• 一、引言
  • 二、ROS设置编译模式为Debug
  • 三、ROS使用GDB调试
    • 3.1 rosrun启动gdb调试
    • 3.2 rosrun启动GDB调试
    • 3.2 直接在devel/lib使用gdb运行程序
  • 四、GDB指令


  ROS官方列出了许多可用的IDE:如VScode, Qtcreator, Ecllipse, Clion等,而这些不方便快速的调试。



  1. 使用catkin_make时添加
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  1. 直接修改CMakelist.txt,添加以下代码:



3.1 rosrun启动gdb调试

  修改ROS launch文件,在node标签中添加一句话:

launch-prefix="xterm -e gdb -ex run --args "


<node pkg="ros_tutorials_topic" type="topic_publisher" name="topic_publisher" launch-prefix="xterm -e gdb -ex run --args "/>

附:roslaunch node前缀
The launch-prefix attribute of the tag that, among other things, makes it easy to debug a ROS node process. Here are some example launch-prefixes you might find useful:
launch-prefix=“xterm -e gdb --args” : run your node in a gdb in a separate xterm window, manually type run to start it
launch-prefix=“gdb -ex run --args” : run your node in gdb in the same xterm as your launch without having to type run to start it
launch-prefix=“stterm -g 200x60 -e gdb -ex run --args” : run your node in gdb in a new stterm window without having to type run to start it
launch-prefix=“valgrind” : run your node in valgrind
launch-prefix=“xterm -e” : run your node in a separate xterm window
launch-prefix=“nice” : nice your process to lower its CPU usage
launch-prefix=“screen -d -m gdb --args” : useful if the node is being run on another machine; you can then ssh to that machine and do screen -D -R to see the gdb session
launch-prefix=“xterm -e python -m pdb” : run your python node a separate xterm window in pdb for debugging; manually type run to start it


3.2 rosrun启动GDB调试


rosrun --prefix 'gdb -ex run --args' [package_name] [node_name] 


3.2 直接在devel/lib使用gdb运行程序

  在执行catkin_make之后会在devel/lib对应的节点文件下生成可执行文件,在source devel/setup.bash之后可以直接在devel/lib执行以下程序,然后继续使用gdb指令进行调试即可

gdb your_node_name


