关于map的计算,ultralytic版本的源码调用了pycoco库函数来计算map,因此这里不讲map的计算,感兴趣可以去看看我朋友关于对YOLOV5之MAP计算的博客:【YOLOV5-5.x 源码解读】val.py
pred = model(imgs)[0] # only get inference result
pred = non_max_suppression(pred, conf_thres=0.01, iou_thres=0.6, multi_label=False)
# 网络进行正向传播,t为时间差,pred为返回结果
t1 = torch_utils.time_synchronized()
pred = model(img)[0] # only get inference result
t2 = torch_utils.time_synchronized()
print(t2 - t1)
# 非极大值抑制处理
pred = utils.non_max_suppression(pred, conf_thres=0.1, iou_thres=0.6, multi_label=True)[0]
else: # inference 如果是验证或者推理阶段
# io的shpae(batch_size,anchor_num,grid_cell,grid_cell,xywh+obj_confidence+classes_num)
io = p.clone() # inference output
# clone返回一个张量的副本,其与原张量的尺寸和数据类型相同。
# 与copy_()不同,这个函数记录在计算图中。传递到克隆张量的梯度将传播到原始张量
# grid的shape=[batch_size, na, grid_h, grid_w, wh],和io最后一维取前两个xy后的shape一致,进行加法
io[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(io[..., :2]) + self.grid
# xy 计算在feature map上的xy坐标,对应论文的sigmoid(tx)+cx
# anchor_wh的shape:[batch_size, na, grid_h, grid_w, wh]与io最后一维取第3,4个,即wh后的shape一致,进行乘法
io[..., 2:4] = torch.exp(io[..., 2:4]) * self.anchor_wh # wh yolo method 计算在feature map上的wh
io[..., :4] *= self.stride # xywh换算映射回原图尺度
# obj和类别预测经过sigmoid
torch.sigmoid_(io[..., 4:])
return io.view(bs, -1, self.no), p # view [1, 3, 13, 13, 85] as [1, 507, 85],3X13X13=507
# io的shape(batch_size,...,xywh+obj_confidence+classes_num)
# p的shape是(batch_size,anchor_num,grid_cell,grid_cell,xywh+obj_confidence+classes_num)
def non_max_suppression(prediction, conf_thres=0.1, iou_thres=0.6,
multi_label=True, classes=None, agnostic=False, max_num=100):
Performs Non-Maximum Suppression on inference results
param: prediction[batch, num_anchors X (gird_x X gird_y), (xywh+obj_conf+cls_num)]
Returns detections with shape:
nx6 (x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls)
# Settings
merge = False # merge for best mAP
min_wh, max_wh = 2, 4096 # (pixels) minimum and maximum box width and height
time_limit = 10.0 # seconds to quit after
t = time.time()
nc = prediction[0].shape[1] - 5 # number of classes
multi_label &= nc > 1 # multiple labels per box
output = [None] * prediction.shape[0]
for xi, x in enumerate(prediction): # image index, image inference 遍历每张图片
# Apply constraints
x = x[x[:, 4] > conf_thres] # confidence 根据obj confidence虑除背景目标
x = x[((x[:, 2:4] > min_wh) & (x[:, 2:4] < max_wh)).all(1)] # width-height 虑除小目标
# If none remain process next image
if not x.shape[0]:
# Compute conf
x[..., 5:] *= x[..., 4:5] # conf = obj_conf * cls_conf
# Box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
box = xywh2xyxy(x[:, :4])
# Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls)
if multi_label: # 针对每个类别执行非极大值抑制
i, j = (x[:, 5:] > conf_thres).nonzero(as_tuple=False).t()
x = torch.cat((box[i], x[i, j + 5].unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)
else: # best class only 直接针对每个类别中概率最大的类别进行非极大值抑制处理
conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1)
x = torch.cat((box, conf.unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)[conf > conf_thres]
# Filter by class
if classes:
x = x[(j.view(-1, 1) == torch.tensor(classes, device=j.device)).any(1)]
# Apply finite constraint
# if not torch.isfinite(x).all():
# x = x[torch.isfinite(x).all(1)]
# If none remain process next image
n = x.shape[0] # number of boxes
if not n:
# Sort by confidence
# x = x[x[:, 4].argsort(descending=True)]
# Batched NMS
c = x[:, 5] * 0 if agnostic else x[:, 5] # classes
boxes, scores = x[:, :4].clone() + c.view(-1, 1) * max_wh, x[:, 4] # boxes (offset by class), scores
i = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres)
i = i[:max_num] # 最多只保留前max_num个目标信息
if merge and (1 < n < 3E3): # Merge NMS (boxes merged using weighted mean)
try: # update boxes as boxes(i,4) = weights(i,n) * boxes(n,4)
iou = box_iou(boxes[i], boxes) > iou_thres # iou matrix
weights = iou * scores[None] # box weights
x[i, :4] = torch.mm(weights, x[:, :4]).float() / weights.sum(1, keepdim=True) # merged boxes
# i = i[iou.sum(1) > 1] # require redundancy
except: # possible CUDA error https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/issues/1139
print(x, i, x.shape, i.shape)
output[xi] = x[i]
if (time.time() - t) > time_limit:
break # time limit exceeded
return output
这里的 i o u ( M , b i ) iou(M,b_i) iou(M,bi)采用的是 G i o u Giou Giou
def non_max_suppression(prediction, conf_thres=0.1, iou_thres=0.6,
multi_label=True, classes=None, agnostic=False, max_num=100):
# Settings
merge = False # merge for best mAP
min_wh, max_wh = 2, 4096 # (pixels) minimum and maximum box width and height
time_limit = 10.0 # seconds to quit after
t = time.time()
nc = prediction[0].shape[1] - 5 # number of classes
multi_label &= nc > 1 # multiple labels per box
t = time.time():返回当前时间的时间戳(1970纪元后经过的浮点秒数)。
nc = prediction[0].shape[1] - 5
这里prediction的shape为[batch, num_anchors X (gird_x X gird_y), (xywh+obj_conf+cls_num)]
multi_label &= nc > 1
output = [None] * prediction.shape[0]
for xi, x in enumerate(prediction): # image index, image inference 遍历每张图片
prediciton的shape[batch, num_anchors X (gird_x X gird_y), (xywh+obj_conf+cls_num)]
x的shape为[num_anchors X (gird_x X gird_y), (xywh+obj_conf+cls_num)]
# Apply constraints
x = x[x[:, 4] > conf_thres] # confidence 根据obj confidence虑除背景目标
x = x[((x[:, 2:4] > min_wh) & (x[:, 2:4] < max_wh)).all(1)] # width-height 滤除小目标
x = x[x[:, 4] > conf_thres]
筛选出Obj_conf > conf_thres的预测框
x = x[((x[:, 2:4] > min_wh) & (x[:, 2:4] < max_wh)).all(1)]
# If none remain process next image
if not x.shape[0]:
# Compute conf
x[..., 5:] *= x[..., 4:5] # conf = obj_conf * cls_conf
x[…, 5:]表示cls_conf维度,x[…, 4:5]表示obj_conf
每个grid cell预测cls_num个类的条件概率 P r ( C l a s s i ∣ O b j e c t ) Pr(Class_i\mid Object) Pr(Classi∣Object),我们要得到实际类别概率需要
P r ( C l a s s i ) = P r ( C l a s s i ∣ O b j e c t ) ∗ P r ( O b j e c t ) Pr(Class_i)=Pr(Class_i\mid Object)\ast Pr(Object) Pr(Classi)=Pr(Classi∣Object)∗Pr(Object)
P r ( C l a s s i ) = c l s _ c o n f ∗ o b j _ c o n f Pr(Class_i)=cls\_conf\ast obj\_conf Pr(Classi)=cls_conf∗obj_conf
经过上述代码之后,x原处cls_conf的位置的内容从 P r ( C l a s s i ∣ O b j e c t ) Pr(Class_i\mid Object) Pr(Classi∣Object)变为 P r ( C l a s s i ) Pr(Class_i) Pr(Classi)
# Box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
box = xywh2xyxy(x[:, :4])
def xywh2xyxy(x):
# Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-right
y = torch.zeros_like(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.zeros_like(x)
y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 # top left x
y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 # top left y
y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 # bottom right x
y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 # bottom right y
return y
# Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls)
if multi_label: # 针对每个类别执行非极大值抑制
i, j = (x[:, 5:] > conf_thres).nonzero(as_tuple=False).t()
x = torch.cat((box[i], x[i, j + 5].unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)
else: # best class only 直接针对每个类别中概率最大的类别进行非极大值抑制处理
conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1)
x = torch.cat((box, conf.unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)[conf > conf_thres]
multi_label :多类NMS为true,单类NMS为false。
i, j = (x[:, 5:] > conf_thres).nonzero(as_tuple=False).t()
x[:, 5:] > conf_thres表示将所有预测框的cls_conf和conf_thres进行匹配,如果大于这个阈值,则将该cls_conf设为true,否则设为false,debug详情如下:
以上是x[:, 5:] > conf_thres的状态
nonzero(as_tuple=False).t()将上述变量的非零值,即True值的矩阵位置内容(预测框id,类别)保存下来,赋给i,j变量(该(i,j)坐标可在x[:, 5:]变量寻址获得大于conf_thres的类别置信度cls_conf,形象地说,寻址的tensor为(预测框id个数,类别),其中i表示预测框id,j表示类别)
x = torch.cat((box[i], x[i, j + 5].unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)
x[i, j + 5].unsqueeze(1)表示对x在第2个维度进行扩展一个维度,原来的shape是[预测框数量,xywh+obj+cls_num]
x[i, j + 5]的状态如下:
其中选取x[0]=[3.02696e+02, 8.21888e+01, 3.32809e+02, 1.57338e+02, 1.08854e-01, 0.00000e+00]
有6个数值,前四个参数表示 ( x l e f t − t o p , y l e f t − t o p , x r i g h t − t o p , y r i g h t − t o p ) (x_{left-top},y_{left-top},x_{right-top},y_{right-top}) (xleft−top,yleft−top,xright−top,yright−top),后两个参数表示 ( c l s _ c o n f , j . f l o a t ( ) ) (cls\_conf,j.float()) (cls_conf,j.float())
else: # best class only 直接针对每个类别中概率最大的类别进行非极大值抑制处理
conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1)
x = torch.cat((box, conf.unsqueeze(1), j.float().unsqueeze(1)), 1)[conf > conf_thres]
max(1)表示取x[:, 5:]的类别维度的最大值,返回其中最大的cls_conf及所表示的类别j
上面两个部分都是在NMS前进行筛选的操作,为了形象说明,我做的实验是分两类,那么我将定义筛选前变量为 ( b o x _ i d , c l s _ c o n f 1 , c l s _ c o n f 2 ) (box\_id,cls\_conf1,cls\_conf2) (box_id,cls_conf1,cls_conf2)
多类NMS:只要该预测框预测的预测类别 c l s _ c o n f 1 cls\_conf1 cls_conf1和 c l s _ c o n f 2 cls\_conf2 cls_conf2置信度大于conf_thres,那么该预测类别将会保存下来,最后筛选得到 ( b o x _ i d , c l s _ c o n f 1 ) (box\_id,cls\_conf1) (box_id,cls_conf1)和 ( b o x _ i d , c l s _ c o n f 2 ) (box\_id,cls\_conf2) (box_id,cls_conf2)
这里注意,对于筛选到的预测框中,含有不同的 c l s _ c o n f 1 cls\_conf1 cls_conf1和 c l s _ c o n f 2 cls\_conf2 cls_conf2的预测框可能是同一个 b o x _ i d box\_id box_id,它们都可能会送进NMS处理.由于这个预测框是同一个预测框,只是预测了 c l s _ c o n f 1 cls\_conf1 cls_conf1和 c l s _ c o n f 2 cls\_conf2 cls_conf2,在进行NMS时,表示同一个预测框,预测不同类的两个target的IOU是完全重叠的。从这同一个框的两个target来分析哪个框会得到保留,对于NMS原理可知,假设是soft-NMS原理,那么至少会有一个框得到保留,最极端的情况就是当这同一预测框的两个target具有相同的 c l s _ c o n f cls\_conf cls_conf,那么这两框可能都会被保留。
单类NMS:预测框只筛选出其中一个类别的target,筛选条件为 m a x ( c l s _ c o n f 1 , c l s _ c o n f 2 ) max(cls\_conf1,cls\_conf2) max(cls_conf1,cls_conf2),注意单类NMS不需要经过conf_thres筛选,只取最大类别置信度的预测框,那么所有的预测框都会被筛选上,并且一个预测框对应一个target。
# Filter by class
if classes:
x = x[(j.view(-1, 1) == torch.tensor(classes, device=j.device)).any(1)]
# If none remain process next image
n = x.shape[0] # number of boxes
if not n:
# Batched NMS
c = x[:, 5] * 0 if agnostic else x[:, 5] # classes
x的shape为 ( x l e f t − t o p , y l e f t − t o p , x r i g h t − t o p , y r i g h t − t o p , c l s _ c o n f , j . f l o a t ( ) ) (x_{left-top},y_{left-top},x_{right-top},y_{right-top},cls\_conf,j.float()) (xleft−top,yleft−top,xright−top,yright−top,cls_conf,j.float())
x[:, 5]表示第6个参数的信息j.float(),即表示类别
boxes, scores = x[:, :4].clone() + c.view(-1, 1) * max_wh, x[:, 4]
x[:, :4]表示 ( x l e f t − t o p , y l e f t − t o p , x r i g h t − t o p , y r i g h t − t o p ) (x_{left-top},y_{left-top},x_{right-top},y_{right-top}) (xleft−top,yleft−top,xright−top,yright−top)信息
c.view(-1, 1)的状态为:
对于agnostic为fasle时,max_wh能将c中非0类的坐标信息 ( x l e f t − t o p , y l e f t − t o p , x r i g h t − t o p , y r i g h t − t o p ) (x_{left-top},y_{left-top},x_{right-top},y_{right-top}) (xleft−top,yleft−top,xright−top,yright−top)乘以max_wh。
boxes = x[:, :4].clone() + c.view(-1, 1) * max_wh,这里将不同类别的坐标以max_wh倍数进行区分,具体作用请看如下debug,我的0类的boxes信息debug如下:
i = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres)
i = i[:max_num] # 最多只保留前max_num个目标信息
if merge and (1 < n < 3E3): # Merge NMS (boxes merged using weighted mean)
try: # update boxes as boxes(i,4) = weights(i,n) * boxes(n,4)
iou = box_iou(boxes[i], boxes) > iou_thres # iou matrix
weights = iou * scores[None] # box weights
x[i, :4] = torch.mm(weights, x[:, :4]).float() / weights.sum(1, keepdim=True) # merged boxes
# i = i[iou.sum(1) > 1] # require redundancy
except: # possible CUDA error https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/issues/1139
print(x, i, x.shape, i.shape)
b o x i = 0 [ x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , y 2 ] = ∑ i = 1 t a r g e t c l s i [ x 1 _ i , y 1 _ i , x 2 _ i , y 2 _ i ] ∑ i = 1 t a r g e t c l s i box_{i=0}[x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2]=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{target}cls_i[x_{1\_i},y_{1\_i},x_{2\_i},y_{2\_i}]}{\sum_{i=1}^{target}cls_i} boxi=0[x1,y1,x2,y2]=∑i=1targetclsi∑i=1targetclsi[x1_i,y1_i,x2_i,y2_i]
其中, i = 0 i=0 i=0表示 c l s _ c o n f cls\_conf cls_conf最高的一个box, i = 1 i=1 i=1到 t a r g e t target target个boxes均是与 b o x m a x _ c o n f box_{max\_conf} boxmax_conf的iou>iou_thres筛选得到的box
elif method == 'merge': # weighted mixture box
while len(dc): # dc是按置信度排好序的box信息
if len(dc) == 1:
i = bbox_iou(dc[0], dc) > nms_thres # i = True/False的集合
weights = dc[i, 4:5] # 根据i,保留所有True
dc[0, :4] = (weights * dc[i, :4]).sum(0) / weights.sum() # 重叠框位置信息求解平均值
dc = dc[i == 0]
# 推理时间:0.0030s
elif method == 'soft_nms': # soft-NMS https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.04503
sigma = 0.5 # soft-nms sigma parameter
while len(dc):
# if len(dc) == 1: 这是U版的源码 我做了个小改动
# det_max.append(dc)
# break
# det_max.append(dc[:1])
det_max.append(dc[:1]) # append dc的第一行 即target
if len(dc) == 1:
iou = bbox_iou(dc[0], dc[1:]) # 计算target与其他框的iou
# 这里和上面的直接置0不同,置0不需要管维度
dc = dc[1:] # dc=target往后的所有预测框
# dc必须不包括target及其前的预测框,因为还要和值相乘, 维度上必须相同
dc[:, 4] *= torch.exp(-iou ** 2 / sigma) # 得分衰减
dc = dc[dc[:, 4] > conf_thres]
# 推理时间:0.00299
elif method == 'diou_nms': # DIoU NMS https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.08287.pdf
while dc.shape[0]: # dc.shape[0]: 当前class的预测框数量
det_max.append(dc[:1]) # 让score最大的一个预测框(排序后的第一个)为target
if len(dc) == 1: # 出口 dc中只剩下一个框时,break
# dc[0] :target dc[1:] :其他预测框
diou = bbox_iou(dc[0], dc[1:], DIoU=True) # 计算 diou
dc = dc[1:][diou < nms_thres] # remove dious > threshold 保留True 删去False