深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1

Courses in this sequence :

  1.  Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  2.  Improving Deep Neural Networks :Hyperparameter tuning,Regularization and Optimization 
  3. Structuring your Machine Learning project 
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN 卷积神经网络:经常用于图像领域)
  5. Natural Language Processing:Building sequence models

Introduction to Deep Learning 

1. what is a Neural Network?

input to the neural network the size of a house which one we call x ,it gose into a node,then it outputs the price which we call y.

 ›深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1_第1张图片

this circle is a single neuron in a neural network . and this circle callec hidden units in neural network.

 深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1_第2张图片

Picture above is a neural netwwork.

深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1_第3张图片

2. Supervised Learning with Neural Networks 

深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1_第4张图片

3. Why is deep learning take off?

深度学习Deep Learning Specialization [deep learning ai 吴恩达 主讲] Note1_第5张图片
