

在读《计算机组成与设计:软硬件接口》这本书的5.5 Dependable Memory Hierarchy的时候,虽然知道SEC/DED的用法,但是对下面这一段话不是很理解,最小汉明码距离位4为什么就可以correct single bit error and detect double bit errors,想了很久,然后看到一些博客的解释,才理解。

minimum Hamming distance = 1


minimum Hamming distance = 2

最简单的**奇偶校验码( parity code)**就是汉明距离等于2的一种编码,可以这样考虑:除去parity bit剩下的数据位的最小汉明距离为1,如果两个数只有一位不一样,那parity bit肯定不一样,所以整个数据的汉明距离就是2,如果数据位的汉明距离就≥2,整个数据的距离就一定≥2。

minimum Hamming distance = 3

Hamming Error Correction Code (ECC) 就是一种最小距离为3的编码:

Of course, a parity code cannot correct errors, which Hamming wanted to do
as well as detect them. If we used a code that had a minimum distance of 3, then
any single bit error would be closer to the correct pattern than to any other valid
pattern. He came up with an easy to understand mapping of data into a distance 3
code that we call Hamming Error Correction Code (ECC) in his honor.
We use extra parity bits to allow the position identification of a single error. Here are the steps to
calculate Hamming ECC

  1. Start numbering bits from 1 on the left, contrary to the traditional
    numbering of the rightmost bit being 0.
  2. Mark all bit positions that are powers of 2 as parity bits (positions 1, 2, 4, 8,
    16, …).
  3. All other bit positions are used for data bits (positions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
    13, 14, 15, …).
  4. The position of parity bit determines sequence of data bits that it checks
    (Figure 5.24 shows this coverage graphically) is:
    ■ Bit 1 (0001two) checks bits (1,3,5,7,9,11,…), which are bits where rightmost
    bit of address is 1 (0001two, 0011two, 0101two, 0111two, 1001two, 1011two,…).
    ■ Bit 2 (0010two) checks bits (2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15,…), which are the bits
    where the second bit to the right in the address is 1.
    ■ Bit 4 (0100two) checks bits (4–7, 12–15, 20–23,…), which are the bits
    where the third bit to the right in the address is 1.
    ■ Bit 8 (1000two) checks bits (8–15, 24–31, 40–47,…), which are the bits
    where the fourth bit to the right in the address is 1.
    Note that each data bit is covered by two or more parity bits.
  5. Set parity bits to create even parity for each group.

minimum Hamming distance = 4

在原来的基础上加上一个奇偶校验位,就把最小汉明距离又增加了1,使得它可以correct single bit error and detect double bit errors


