


  • 视觉SLAM十四讲笔记-8-1
  • 视觉里程计2
    • 8.1 直接法的引出
    • 8.2 2D光流
      • 8.2.1 Lucas-Kanade光流
    • 8.3 实践:LK光流
      • 8.3.1 使用 LK 光流
      • 8.3.2 用高斯牛顿法实现光流
      • 8.3.3 多层光流



8.1 直接法的引出

1.保留特征点,但只计算关键点,不计算描述子。 同时,使用光流法(Optical Flow) 跟踪特征点的运动。这样可以回避计算和匹配描述子带来的时间。光流本身的计算时间要小于描述子的计算和匹配。(这种方法仍然使用特征点,只是把匹配描述子替换成了光流跟踪,估计相机运动仍然使用对极几何、PnP 和 ICP算法。这依然会要求提取到的关键点具有可区别性)
2.只计算关键点,不计算描述子。 同时,使用直接法(Direct Method) 计算特征点在下一时刻图像中的位置。这同样可以跳过描述子的计算过程,也省去了光流的计算时间。(这种方法会根据图像的像素灰度信息同时估计相机运动和点的投影,不要求提取到的点必须是角点,甚至可以是随机的选点)
使用特征点法估计相机运动时,把特征点看作固定在三维空间的不动点。根据它们在相机中的投影位置,通过最小化重投影误差优化相机运动。在这个过程中需要精确地知道空间点在两个相机中投影后的像素位置。在直接法中,并不需要知道点与点之间的对应关系,而是通过最小化光度误差(Photometric error) 来求得它们。

8.2 2D光流

如上图所示,随着时间的流逝,同一个像素会在图像中运动,希望跟踪它的运动过程。其中,计算部分像素的运动称为稀疏光流,计算所有像素的称为稠密光流。稀疏光流以 Lucas-Kanade 光流为代表,并可以在 SLAM 中用于跟踪特征点位置。稠密光流以 Horn-Schunck 光流为代表。因此,本节主要介绍 Lucas-Kanade 光流,也称为 LK 光流。

8.2.1 Lucas-Kanade光流

在 LK 光流中,认为来自相机的图像是随时间变化的。图像可以看做时间的函数: I ( t ) I(t) I(t)。那么,一个在 t t t 时刻,位于 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) 处的像素,它的灰度可以写成:
I ( x , y , t ) I(x,y,t) I(x,y,t)
这种方式把图像看成了关于位置与时间的函数,它的值域就是图像中像素的灰度。现在考虑某个固定的空间点,它在 t t t 时刻的像素坐标为 x , y x,y x,y。由于相机的运动,它的图像坐标将发生变化。希望估计这个空间点在其他时刻图像中的位置。怎么估计尼?这里要引入光流法的基本假设。
对于 t t t 时刻位于 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) 处的像素,设 t + d t t+dt t+dt 时刻它运动到 ( x + d x , y + d y ) (x+dx,y+dy) (x+dx,y+dy) 处。由于灰度不变,有:
I ( x + d x , y + d y , t + d t ) = I ( x , y , t ) I(x+dx,y+dy,t+dt) = I(x,y,t) I(x+dx,y+dy,t+dt)=I(x,y,t)
I ( x + d x , y + d y , t + d t ) ≈ I ( x , y , t ) + ∂ I ∂ x d x + ∂ I ∂ y d y + ∂ I ∂ t d t I(x+dx,y+dy,t+dt) \approx I(x,y,t) + \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} dx + \frac{\partial I}{\partial y}dy + \frac{\partial I}{\partial t}dt I(x+dx,y+dy,t+dt)I(x,y,t)+xIdx+yIdy+tIdt
∂ I ∂ x d x + ∂ I ∂ y d y + ∂ I ∂ t d t = 0 \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} dx + \frac{\partial I}{\partial y}dy + \frac{\partial I}{\partial t}dt = 0 xIdx+yIdy+tIdt=0
两边除以 d t dt dt,得:
∂ I ∂ x d x d t + ∂ I ∂ y d y d t = − ∂ I ∂ t \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} \frac{dx}{dt} + \frac{\partial I}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dt} = -\frac{\partial I}{\partial t} xIdtdx+yIdtdy=tI
其实 d x d t \frac{dx}{dt} dtdx 为像素在 x x x 轴上的运动速度,而 d y d t \frac{dy}{dt} dtdy 为像素在 y y y 轴上的运动速度,把它们记作 u , v u,v u,v

同时, ∂ I ∂ x \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} xI 为图像在该点处 x x x 方向的梯度, ∂ I ∂ y \frac{\partial I}{\partial y} yI 为图像在该点处 y y y 方向的梯度,记为 I x , I y I_x,I_y Ix,Iy。把图像灰度对时间的变化量记为 I t I_t It,写成矩阵的形式:
[ I x I y ] [ u v ] = − I t \begin{bmatrix} I_x &I_y \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} u \\ v \end{bmatrix} = -I_t [IxIy][uv]=It
想计算的是像素的运动 u , v u,v u,v,但是该式是带有两个变量的一次方程,仅凭它无法计算出 u , v u,v u,v。因此,必须引入额外的约束来计算 u , v u,v u,v
在 LK 光流中,假设某一个窗口内的像素具有相同的运动。考虑一个大小为 w ∗ w w * w ww 的窗口,它含有 w 2 w^2 w2 数量的像素。该窗口内像素具有同样的运动,因此共有 w 2 w^2 w2 个方程:
[ I x I y ] k [ u v ] = − I t k , k = 1 , . . . , w 2 \begin{bmatrix} I_x &I_y \end{bmatrix}_k\begin{bmatrix} u \\ v \end{bmatrix} = -I_{tk}, k = 1,...,w^2 [IxIy]k[uv]=Itk,k=1,...,w2
A = [ [ I x , I y ] 1 ⋮ [ I x , I y ] k ] , b = [ I t 1 ⋮ I t k ] A=\left[\begin{array}{c} {\left[I_{x}, I_{y}\right]_{1}} \\ \vdots \\ {\left[I_{x}, I_{y}\right]_{k}} \end{array}\right], b=\left[\begin{array}{c} I_{t 1} \\ \vdots \\ I_{t k} \end{array}\right] A=[Ix,Iy]1[Ix,Iy]k,b=It1Itk
A [ u v ] = − b A\begin{bmatrix} u\\ v \end{bmatrix} = -b A[uv]=b
这是一个关于 u , v u,v u,v 的超定线性方程,传统解法是求最小二乘解。最小二乘经常被用到:
[ u v ] ∗ = − ( A T A ) − 1 A T b \left[\begin{array}{l} u \\ v \end{array}\right]^{*}=-\left(A^{T} A\right)^{-1} A^{T} b [uv]=(ATA)1ATb
这样就得到了像素在图像间的运动速度 u , v u,v u,v。当 t t t 取离散时刻而不是连续时间时,可以估计某块像素在若干个图像中出现的位置。
由于像素梯度仅在局部有效,所以如果一次迭代不够好,可以迭代几次这个方程。在 SLAM 中,LK 光流经常被用来跟踪角点的运动。

8.3 实践:LK光流

8.3.1 使用 LK 光流

在本节中,用 OpenCV 的光流来追踪上面的特征点。同时也手动实现一个 LK 光流。
使用两张来自 Euroc 数据集的示例图像,在第一张图像中提取角点,然后用光流法追踪它们在第二张图像中的位置。
OpenCV 的光流在使用上十分简单,只需调用 cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK 函数,提供前后两张图像及对应的特征点,即可得到追踪后的点,以及各点的状态、误差。可以根据 status 变量是否为 1 来确定对应的点是否被正确追踪到。

mkdir optical_flow
cd optical_flow/
code .
    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "g++ - 生成和调试活动文件",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "args": [],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "environment": [],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "为 gdb 启动整齐打印",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
            "preLaunchTask": "Build",
            "miDebuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
	"version": "2.0.0",
		"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/build"   //指明在哪个文件夹下做下面这些指令
	"tasks": [
			"type": "shell",
			"label": "cmake",   //label就是这个task的名字,这个task的名字叫cmake
			"command": "cmake", //command就是要执行什么命令,这个task要执行的任务是cmake
			"label": "make",  //这个task的名字叫make
			"group": {
				"kind": "build",
				"isDefault": true
			"command": "make",  //这个task要执行的任务是make
			"args": [

			"label": "Build",
			"dependsOrder": "sequence", //按列出的顺序执行任务依赖项
			"dependsOn":[				//这个label依赖于上面两个label
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)


set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -std=c++14")


list( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH /home/lss/Downloads/g2o/cmake_modules )
set(G2O_ROOT /usr/local/include/g2o)

# 为使用 sophus,需要使用find_package命令找到它
find_package(Sophus REQUIRED)
include_directories( ${Sophus_INCLUDE_DIRS} )

# Eigen

find_package(Pangolin REQUIRED)

find_package (glog 0.6.0 REQUIRED)

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

# g2o
find_package(G2O REQUIRED)

add_executable(optical_flow optical_flow.cpp)

target_link_libraries(optical_flow ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${G2O_CORE_LIBRARY} ${G2O_STUFF_LIBRARY} glog::glog)
target_link_libraries(optical_flow Sophus::Sophus)
target_link_libraries(optical_flow ${Pangolin_LIBRARIES})

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

string file_1 = "./LK1.png";  // first image
string file_2 = "./LK2.png";  // second image

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Mat img1 = imread(file_1, 0);
    Mat img2 = imread(file_2, 0);
    assert(img1.data && img2.data && "Can not load images!");

    //key points, using GFTT here
    vector<KeyPoint> kp1;
    Ptr<GFTTDetector> detector = GFTTDetector::create(500, 0.01, 20); //maximum 500 keypoints
    detector->detect(img1, kp1);

    //using opebcv's flow for validation
    vector<Point2f> pt1, pt2;
    for(auto &kp : kp1) pt1.push_back(kp.pt);
    vector<uchar> status;
    vector<float> error;

    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1, img2, pt1, pt2, status, error);
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
    cout << "optical flow by opencv: " << time_used.count() << endl;

	Mat img2_CV;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_CV, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < pt2.size(); i++) {
        // 根据LK光流函数输出得到的状态变量status来确定对应点是否被正确跟踪o到
        if (status[i]) {
            // 绘制跟踪到的点为圆点
            cv::circle(img2_CV, pt2[i], 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            // 跟踪点的运动方向
            cv::line(img2_CV, pt1[i], pt2[i], cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));

    cv::imshow("tracked by opencv", img2_CV);
    return 0;

上面程序中首先用 OpenCV 的光流追踪上面的 GFTT 角点,然后用光流追踪它们在第二张图像中的位置。

8.3.2 用高斯牛顿法实现光流

在 OpticalFlowSingleLevel 函数中实现了单层光流函数,其中调用了 cv::paraller_for_ 并行调用 OpticalFlowTracker::calculateOpticalFlow,该函数计算指定范围内特征点的光流。这个并行 for 循环内部是 Intel tbb 库实现的,只需按照其接口,将函数本体定义出来,然后将函数作为 std::function 对象传递给它。


using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

string file_1 = "./LK1.png"; // first image
string file_2 = "./LK2.png"; // second image

// OPtical flow tracker and interface
class OpticalFlowTracker
        const Mat &img1_,
        const Mat &img2_,
        const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1_,
        vector<KeyPoint> &kp2_,
        vector<bool> &success_,
        bool inverse_ = true, bool has_initial_ = false) : img1(img1_), img2(img2_), kp1(kp1_), kp2(kp2_), success(success_), inverse(inverse_), has_initial(has_initial_) {}
    void calculateOpticalFlow(const Range &range);

    const Mat &img1;
    const Mat &img2;
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1;
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2;
    vector<bool> &success;
    bool inverse = true;
    bool has_initial = false;

 * single level optical flow
 * @param [in] img1 the first image
 * @param [in] img2 the second image
 * @param [in] kp1 keypoints in img1
 * @param [in|out] kp2 keypoints in img2, if empty, use initial guess in kp1
 * @param [out] success true if a keypoint is tracked successfully
 * @param [in] inverse use inverse formulation?
void OpticalFlowSingleLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse = false, bool has_initial = false);

 * get a gray scale value from reference image (bi-linear interpolated)
 * @param img
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @return the interpolated value of this pixel
//f(x,y) \approx f(0,0)(1-x)(1-y) + f(1,0)x(1-y)+f(0,1)(1-x)y + f(1,1)xy
inline float GetPixelValue(const cv::Mat &img, float x, float y)
    // boundary check
    if (x < 0)
        x = 0;
    if (y < 0)
        y = 0;
    if (x >= img.cols - 1)
        x = img.cols - 2;
    if (y >= img.rows - 1)
        y = img.rows - 2;

    float xx = x - floor(x);
    float yy = y - floor(y);
    int x_a1 = std::min(img.cols - 1, int(x) + 1);
    int y_a1 = std::min(img.rows - 1, int(y) + 1);

    return (1 - xx) * (1 - yy) * img.at<uchar>(y, x) + xx * (1 - yy) * img.at<uchar>(y, x_a1) + (1 - xx) * yy * img.at<uchar>(y_a1, x) + xx * yy * img.at<uchar>(y_a1, x_a1);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Mat img1 = imread(file_1, 0);
    Mat img2 = imread(file_2, 0);
    assert(img1.data && img2.data && "Can not load images!");

    // key points, using GFTT here
    vector<KeyPoint> kp1;
    Ptr<GFTTDetector> detector = GFTTDetector::create(500, 0.01, 20); // maximum 500 keypoints
    detector->detect(img1, kp1);

    //now lets track these key points in the second image
    //first use single level LK in the validation picture
    vector<KeyPoint> kp2_single;
    vector<bool> success_single;
    OpticalFlowSingleLevel(img1, img2, kp1, kp2_single, success_single);

    Mat img2_single;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_single, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < kp2_single.size(); i++) {
        if (success_single[i]) {
            cv::circle(img2_single, kp2_single[i].pt, 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            cv::line(img2_single, kp1[i].pt, kp2_single[i].pt, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));
    cv::imshow("tracked single level", img2_single);

    // using opencv's flow for validation
    vector<Point2f> pt1, pt2;
    for (auto &kp : kp1)
    vector<uchar> status;
    vector<float> error;
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1, img2, pt1, pt2, status, error);
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
    cout << "optical flow by opencv: " << time_used.count() << endl;

    Mat img2_CV;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_CV, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < pt2.size(); i++) {
        // 根据LK光流函数输出得到的状态变量status来确定对应点是否被正确跟踪o到
        if (status[i]) {
            // 绘制跟踪到的点为圆点
            cv::circle(img2_CV, pt2[i], 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            // 跟踪点的运动方向
            cv::line(img2_CV, pt1[i], pt2[i], cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));

    cv::imshow("tracked by opencv", img2_CV);

    return 0;

void OpticalFlowSingleLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse, bool has_initial)
    OpticalFlowTracker tracker(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, success, inverse, has_initial);
    parallel_for_(Range(0, kp1.size()), std::bind(&OpticalFlowTracker::calculateOpticalFlow, &tracker, placeholders::_1));

void OpticalFlowTracker::calculateOpticalFlow(const Range &range)
    // parameters
    int half_patch_size = 4; //窗口的大小为 8 * 8
    int iterations = 10; //每一个角点迭代 10 次
    //总共循环的次数为 kp1.size()
    for (size_t i = range.start; i < range.end; ++i)
        auto kp = kp1[i];
        double dx = 0, dy = 0; // dx, dy need to be estimated
        if (has_initial)
            dx = kp2[i].pt.x - kp.pt.x;
            dy = kp2[i].pt.y - kp.pt.y;
        double cost = 0, lastcost = 0;
        bool succ = true; // indicate if this point succeeded

        // Gauss-Newton iterations
        Eigen::Matrix2d H = Eigen::Matrix2d::Zero(); // hessian
        Eigen::Vector2d b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero(); // bias
        Eigen::Vector2d J;                           // jacobian
        for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter)
            if (inverse == false)
                H = Eigen::Matrix2d::Zero();
                b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();
                // only reset b
                b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();

            cost = 0;
            // compute cost and jacobian
            for (int x = -half_patch_size; x < half_patch_size; ++x)
                for (int y = -half_patch_size; y < half_patch_size; ++y)
                    double error = GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y) -
                                   GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + x + dx, kp.pt.y + y + dy);;

                    if (inverse == false)   //雅可比矩阵,为第二个图像在x+dx,y+dy处的梯度。梯度上面已讲
                        J = -1.0 * Eigen::Vector2d(
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x + 1, kp.pt.y + dy + y) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x - 1, kp.pt.y + dy + y)),
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x, kp.pt.y + dy + y + 1) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x, kp.pt.y + dy + y - 1)));
                    else if (iter == 0) //反向光流,计算第一张图像的雅可比矩阵,10次迭代只计算一次
                        // in inverse mode, J keeps same for all iterations
                        // NOTE this J does not change when dx, dy is updated, so we can store it and only compute error
                        J = -1.0 * Eigen::Vector2d(
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x + 1, kp.pt.y + y) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x - 1, kp.pt.y + y)),
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y + 1) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y - 1)));
                    // compute H,b and set cost
                    b += -error * J;
                    cost += error * error;
                    if (inverse == false || iter == 0)
                        // also update H
                        H += J * J.transpose();

            // compute update
            Eigen::Vector2d update = H.ldlt().solve(b);

            if (std::isnan(update[0]))
                // sometimes occurred when we have a black or white patch and H is irreversible
                cout << "update is nan" << endl;
                succ = false;

            // update dx, dy
            dx += update[0];
            dy += update[1];
            lastcost = cost;
            succ = true;

            if (update.norm() < 1e-2)
                // converge

        success[i] = succ;
        // set kp2
        kp2[i].pt = kp.pt + Point2f(dx, dy);

min ⁡ Δ x , Δ y ∥ I 1 ( x , y ) − I 2 ( x + Δ x , y + Δ y ) ∥ 2 2 \min _{\Delta x, \Delta y}\left\|\mathbf{I}_{1}(x, y)-\mathbf{I}_{2}(x+\Delta x, y+\Delta y)\right\|_{2}^{2} Δx,ΔyminI1(x,y)I2(x+Δx,y+Δy)22
因此,残差为括号内部的部分,对应的雅克比为第二个图像在 x + Δ x , y + Δ y x+\Delta x,y+\Delta y x+Δxy+Δy 处的梯度。此外,这里的梯度也可以用第一个图像中的梯度 I 1 ( x , y ) I_1(x,y) I1(x,y) 来代替。这种代替方法称为反向光流法。在反向光流法中, I 1 ( x , y ) I_1(x,y) I1(x,y) 的梯度是保持不变的,可以在第一次迭代时保留计算的结果。在后续迭代中使用。当雅克比不变时, H H H 矩阵不变,每次迭代只需要计算残差。

8.3.3 多层光流



using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

string file_1 = "./LK1.png"; // first image
string file_2 = "./LK2.png"; // second image

// OPtical flow tracker and interface
class OpticalFlowTracker
        const Mat &img1_,
        const Mat &img2_,
        const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1_,
        vector<KeyPoint> &kp2_,
        vector<bool> &success_,
        bool inverse_ = true, bool has_initial_ = false) : img1(img1_), img2(img2_), kp1(kp1_), kp2(kp2_), success(success_), inverse(inverse_), has_initial(has_initial_) {}
    void calculateOpticalFlow(const Range &range);

    const Mat &img1;
    const Mat &img2;
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1;
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2;
    vector<bool> &success;
    bool inverse = true;
    bool has_initial = false;

 * single level optical flow
 * @param [in] img1 the first image
 * @param [in] img2 the second image
 * @param [in] kp1 keypoints in img1
 * @param [in|out] kp2 keypoints in img2, if empty, use initial guess in kp1
 * @param [out] success true if a keypoint is tracked successfully
 * @param [in] inverse use inverse formulation?
void OpticalFlowSingleLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse = false, bool has_initial = false);

 * multi level optical flow, scale of pyramid is set to 2 by default
 * the image pyramid will be create inside the function
 * @param [in] img1 the first pyramid
 * @param [in] img2 the second pyramid
 * @param [in] kp1 keypoints in img1
 * @param [out] kp2 keypoints in img2
 * @param [out] success true if a keypoint is tracked successfully
 * @param [in] inverse set true to enable inverse formulation
void OpticalFlowMultiLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse = false

 * get a gray scale value from reference image (bi-linear interpolated)
 * @param img
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @return the interpolated value of this pixel
//f(x,y) \approx f(0,0)(1-x)(1-y) + f(1,0)x(1-y)+f(0,1)(1-x)y + f(1,1)xy
inline float GetPixelValue(const cv::Mat &img, float x, float y)
    // boundary check
    if (x < 0)
        x = 0;
    if (y < 0)
        y = 0;
    if (x >= img.cols - 1)
        x = img.cols - 2;
    if (y >= img.rows - 1)
        y = img.rows - 2;

    float xx = x - floor(x);
    float yy = y - floor(y);
    int x_a1 = std::min(img.cols - 1, int(x) + 1);
    int y_a1 = std::min(img.rows - 1, int(y) + 1);

    return (1 - xx) * (1 - yy) * img.at<uchar>(y, x) + xx * (1 - yy) * img.at<uchar>(y, x_a1) + (1 - xx) * yy * img.at<uchar>(y_a1, x) + xx * yy * img.at<uchar>(y_a1, x_a1);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Mat img1 = imread(file_1, 0);
    Mat img2 = imread(file_2, 0);
    assert(img1.data && img2.data && "Can not load images!");

    // key points, using GFTT here
    vector<KeyPoint> kp1;
    Ptr<GFTTDetector> detector = GFTTDetector::create(500, 0.01, 20); // maximum 500 keypoints
    detector->detect(img1, kp1);

    //now lets track these key points in the second image
    //first use single level LK in the validation picture
    vector<KeyPoint> kp2_single;
    vector<bool> success_single;
    OpticalFlowSingleLevel(img1, img2, kp1, kp2_single, success_single);

    Mat img2_single;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_single, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < kp2_single.size(); i++) {
        if (success_single[i]) {
            cv::circle(img2_single, kp2_single[i].pt, 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            cv::line(img2_single, kp1[i].pt, kp2_single[i].pt, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));
    cv::imshow("tracked single level", img2_single);

    // then test multi-level LK
    vector<KeyPoint> kp2_multi;
    vector<bool> success_multi;
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t10 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    OpticalFlowMultiLevel(img1, img2, kp1, kp2_multi, success_multi, true);
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t20 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto time_used0 = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t20 - t10);
    cout << "optical flow by gauss-newton: " << time_used0.count() << endl;

    Mat img2_multi;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_multi, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < kp2_multi.size(); i++) {
        if (success_multi[i]) {
            cv::circle(img2_multi, kp2_multi[i].pt, 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            cv::line(img2_multi, kp1[i].pt, kp2_multi[i].pt, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));
    cv::imshow("tracked multi level", img2_multi);

    // using opencv's flow for validation
    vector<Point2f> pt1, pt2;
    for (auto &kp : kp1)
    vector<uchar> status;
    vector<float> error;
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1, img2, pt1, pt2, status, error);
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
    cout << "optical flow by opencv: " << time_used.count() << endl;

    Mat img2_CV;
    cv::cvtColor(img2, img2_CV, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    for (int i = 0; i < pt2.size(); i++) {
        // 根据LK光流函数输出得到的状态变量status来确定对应点是否被正确跟踪o到
        if (status[i]) {
            // 绘制跟踪到的点为圆点
            cv::circle(img2_CV, pt2[i], 2, cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0), 2);
            // 跟踪点的运动方向
            cv::line(img2_CV, pt1[i], pt2[i], cv::Scalar(0, 250, 0));

    cv::imshow("tracked by opencv", img2_CV);

    return 0;

void OpticalFlowSingleLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse, bool has_initial)
    OpticalFlowTracker tracker(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, success, inverse, has_initial);
    parallel_for_(Range(0, kp1.size()), std::bind(&OpticalFlowTracker::calculateOpticalFlow, &tracker, placeholders::_1));

void OpticalFlowTracker::calculateOpticalFlow(const Range &range)
    // parameters
    int half_patch_size = 4; //窗口的大小为 8 * 8
    int iterations = 10; //每一个角点迭代 10 次
    //总共循环的次数为 kp1.size()
    for (size_t i = range.start; i < range.end; ++i)
        auto kp = kp1[i];
        double dx = 0, dy = 0; // dx, dy need to be estimated
        if (has_initial)
            dx = kp2[i].pt.x - kp.pt.x;
            dy = kp2[i].pt.y - kp.pt.y;
        double cost = 0, lastcost = 0;
        bool succ = true; // indicate if this point succeeded

        // Gauss-Newton iterations
        Eigen::Matrix2d H = Eigen::Matrix2d::Zero(); // hessian
        Eigen::Vector2d b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero(); // bias
        Eigen::Vector2d J;                           // jacobian
        for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter)
            if (inverse == false)
                H = Eigen::Matrix2d::Zero();
                b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();
                // only reset b
                b = Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();

            cost = 0;
            // compute cost and jacobian
            for (int x = -half_patch_size; x < half_patch_size; ++x)
                for (int y = -half_patch_size; y < half_patch_size; ++y)
                    double error = GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y) -
                                   GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + x + dx, kp.pt.y + y + dy);;

                    if (inverse == false)   //雅可比矩阵,为第二个图像在x+dx,y+dy处的梯度。梯度上面已讲
                        J = -1.0 * Eigen::Vector2d(
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x + 1, kp.pt.y + dy + y) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x - 1, kp.pt.y + dy + y)),
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x, kp.pt.y + dy + y + 1) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img2, kp.pt.x + dx + x, kp.pt.y + dy + y - 1)));
                    else if (iter == 0) //反向光流,计算第一张图像的雅可比矩阵,10次迭代只计算一次
                        // in inverse mode, J keeps same for all iterations
                        // NOTE this J does not change when dx, dy is updated, so we can store it and only compute error
                        J = -1.0 * Eigen::Vector2d(
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x + 1, kp.pt.y + y) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x - 1, kp.pt.y + y)),
                                       0.5 * (GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y + 1) -
                                              GetPixelValue(img1, kp.pt.x + x, kp.pt.y + y - 1)));
                    // compute H,b and set cost
                    b += -error * J;
                    cost += error * error;
                    if (inverse == false || iter == 0)
                        // also update H
                        H += J * J.transpose();

            // compute update
            Eigen::Vector2d update = H.ldlt().solve(b);

            if (std::isnan(update[0]))
                // sometimes occurred when we have a black or white patch and H is irreversible
                cout << "update is nan" << endl;
                succ = false;

            // update dx, dy
            dx += update[0];
            dy += update[1];
            lastcost = cost;
            succ = true;

            if (update.norm() < 1e-2)
                // converge

        success[i] = succ;
        // set kp2
        kp2[i].pt = kp.pt + Point2f(dx, dy);

void OpticalFlowMultiLevel(
    const Mat &img1,
    const Mat &img2,
    const vector<KeyPoint> &kp1,
    vector<KeyPoint> &kp2,
    vector<bool> &success,
    bool inverse) {

    // parameters
    int pyramids = 4;
    double pyramid_scale = 0.5;
    double scales[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125};

    // create pyramids
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    vector<Mat> pyr1, pyr2; // image pyramids
    for (int i = 0; i < pyramids; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
        } else {
            Mat img1_pyr, img2_pyr;
            cv::resize(pyr1[i - 1], img1_pyr,
                       cv::Size(pyr1[i - 1].cols * pyramid_scale, pyr1[i - 1].rows * pyramid_scale));
            cv::resize(pyr2[i - 1], img2_pyr,
                       cv::Size(pyr2[i - 1].cols * pyramid_scale, pyr2[i - 1].rows * pyramid_scale));
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
    cout << "build pyramid time: " << time_used.count() << endl;

    // coarse-to-fine LK tracking in pyramids
    vector<KeyPoint> kp1_pyr, kp2_pyr;
    for (auto &kp:kp1) {
        auto kp_top = kp;
        kp_top.pt *= scales[pyramids - 1];

    for (int level = pyramids - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
        // from coarse to fine
        t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
        OpticalFlowSingleLevel(pyr1[level], pyr2[level], kp1_pyr, kp2_pyr, success, inverse, true);
        t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
        auto time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
        cout << "track pyr " << level << " cost time: " << time_used.count() << endl;

        if (level > 0) {
            for (auto &kp: kp1_pyr)
                kp.pt /= pyramid_scale;
            for (auto &kp: kp2_pyr)
                kp.pt /= pyramid_scale;

    for (auto &kp: kp2_pyr)

LK 光流跟踪能够直接得到特征点的对应关系。这个对应关系就像是描述子的匹配,只是光流对图像的连续性和光照稳定性要求更高一些。可以用光流跟踪的特征点,用 P n P PnP PnP I C P ICP ICP 或者对极几何来估计相机的运动。
