅  Aggregate  ( E i j δ ∗ h ⃗ j ∣ j ∈ N i ) + h ⃗ i ) , (5) \overrightarrow{h_{i}^{\prime}}=\|_{\delta=1}^{\phi} \sigma\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{a}}^{\delta} \cdot \text { Aggregate }\left(E_{i j}^{\delta} * \vec{h}_{j} \mid j \in \mathcal{N}_{i}\right)+\vec{h}_{i}\right),\tag{5} hi =δ=1ϕσ(Waδ Aggregate (Eijδh jjNi)+h i),(5)
之后是 E i j E_{i j} Eij计算,包含聚簇注意力和查询感知注意力
聚簇注意力代表当前节点与邻居节点的相似度, h ⃗ i c \vec{h}_{i_{c}} h ic是k-hop内的邻居向量的平均值
α i =  Attention  c ( W c h ⃗ i ∥ h ⃗ i c ∥ W c h ⃗ i ⊙ h ⃗ i c ) (6) \alpha_{i}=\text { Attention }_{c}\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{c}} \vec{h}_{i}\left\|\vec{h}_{i_{c}}\right\| \mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{c}} \vec{h}_{i} \odot \vec{h}_{i_{c}}\right)\tag{6} αi= Attention c(Wch ih icWch ih ic)(6)
β j =  Attention  q ( W q h ⃗ j ∥ h ⃗ t ∥ W q h ⃗ j ⊙ h ⃗ t ) (7) \beta_{j}=\text { Attention }_{q}\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{q}} \vec{h}_{j}\left\|\vec{h}_{t}\right\| \mathbf{W}_{\mathbf{q}} \vec{h}_{j} \odot \vec{h}_{t}\right)\tag{7} βj= Attention q(Wqh jh tWqh jh t)(7)
E i j = softmax ⁡ j ( α i + β j ) = exp ⁡ ( α i + β j ) ∑ k ∈ N i exp ⁡ ( α i + β k ) (8) E_{i j}=\operatorname{softmax}_{j}\left(\alpha_{i}+\beta_{j}\right)=\frac{\exp \left(\alpha_{i}+\beta_{j}\right)}{\sum_{k \in \mathcal{N}_{i}} \exp \left(\alpha_{i}+\beta_{k}\right)}\tag{8} Eij=softmaxj(αi+βj)=kNiexp(αi+βk)exp(αi+βj)(8)

C.Interest-extraction Graph Pooling Layer

我们将n个项目的表征用S矩阵分为m个类, γ \gamma_{} γ是经过softmax的查询感知注意力.
{ h ⃗ 1 ∗ , h ⃗ 2 ∗ , … , h ⃗ m ∗ } = S T { h ⃗ 1 ′ , h ⃗ 2 ′ , … , h ⃗ n ′ } (9) \left\{\vec{h}_{1}^{*}, \vec{h}_{2}^{*}, \ldots, \vec{h}_{m}^{*}\right\}=S^{T}\left\{\vec{h}_{1}^{\prime}, \vec{h}_{2}^{\prime}, \ldots, \vec{h}_{n}^{\prime}\right\}\tag{9} {h 1,h 2,,h m}=ST{h 1,h 2,,h n}(9)
{ γ 1 ∗ , γ 2 ∗ , … , γ m ∗ } = S T { γ 1 , γ 2 , … , γ n } (10) \left\{\gamma_{1}^{*}, \gamma_{2}^{*}, \ldots, \gamma_{m}^{*}\right\}=S^{T}\left\{\gamma_{1}, \gamma_{2}, \ldots, \gamma_{n}\right\}\tag{10} {γ1,γ2,,γm}=ST{γ1,γ2,,γn}(10)
W p \mathbf{W}_{\mathrm{p}} Wp对应着m个分类,矩阵S每一行由邻居节点影响
S i : = softmax ⁡ ( W p ⋅  Aggregate  ( A i j ∗ h ⃗ j ′ ∣ j ∈ N i ) ) (11) S_{i:}=\operatorname{softmax}\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mathrm{p}} \cdot \text { Aggregate }\left(A_{i j} * \vec{h}_{j}^{\prime} \mid j \in \mathcal{N}_{i}\right)\right)\tag{11} Si:=softmax(Wp Aggregate (Aijh jjNi))(11)
L M = ∥ A , S S T ∥ F (12) L_{\mathrm{M}}=\left\|A, S S^{T}\right\|_{F}\tag{12} LM=A,SSTF(12)
S S T S S^{T} SST代表两个点落入同一类的概率,在邻接矩阵中相连的点应被分为同一类
L A = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n H ( S i : ) (13) L_{\mathrm{A}}=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} H\left(S_{i:}\right)\tag{13} LA=n1i=1nH(Si:)(13)
L P = ∥ P n S , P m ∥ 2 (14) L_{\mathrm{P}}=\left\|P_{n} S, P_{m}\right\|_{2}\tag{14} LP=PnS,Pm2(14)

h ⃗ g = Readout ⁡ ( { γ i ∗ h ⃗ i ′ , i ∈ G } ) , (15) \vec{h}_{g}=\operatorname{Readout}\left(\left\{\gamma_{i} * \vec{h}_{i}^{\prime}, i \in \mathcal{G}\right\}\right),\tag{15} h g=Readout({γih i,iG}),(15)

D. Prediction Layer

h ⃗ s = AUGRU ⁡ ( { h ⃗ 1 ∗ , h ⃗ 2 ∗ , … , h ⃗ m ∗ } ) (16) \vec{h}_{s}=\operatorname{AUGRU}\left(\left\{\vec{h}_{1}^{*}, \vec{h}_{2}^{*}, \ldots, \vec{h}_{m}^{*}\right\}\right)\tag{16} h s=AUGRU({h 1,h 2,,h m})(16)
进行用户点击物品预测,将目标项目 用户综合兴趣 用户预测兴趣类别相结合
y ^ = Predict ⁡ ( h ⃗ s ∥ h ⃗ g ∥ h ⃗ t ∥ h ⃗ g ⊙ h ⃗ t ) (17) \hat{y}=\operatorname{Predict}\left(\vec{h}_{s}\left\|\vec{h}_{g}\right\| \vec{h}_{t} \| \vec{h}_{g} \odot \vec{h}_{t}\right)\tag{17} y^=Predict(h sh gh th gh t)(17)


