10 怎么写USB驱动,Cadence USB 2.0 Controller和PHY IP驱动移植

怎么写USB驱动,Cadence USB 2.0 Controller和PHY IP驱动移植

作者 将狼才鲸
日期 2022-03-26

本子文档所属的上级文档(Gitee仓库): 才鲸 / 嵌入式知识图谱WiKi


  • USB寄存器很复杂,USB协议栈很复杂,USB寄存器很多(几百个),USB驱动代码很多(几万行),想一个人从头到尾写出USB驱动是很困难的,最常用的方法是使用厂商的驱动源码进行移植和修改。

  • 调试USB驱动时示波器的作用很小,因为D+ D-是差分高速信号。

  • 调试USB驱动时先检查电源电压,最好是标准的5V,最差也要4.8~5.2V,电压不对时很多设备工作有误。

  • 调试USB驱动时如果一开始就握手失败,可以用示波器量D+ D-信号,D+一开始是3.3V高,握手时降到1V,握手成功后D+ D-的信号都降到500mv,握手之后的通讯信号示波器就排不上用场了,只能用USB协议分析仪抓取数据分析。

  • USB信号虽然是差分的,但当总线空闲期间两根线都是低电平,有数据来时另一根线才拉高一起出现差分信号;有时候你会看到只有一根线上有信号,那是一些特殊的状态切换,如复位、唤醒等。

  • 如果板子上是外接的PHY芯片,那么不需要配置PHY相关的东西,只需要写控制器的驱动就可以了;如果PHY是集成到系统内部的,那么一般都需要配PHY的寄存器,比如时钟这些;PHY的寄存器一般都有默认值,有时候不配置PHY,PHY也能正常工作,但有时候需要手动修改一点寄存器值。


  • USB概述:

  • 理论知识参考书籍:


  • USB的协议很复杂,和网络驱动类似;调试时需要用到USB协议分析仪。

  • USB硬件的寄存器很多,例如本模块就有0x88个硬件寄存器。

  • USB模块中包含两部分:控制器和PHY

  • Cadence USB模块介绍:
    Cadence USB 2.0 PHY
    Home: IP Portfolio > Design IP > Interface IP > USB IP > USB 2.0 PHY
    Cadence USB 2.0 Controller
    Home: IP Portfolio > Design IP > Interface IP > USB IP > USB 2.0 Controllers
    Cadence IP

  • Candece的资料网上下不到,要通过供应商获取。

  • 《Cadence USB2.0 PHY Specification》 一些时序和电气特性

  • 《Cadence USB2.0 PHY User Guide》 芯片设计相关内容和寄存器介绍。
    PHY macro diagnostic control register
    PHY macro diagnostic APB access address register
    PHY macro diagnostic APB access write data register
    PHY macro diagnostic APB access read data register
    PHY macro diagnostic APB access control register
    Register Name

  • 控制器寄存器手册:《Cadence USB 2.0 High Speed Controller IP - CUSB2 Special Function Register Specification》

1 The Device and Host Special Function Registers … 18
1.1 The OUT (HCIN) 0 endpoint byte count register (out0bc, hcin0bc)__________ 18
1.2 The IN (HCOUT) 0 endpoint byte count register (in0bc, hcout0bc)__________ 18
1.3 The 0 endpoint control/status register (ep0cs, hcep0cs)__________________ 19
1.4 The LPM control low byte register (lpmctrll, hclpmctrll) __________________ 21
1.5 The LPM control high byte register (lpmctrlh, hclpmctrlh)_________________ 22
1.6 The LPM clock control (lpmclock)____________________________________ 23
1.7 The 0 endpoint fifo register (ep0fifo, hcep0fifo) ________________________ 23
1.8 The OUT (HCIN) X endpoint byte count register (outxbc, hcinxbc)__________ 24
1.9 The OUT (HCIN) X endpoint control register (outxcon, hcinxcon) ___________ 26
1.10 The OUT (HCIN) X endpoint control and status register (outxcs, hcinxcs) ____ 27
1.11 The IN (HCOUT) X endpoint byte count register (inxbc, hcoutxbc)__________ 29
1.12 The IN (HCOUT) X endpoint control register (inxcon, hcoutxcon) ___________ 31
1.13 The IN (HCOUT) X endpoint control and status register (inxcs, hcoutxcs) ____ 32
1.14 The FIFO X data register (fifoxdat, hcfifoxdat) _________________________ 34
1.15 The HC 0 endpoint control register (hcep0ctrl) _________________________ 35
1.16 The HCOUT X endpoint error register (hcoutxerr) _______________________ 36
1.17 The HCIN X endpoint error register (hcinxerr)__________________________ 37
1.18 The HCOUT X endpoint control register (hcoutxctrl) _____________________ 39
1.19 The HCIN X endpoint control register (hcinxctrl)________________________ 39
1.20 The IN (HCOUT) 0 endpoint data buffer (ep0indat, hcep0outdat)___________ 40
1.21 The OUT (HCIN) 0 endpoint data buffer (ep0outdat, hcep0indat)___________ 40
1.22 The setup data packet buffer (setupdat) ______________________________ 41
1.23 The IN (HCOUT) X endpoint interrupt request register (inxirq, hcoutxirq) ____ 41
1.24 The OUT (HCIN) X endpoint interrupt request register (outxirq, hcinxirq) ____ 42
1.25 The USB interrupt request register (usbirq, hcusbirq)____________________ 43
1.26 The external interrupt request register (extirq)_________________________ 44
1.27 The OUT X endpoint ping interrupt request register (outxpngirq) ___________ 45
1.28 The IN (HCOUT) X FIFO full interrupt request register (inxfullirq, hcoutxfullirq) 46
1.29 The OUT (HCIN) X FIFO empty interrupt request register (outxemptirq,
hcinxemptirq) _______________________________________________________ 47
1.30 The IN (HCOUT) X endpoint interrupt enables (inxien, hcoutxien) __________ 48
1.31 The OUT (HCIN) X endpoint interrupt enable register (outxien, hcinxien) ____ 48
1.32 The USB interrupt enable register (usbien, hcusbien) ____________________ 49
1.33 The external interrupt enable register (extien) _________________________ 50
1.34 The OUT x ping interrupt enable register (outxpngien) ___________________ 50
1.35 The IN (HCOUT) x FIFO full interrupt enable register (inxfullien, hcoutxfullien) 51
1.36 The OUT (HCIN) x FIFO empty interrupt enable register (outxemptien,
hcinxemptien) _______________________________________________________ 52
1.37 The USB interrupt vector register (ivect, hcivect) _______________________ 53
1.38 The FIFO interrupt vector register (fifoivect, hcfifoivect)__________________ 53
1.39 The endpoint reset register (endprst, hcendprst) _______________________ 53
1.40 The USB control and status register (usbcs, hcusbcs)____________________ 55
1.41 The USB frame counter (frmnr) _____________________________________ 56
1.42 The Function Address register (fnaddr, hcfnaddr) _______________________ 57
1.43 The Clock Gate register (clkgate, hcclkgate) ___________________________ 57
1.44 The FIFO control register (fifoctrl, hcfifoctrl) ___________________________ 58
1.45 The Speed Control register (speedctrl) _______________________________ 59
1.46 The Sleep Clock Gate register (sleepclkgate) __________________________ 59
1.47 The HC Port control register (hcportctrl) ______________________________ 60
1.48 The HC Frame number register (hcfrmnr) _____________________________ 61
1.49 The HC Frame remain register (hcfrmremain)__________________________ 62
1.50 The HCIN X error interrupt request register (hcinxerrirq) _________________ 63
1.51 The HCOUT X error interrupt request register (hcoutxerrirq) ______________ 64
1.52 The HCIN X error interrupt enable register (hcinxerrien) _________________ 64
1.53 The HCOUT X error interrupt enable register (hcoutxerrien)_______________ 65
1.54 The Address Test Register (tr_addr) _________________________________ 65
1.55 The Write Data Test Register (tr_wdata) ______________________________ 66
1.56 The Read Data Test Register (tr_rdata)_______________________________ 66
1.57 The Control Test Register (tr_ctrl)___________________________________ 67
1.58 The ISO auto-arm register (isoautoarm) ______________________________ 67
1.59 The ISO control register (isodctrl) ___________________________________ 68
1.60 The ISO auto dump enable register (isoautodump)______________________ 69
1.61 The PHY control 2 register (phyctrl2)_________________________________ 70
1.62 The PHY control 1 register (phyctrl1)_________________________________ 70
1.63 The PHY control 0 register (phyctrl0)_________________________________ 70
1.64 The OUT (HCIN) 0 Max packet size (out0maxpck, hcin0maxpck) ___________ 71
1.65 The OUT (HCIN) X Max packet size (outxmaxpck, hcinxmaxpck) ___________ 72
1.66 The HCIN X timer value (hcinxtmrh, hcinxtmrl) ________________________ 73
1.67 The HCIN X timer control/status (hcinxtmr) ___________________________ 74
1.68 The HCOUT X timer value (hcoutxtmrh, hcoutxtmrl)_____________________ 75
1.69 The HCOUT X timer control/status (hcoutxtmr)_________________________ 76
1.70 The OUT (HCIN) X Start address (outxstaddr, hcinxstaddr) _______________ 77
1.71 The IN (HCOUT) X Start address (inxstaddr, hcoutxstaddr) _______________ 79
1.72 The IN X endpoint interrupt mode register (inxirqmode, hcoutxirqmode)_____ 80
1.73 The OUT X endpoint interrupt mode register (outxirqmode, hcinxirqmode) ___ 81
1.74 The microprocessor control register (cpuctrl) __________________________ 82
1.75 The microprocessor control register 2 (cpuctrl2)________________________ 83
1.76 The RX debug byte count register (debug_rx_bc) _______________________ 83
1.77 The RX debug status register (debug_rx_status) _______________________ 83
1.78 The debug interrupt request register (debug_irq) _______________________ 84
1.79 The TX debug byte count register (debug_tx_bc) _______________________ 85
1.80 The TX debug status register (debug_tx_status)________________________ 85
1.81 The debug interrupt enable register (debug_ien) _______________________ 85
1.82 The PHY workarounds enable register (phywa_en) ______________________ 86
1.83 The PHY workaround 1 counter register (wa1_cnt) ______________________ 87
1.84 The OTG workaround register (otg_wa) ______________________________ 87
1.85 The ENDIAN SFR control/status register (endian_sfr_cs) _________________ 87
1.86 The ENDIAN SFR status register (endian_sfr_s) ________________________ 89
1.87 The IN (HCOUT) X Max packet size (inxmaxpck, hcoutxmaxpck) ___________ 90
2 The OTG Controller Special Function Registers … 92
2.1 The OTG interrupt request register (otgirq)____________________________ 92
2.2 The OTG FSM state register (otgstate) _______________________________ 92
2.3 The OTG control register (otgctrl) ___________________________________ 93
2.4 The OTG status register (otgstatus) _________________________________ 94
2.5 The OTG interrupt enable register (otgien) ____________________________ 94
2.6 The OTG ta_aidl_bdis time register (taaidlbdis) ________________________ 95
2.7 The OTG ta_wait_bcon time register (tawaitbcon) ______________________ 96
2.8 The OTG tb_vbus_pls time register (tbvbuspls) ________________________ 96
2.9 The OTG force register (otgforce) ___________________________________ 97
2.10 The OTG tb_vbus_dischrg_pls time register (tbvbusdispls)________________ 97
3 The OTG2 Controller Special Function Registers … 98
3.1 The OTG2 control register (otg2ctrl) _________________________________ 98
3.2 The ADP/BC control register 0(adpbcctrl0) ____________________________ 98
3.3 The ADP/BC control register 1 (adpbcctrl1)____________________________ 99
3.4 The ADP/BC control register 2 (adpbcctrl2)____________________________ 99
3.5 The ADP/BC interrupt request register 1 (adpbc1irq) ___________________ 100
3.6 The ADP/BC interrupt request register 2 (adpbc2irq) ___________________ 101
3.7 The ADP/BC status register 0 (adpbc0status) _________________________ 101
3.8 The ADP/BC status register 1 (adpbc1status) _________________________ 102
3.9 The ADP/BC status register 2 (adpbc2status) _________________________ 102
3.10 The ADP/BC interrupt enable register 1 (adpbc1ien)____________________ 103
3.11 The ADP/BC interrupt enable register 2 (adpbc2ien)____________________ 103

  • USB模块中包含两部分:控制器和PHY,之间通过UTMI接口通信。
    UTMI及USB 2.0 PHY高速传输特性分析
    USB学习之二 USB PHY

  • 主芯片中USB硬件模块的寄存器:
    USB_CTRL_BASE_ADDR USB寄存器基地址,后面跟着的寄存器非常多

  • Cadence有提供USB驱动源码:

 * Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved worldwide.
 * platform.c
 * This platform depended code is example of initialization code
 * for ZC702 Board with Cortex A9 that can be run under Xilinx SDK environment.
 * This is only reference file and can vary depending on evnironment
 * and platform used for running Core Driver and References code.

可以参考的USB驱动2:Mentor Graphics uC/OS-II


  • PHY主要配置UTMI的各种参数。

  • UTMI:phy和controller之间的16pin数据pin和其它控制pin及协议,因为pin数较多一般用于芯片内部。

  • UTMI资料:
    UTMI及USB 2.0 PHY高速传输特性分析

  • 需要设置的功能有:频率选择、复位、速度选择、


  • USB工作流程:

  • USB工作流程依次是握手连接、控制枚举和数据传输。

  • 设备检测:D+线被上拉到3.3V。随后在1v电平下D+和D-差分传输三个方波进行握手。握手完成后数据传输(复位、唤醒等)是以D+ D-电平在500mv进行。

  • 进行高速握手、枚举、数据传输。

  • 在握手完成后,真正的数据传输时,数据包都有一定的格式。写驱动不用关心这些格式,调试USB驱动时能用协议分析仪直接抓出来。

  • 其实吧,USB不用自己写驱动!会移植芯片原厂的驱动Demo就可以啦!最主要的是把PLL时钟配置好,寄存器基地址偏移设置好,中断配置好,其实就齐活了。懂得了一点USB协议知识,会查握手信号,会使用USB协议分析仪查找通讯失败的地方就可以了。就是这么简单。
