


%% MCM/ICM LaTeX Template %%
%% 2022 MCM/ICM           %%

% Replace ABCDEF in the next line with your chosen problem
% and replace 1111111 with your Team Control Number
\newcommand{\Team}{\# 2221080}

\usepackage{newtxmath} % must come after amsXXX

\lhead{Team \Team}


	\graphicspath{{.}}  % Place your graphic files in the same directory as your main document
	\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg, .tif, .png}
			\parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{Problem Chosen}\\ \Large \textcolor{black}{\Problem}\end{center}}
			& \parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{2021\\ MCM/ICM\\ Summary Sheet}\end{center}}
			& \parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{Team Control Number}\\ \Large \textcolor{black}{2221080}\end{center}}	\\
	%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Summary %%%%%%%%%%%
	% Enter your summary here replacing the (red) text
	% Replace the text from here ...
		\Large\textbf{Upstart? Not a daydream!}

	% to here
	%%%%%%%%%%% End Summary %%%%%%%%%%%
	% Uncomment the next line to generate a Table of Contents
	\rhead{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{UNKNOWN}}
	%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin your paper here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1.1 Background %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

	%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1.2 Problem Restatement %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	\subsection{Problem Restatement}

		\item \textbf{Model 1}: 

	%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1.3 Our Work %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	\subsection{Our Work}
	The topic requires us to ...... Our main work are shown as follows: \par
	%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 Basic Assumptions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	\section{Basic Assumptions}
		\item \textbf{Assumption 1}:  \par
		\textbf{Justification 1}: \par
	%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 Explanations of Specific Descriptors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	\section{Explanations of Specific Descriptors}
		\begin{tabular}{|c c c c c|}
			\rowcolor{blue!30} symbols & meanings \\
	\section{Model I:}
	\section{Result Analysis}
	\subsection{Parameter Configuration}
	\subsection{Certification of Optimal Model}
	\subsection{The Risk Assessment of Investment}

	\subsection{Sensitivity Analysis}
	%%%%%%%%%%%%% Strengths and Weaknesses %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	\section{Strengths and Weaknesses}


	To:  \par
	From: Team \#\Team \par
	Date:  \par
	Subject:  \par
	\vspace{12 pt}
