在“Operations Research近期论文精选”中,我们有主题、有针对性地选择了Operations Research中一些有趣的文章,不仅对文章的内容进行了概括与点评,而且也对文章的结构进行了梳理,旨在激发广大读者的阅读兴趣与探索热情。在本期“论文精选”中,我们以“品类优化问题中的Logit模型”为主题,对Logit模型进行了简单介绍,主要探究了当客户在多元Logit模型下进行购物选择时的品类优化问题,商家怎样才能使用户在选择组合商品和替代商品时实现自己利益的最大化呢?下文推荐的三篇文章为我们提供了三种不同的思路和方法。
1. Logit模型产生的原因
对于二值选择问题,我们当然可以选择使用原来的思路,使用OLS(普通最小二乘)做一个拟合,那我们就会得到一个线性概率模型(LPM)。可是这样的线性概率模型是有一定缺陷的。首先,在二值选择中y没有连续的变化, y i y_i yi要么为0,要么为1,可是对于线性概率模型而言,当我们用一条线去拟合的时候,我们会发现会出现 y i < 0 y_i<0 yi<0或者 y i > 1 y_i>1 yi>1的情况。不仅如此,LPM中的违背了高斯-马尔可夫定理(Gauss–Markov theory)的假定,即对于二值选择的 y i = a x i + b y_i=ax_i+b yi=axi+b而言,b本应该服从正态分布,可是在LPM模型中b却服从两点分布。同时,当y是一个二值变量时, V a r ( b ) Var(b) Var(b)与x相关,所以会出现异方差问题,这会使得我们估计量的方差偏大,所以线性概率模型虽然简单易懂,但也存在着一些问题,所以为了修复线性概率模型的问题,科学家们又研究出了Probit和Logit模型。
2. Logit模型与Probit模型
3. Logistic回归分类与Logit模型应用场景
Logit模型是社会学、计量经济学、临床医学等多个领域实证分析的常用方法,应用场景极其广泛。下面让我们以发表在《Operations Research》上的三篇文章为例,以品类优化问题为切入点,深入了解Logit模型的变体与应用。
Revenue Management Under a Mixture of Independent Demand and Multinomial Logit Models
Operations Research
Yufeng Cao, Paat Rusmevichientong, Huseyin Topaloglu
assortment optimization(品类优化) • choice model(选择模型) • multinomial logit(多元Logit)
We consider assortment optimization problems when customers choose under a mixture of independent demand and multinomial logit models. In the assortment optimization setting, each product has a fixed revenue associated with it. The customers choose among the products according to our mixture choice model. The goal is to find an assortment that maximizes the expected revenue from a customer. We show that we can find the optimal assortment by solving a linear program. We establish that the optimal assortment becomes larger as the relative size of the customer segment with the independent demand model increases. Moreover, we show that the Pareto-efficient assortments that maximize a weighted average of the expected revenue and the total purchase probability are nested, in the sense that the Pareto-efficient assortments become larger as the weight on the total purchase probability increases. Considering the assortment optimization problem with a capacity constraint on the offered assortment, we show that the problem is NP-hard, even when each product consumes unit capacity, so that we have a constraint on the number of offered products. We give a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme. In the assortment-based network revenue-management problem, we have resources with limited capacities, and each product consumes a combination of resources. The goal is to find a policy for deciding which assortment of products to offer to each arriving customer to maximize the total expected revenue over a finite selling horizon. A standard linear-programming approximation for this problem includes one decision variable for each subset of products. We show that this linear program can be reduced to an equivalent one of substantially smaller size. We give an expectation-maximization algorithm to estimate the parameters of our mixture model. Our computational experiments indicate that our mixture model can provide improvements in predicting customer purchases and identifying profitable assortments.
本文对客户在有独立需求和多元Logit模型混合下进行选择时的品类优化问题进行了研究,作者站在前人的肩膀上,在吸取收益管理领域蓬勃发展成果的同时大胆创新,提出了自己的混合选择模型。这种模型既提高了独立需求模型和多元Logit模型的灵活性,又确保了对应品类优化问题的可行性,有替代指数选择模型和马尔可夫选择模型的潜力。如果你对本领域最新的发展感兴趣,欢迎阅读这篇文章,如果你想要了解过去学者对Logit离散选择模型和品类优化问题的研究成果了研究脉络,清华大学工业工程系陈瑞教授和姜海教授所著的文章《基于Logit离散选择模型的品类优化问题综述》( DOI: 10.15960/j.cnki.issn.1007-6093.2017.04.008 )也值得一读。
Approximation Schemes for Capacity-Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model
Operations Research
Danny Segev
assortment optimization(品类优化) • approximation scheme(近似方案) • dynamic programming(动态规划)
The main contribution of this paper resides in proposing a carefully crafted dynamic programming approach for capacitated assortment optimization under the nested logit model in its utmost generality. Specifically, we show that the optimal revenue can be efficiently approached within any degree of accuracy by synthesizing ideas related to continuous-state dynamic programming, state space discretization, and sensitivity analysis of modified revenue functions. These developments allow us to devise the first fully polynomial-time approximation scheme in this context, thus resolving fundamental open questions posed in previous papers.
Joint Assortment Optimization and Customization Under a Mixture of Multinomial Logit Models: On the Value of Personalized Assortments
Operations Research
Omar El Housni, Huseyin Topaloglu
assortment optimization(品类优化) • customization(个性化) • mixture of multinomial logit models(多元混合Logit模型)
We consider a joint assortment optimization and customization problem under a mixture of multinomial logit models. In this problem, a firm faces customers of different types, each making a choice within an offered assortment according to the multinomial logit model with different parameters. The problem takes place in two stages. In the first stage, the firm picks an assortment of products to carry the subject to a cardinality constraint. In the second stage, a customer of a certain type arrives into the system. Observing the type of the customer, the firm customizes the assortment that it carries by, possibly, dropping products from the assortment.
The goal of the firm is to find an assortment of products to carry and a customized assortment to offer to each customer type that can arrive in the second stage to maximize the expected revenue from a customer visit. The problem arises, for example, in online platforms, where retailers commit to a selection of products before the start of the selling season; but they can potentially customize the displayed assortment for each customer type. We refer to this problem as the Customized Assortment Problem (CAP). Letting m be the number of customer types, we show that the optimal expected revenue of (CAP) can be Ω(m) times greater than the optimal expected revenue of the corresponding model without customization and this bound is tight. We establish that (CAP) is NP-hard to approximate within a factor better than 1 − 1 / e 1-1/e 1−1/e, so we focus on providing an approximation framework for (CAP). As our main technical contribution, we design a novel algorithm, which we refer to as Augmented Greedy; building on it, we give a Ω(1/logm)-approximation algorithm to (CAP). Also, we present a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for (CAP) when the number of customer types is constant. Considering the case where we have a cardinally constraint on the assortment offered to each customer type in the second stage of (CAP), we give a Ω( 1 / ( m l o g m ) 1 / 2 1/(mlogm)^{1/2} 1/(mlogm)1/2)-approximation algorithm. In our computational experiments, we demonstrate the value of customization by using a data set from Expedia and check the practical performance of our approximation algorithm.
说起我们的主要技术贡献,我们其实设计了一种新的算法——Augmented Greedy;在此基础上,我们给出了(CAP)的一个Ω(1/logm)的近似算法。另外,当客户类型的数量为常数时,我们为(CAP)提出了一个完全多项式时间复杂度的近似解决方案。考虑到在(CAP)的第二阶段,我们对提供给每个顾客类型的品种有基数限制,我们给出了一个Ω( 1 / ( m l o g m ) 1 / 2 1/(mlogm)^{1/2} 1/(mlogm)1/2 )的近似算法。在我们的计算实验中,我们通过使用Expedia的数据集来证明定制化的价值,并检查我们的近似算法的实际性能。
相较于前两篇文章而言,本文发表时间稍晚,但是其在内容上和方法上又产生了创新。相较于前两篇文章只考虑单纯的品类优化,本文在其基础上引入了“用户定制化”对收益提升的影响。除此之外,本文介绍的Augmented Greedy算法及其衍生也十分有价值。短短的三个月内,在《Operations Research》这样权威的期刊上已经至少发表了三篇同样主题的文章,我想,这也可以帮助我们一窥收益管理领域最新的学术动向与趋势。