Mentor-dft 学习笔记 day20-ATPG Event Simulation for DFFs and Latches

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 该过程的第一步是为ATPG执行可能需要的任何特殊设置。这包括对模式创建过程本身设置限制。第二步是使用默认设置创建pattern 。这是一种非常快速的方法来确定离可测试性目标有多近,甚至可以从第一次运行中获得所需的测试覆盖率。但是,如果测试覆盖率不在所需的水平,可能需要排除覆盖率不足的原因,并使用其他方法创建其他pattern。

ATPG Setup


ANALYSIS> set_pattern_type -sequential 2
ANALYSIS> create_patterns
ATPG Constraints Definition
ATPG约束类似于引脚约束和scan cell约束。引脚约束和扫描单元约束分别限制引脚和扫描单元的值。ATPG约束对电路中任何位置的可接受值种类进行了限制。例如,可以使用ATPG约束来防止设计中的总线争用或其他不希望发生的事件。此外,设计可能具有在正常系统操作下永远不会发生的某些条件。如果要在ATPG期间在回路上放置这些相同的约束,请使用ATPG约束。 在确定性模式生成期间,仅允许约束电路上的受限值。与仅在设置模式下可用的引脚和扫描单元约束不同,可以在设计展平后在任何系统模式下定义ATPG约束。如果要在执行设计规则检查之前设置ATPG约束,必须首先使用create_flat_model命令创建设计的展平模型。


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ANALYSIS> add_atpg_functions sel_func1 select1 /u1/o /u2/o /u3/o /u4/o
ANALYSIS> add_atpg_constraints 1 sel_func1
这些命令指定“select1”函数应用于门/u1、/u2、/u3和/u4,select1函数的输出应始终为1。确定性模式生成必须确保满足这些条件。导致此约束为真的条件如所示, 表8-3.当该约束为真时,门/u5将无争用。
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analyze_atpg_constraints — Analyzes a given constraint for either its ability to be
satisfied or for mutual exclusivity.
analyze_restrictions — Performs an analysis to automatically determine the source of
the problems from a failed ATPG run.
delete_atpg_constraints — Removes the specified constraint from the list.
delete_atpg_functions — Removes the specified function definition from the list.
report_atpg_constraints — Reports all ATPG constraints in the list.
report_atpg_functions — Reports all defined ATPG functions
Power and Ground Ports Exclusion from the Pattern Set
可以在电路设置和DRC期间约束电源和接地端口,也可以从模式集中排除这些端口。第一步是通过在顶级输入或inout端口上设置“function”属性的值来指定电源和接地端口。例如,以下命令将“vcc”端口指定为电源输入:SETUP> set_attribute_value vcc -name function -value power
请注意,该端口只能是顶级模块上的输入或输入端口,唯一允许的值是“电源”和“接地”。此外,该端口不能是ICL文件中的IJTAG端口(如果存在)。此外,在平面模型中读取后不能更改“function”属性。 将值设置为“power”的效果是在该端口上添加CT1的输入约束;并且将该值设置为“地”具有在该端口上添加CT0的输入约束的效果。 删除这些推断约束的唯一方法是使用reset_attribute_value命令。也就是说,delete_input_constraints和delete_pin_constraints命令在这种情况下不起作用。


Event Simulation for DFFs and Latches



Edge-triggered elements update during 0→1 transitions of their clock input.

Level-sensitive elements update when their clock is high


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Figure 8-8解释了仿真内核如何使用DFF和锁存器对波形进行建模。
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 Flattened Model Saves Time and Memory


analysis mode — The tool automatically creates the flat model when you change from
setup to analysis mode using the set_system_mode command. After model flattening,
you save the flattened design using the write_flat_model command.(自动分析及两个指令)
setup mode — You can manually create a flattened model in setup mode using the
create_flat_model command. After model flattening, you save the flattened design using
the write_flat_model command.(创建,写入扁平化model)
Checkpointing Setup


Example Checkpointing
set_checkpointing_options on -pattern_file my_checkpoint_file -period 90 \
-replace -pattern_format ascii -faultlist_file my_checkpoint_fault_file
# Load the fault population stored by the checkpoint.
# The ATPG process can spend a great deal of time proving
# faults to be redundant (RE) or ATPG untestable (AU). By
# loading the fault population using the -retain option, the
# status of these fault sites will be restored. This will
# save the time required to reevaluate these fault sites.
read_faults my_checkpoint_fault_file -retain
# The report_statistics command shows if the fault coverage
# is at the same level as at the last checkpoint the tool
# encountered.
# Set the pattern source to the pattern set that was stored
# by the checkpoint. Then fault simulate these patterns.
# During the fault simulation, the external patterns will be
# copied into the tool’s internal pattern set. Then, by
# setting the pattern source back to the internal pattern
# set, additional patterns can be added during a subsequent
# ATPG run. This sequence is accomplished with the following
# segment of the dofile.
# Fault grade the checkpoint pattern set.
read_patterns my_checkpoint_file
# Reset the fault status to assure that the patterns
# simulated do detect faults. When the pattern set is fault
# simulated, if no faults are detected, the tool will not
# retain the patterns in the internal pattern set.
# Create additional ATPG patterns
Pattern Creation with Default Settings


ANALYSIS> create_patterns
