Teaching the Next Generation of Statistics Students to “Think With Data”: Special Issue on Statistic

This is an exciting time to be a statistician. The contribution of the discipline of statistics to scientific knowledge is widely recognized (McNutt  2014) with increasingly positive public perception. Many feel “daunted by the challenge of extracting understanding from floods of disconnected data that threaten to swamp every discipline” (Yamamoto  2013).
Demand for statisticians is strong, and as such, ‘statistician’ frequently ranks as a top job (Wasserstein  2015). The McKinsey report (Manyika et al.  2011) makes clear the need for new graduates with “deep analytical skills,” and many (most?) of these new workers will be trained at the undergraduate level. Fortunately, the recent growth of undergraduate statistics programs is impressive. While still small in absolute numbers they have nearly doubled between 2010 and 2013 (Wasserstein  2015) and are on track to continue to increase.
But there are challenges as well as opportunities in this new world of data (Horton  2015; Ridgway  2015a). The traditional statistics curriculum with mathematical foundations has not kept up with pressing demands for students who can make sense of data. Calls for transformed undergraduate education have resonated nationally (Holdren and Lander  2012; Zorn et al.  2014). These pressures led ASA President Nathaniel Schenker to convene an ASA workgroup to update the association's guidelines for undergraduate programs. The group, with broad representation from academia, industry, and government, put forward guidelines that were endorsed by the ASA Board of Directors in November 2014 (ASA  2014).  Table 1 includes the full executive summary (a copy of the guidelines and related resources can be found at http://www.amstat.org/education/curriculumguidelines.cfm).
Much of the statistics education literature focuses on the introductory statistics course and statistics before college. Given the relatively few decades since the establishment of undergraduate statistics programs, this is not surprising. While there has been impressive growth in the number of students taking introductory statistics, there has been a relative dearth of articles on the curriculum beyond the introductory course. The 2014 ASA curriculum guidelines focus particular attention on the relationships between courses and student experiences beyond what has been implemented in traditional lecture courses. This issue of  The American Statistician includes a set of articles that addresses the challenges and opportunities for undergraduate programs in statistics.
Many aspects of the revised guidelines are not new. As an example, consider the preface of the 1992 Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics (CATS) workshop on “Modern Interdisciplinary University Statistics Education” that touches on a number of key aspects from the 2014 ASA guidelines (including graphics, communications, and applications) CATS ( 1994):
At its August 1992 meeting in Boston, the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics (CATS) noted widespread sentiment in the statistical community that upper-level undergraduate and graduate curricula for statistics majors are currently structured in ways that do not provide sufficient exposure to modern statistical analysis, computational and graphical tools, communication skills, and the ever growing interdisciplinary uses of statistics. Approaches and materials once considered standard are being rethought. The growth that statistics has undergone is often not reflected in the education that future statisticians receive. There is a need to incorporate more meaningfully into the curriculum the computational and graphical tools that are today so important to many professional statisticians. There is a need for improved training of statistics students in written and oral communication skills, which are crucial for effective interaction with scientists and policy makers. More realistic experience is needed in various application areas for which statistics is now a key to further progress. (CATS  1994, vii)
We heartily concur. We also agree with Jon Kettenring's advice (CATS  1994, 5–9) that “Industry needs holistic statisticians who are nimble problem solvers.” The idea that an undergraduate statistics major develops general problem solving skills to use data to make sense of the world is powerful. We are concerned that many of our graduates do not have sufficient skills to be effective in the modern workforce. Thomas Lumley (personal communication, 2015) has stated that our students know how to deal with  n → ∞, but cannot deal with a million observations. If statistics is the science of learning from data, then our students need to be able to “think with data” (as Diane Lambert of Google has so elegantly described).

Table 1 Executive Summary—ASA Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Statistical Science (endorsed by the Board of Directors, November 2014)

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Table 2 Key articles on statistics in the undergraduate curriculum (* denotes in this issue)

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Likely the first and most important place to start the curricular conversation is with the courses that follow an introductory statistics course. For many years, the “second course” has often been thought to be synonymous with regression. But even in 2000, Tarpey encouraged thinking outside the box for the applied regression and theoretical statistics courses:
Statistical theory has most commonly been taught in the second semester of a year long sequence in probability and mathematical statistics. While that course is not unacceptable, the usual version is neither representative of modern statistical practice nor a good introduction to statistical thinking, and we encourage alternatives. For example, the applied regression and theory courses might be replaced by a two-semester sequence combining theory and applications (Tarpey et al.  2000).
Do our bachelor's graduates have the needed skills to compute with data in the manner described by Nolan and Temple Lang ( 20102015b)? Knowledge of a variety of statistical methods along with the ability to assess their potential and limitations is useful, but if an analyst cannot wrangle data in a form to answer a statistical question, their utility may be limited. Our curricula need to prepare students engage in the entire data analysis process. The value that statistics brings to this enterprise needs to be highlighted and communicated, while other skills and capacities are added to our programs.
We note George Cobb's apt metaphor (Cobb  2015a) comparing changing curriculum to moving a graveyard: this squares with our experiences. We also agree that “Our territory—thinking with and about data—is too valuable to allow old curricular structures to continue to sit contentedly on their aging assets while more vigorous neighbors take advantage of the latest ideas” (Cobb  2015a). How do we ensure that students have flexible problem-solving skills to tackle future problems using data with techniques and technology that may not yet exist?
The work of the ASA undergraduate guidelines working group (and the team that drafted the original ASA guidelines in 2000) leveraged a number of articles and resources that have helped to define the undergraduate statistics curriculum.  Table 2includes a selected set of articles (many published in  The American Statistician) that are particularly noteworthy or groundbreaking. Readers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these articles as part of ongoing curricular review.
In this issue, we have assembled a set of articles that help describe a way forward. This includes a provocative article by George Cobb that is accompanied by an online supplement with 19 responses to the paper from an international group of statisticians (Albert and Glickman  2015; De Veaux and Velleman  2015; Fisher and Bailer  2015; Franklin  2015; Gelman and Loken  2015; Gould  2015; Holcomb, Quinn, and Short  2015; Kass  2015; King  2015; Lane-Getaz  2015; Notz  2015; Peck, Chance, and Rossman  2015; Ridgway  2015b; Temple Lang  2015; Utts  2015b; Ward  2015; Wickham  2015; Wild  2015b; Zieffler and Justice  2015; and a rejoinder, Cobb  2015b). These discussion responses and rejoinder plus other resources related to the undergraduate statistics curriculum can be found at  http://www.amstat.org/education/curriculumguidelines.cfm.
We hope that this collection of articles as well as the online discussion provide useful fodder for further review, assessment, and continuous improvement of the undergraduate statistics curriculum that will allow the next generation to take a leadership role by making decisions using data in the increasingly complex world that they will inhabit.


  • 1. Albert, J., and Glickman, M. (2015), “Attracting Undergraduates to Statistics Through Data Science,” online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 2. ASA (2005), “Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education College Report,” available athttp://www.amstat.org/education/gaise.
  • 3. ——— (2014), “2014 Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Statistical Science,” available athttp://www.amstat.org/education/curriculumguidelines.cfm.
  • 4. ——— (2015), “The Statistical Education of Teachers,” available at http://www.amstat.org/education/SET.
  • 5. Bailer, J., Hoerl, R., Madigan, D., Montaquila, J., and Wright, T. (2012), “Report on the ASA Workgroup on Master's Degrees,” available at http://magazine.amstat.org/blog/2013/02/01/mastersworkgrou.
  • 6. Baumer, B. (2015), “A Data Science Course for Undergraduates: Thinking With Data,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 7. Biehler, R. (1997), “Software for Learning and for Doing Statistics,” International Statistical Review, 65, 167–189. [CrossRef],[Web of Science ®]
  • 8. Blades, N., Schaalje, G., and Christensen, W. (2015), “The Second Course in Statistics: Design and Analysis of Experiments?” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 9. Blair, R., Kirkman, E.E., and Maxwell, J.W. (2010), “Statistical Abstract of Undergraduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences in the United States: Fall 2010 CBMS survey,” available at http://www.ams.org/profession/data/cbms-survey/cbms2010-Report.pdf.
  • 10. Breiman, L. (2001), “Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures,” Statistical Science, 16, 199–231. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]
  • 11. Brown, E.N., and Kass, R.E. (2009), “What is Statistics?” The American Statistician, 63, 105–110. [Taylor & Francis Online],[Web of Science ®]
  • 12. Bryce, G., Gould, R., Notz, W., and Peck, R. (2000), “Curriculum Guidelines for Bachelor of Science Degrees in Statistical Science,” available at http://www.amstat.org/education/pdfs/BS-curriculum.pdf.
  • 13. Bryce, G.R. (2005), “Developing Tomorrow's Statisticians,” Journal of Statistics Education, 13. Available athttp://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v13n1/bryce.html.
  • 14. Cannon, A., Hartlaub, B., Lock, R., Notz, W., and Parker, M. (2002), “Guidelines for Undergraduate Minors and Concentrations in Statistical Science,” Journal of Statistics Education, 10.Available athttp://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v10n2/cannon.html
  • 15. CATS (1994), “Modern Interdisciplinary University Statistics Education,” Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics Proceedings of a Symposium.Available at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/2355/modern-interdisciplinary-university-statistics-education-proceedings-of-a-symposium.
  • 16. Çetinkaya Rundel, M., and Stangl, D. (2013), “A Celebration of Data,” CHANCE, 26, 43–46.
  • 17. Chamandy, N., Muralidharan, O., and Wager, S. (2015), “Teaching Statistics at Google Scale,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 18. Chance, B., and Peck, R. (2015), “From Curriculum Guidelines to Learning Outcomes: Assessment at the Program Level,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 19. Chihara, L.M., and Hesterberg, T.C. (2011), Mathematical Statistics With Resampling and R, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • 20. Cleveland, W.S. (2001), “Data Science: An Action Plan for Expanding the Technical Areas of the Field of Statistics,” International Statistical Review, 69, 21–26. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]
  • 21. Cobb, G. W. (2007), “The Introductory Statistics Course: A Ptolemaic Curriculum?” Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 1, 1–15.
  • 22. ——— (2011), “Teaching Statistics: Some Important Tensions,” Chilean Journal of Statistics, 2, 31–62.
  • 23. ——— (2015a), “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink the Undergraduate Curriculum From the Ground Up,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 24. —— (2015b), “Rejoinder to Discussion of `Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up’,” online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed],[Web of Science ®]
  • 25. Cohen, S. (2014), “Ethics for Undergraduates,” available athttp://www.amstat.org/education/pdfs/EthicsUndergraduates.pdf.
  • 26. COPE (1999), “Committee on Professional Ethics Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice,” available athttp://www.amstat.org/about/ethicalguidelines.cfm.
  • 27. DeVeaux, R., and Velleman, P. (2008), “Math is Music: Statistics is Literature,” Amstat News 375, p. 54.
  • 28. ——- (2015), “Teaching Statistics Algorithmically or Stochastically Misses the Point: Why not Teach Holistically?,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 6, this issue.
  • 29. Fecso, R.S., Kalsbeek, W.D., Lohr, S.L., Scheaffer, R.L., Scheuren, F.J., and Stasny, E.A. (1996), “Teaching Survey Sampling,” The American Statistician, 50, 328–340. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 30. Fi, C.D., and Degner, K.M. (2012), “Teaching Through Problem Solving,” Mathematics Teacher, 105, 455–459.
  • 31. Finzer, W. (2013), “The Data Science Education Dilemma,” Technology Innovations in Statistical Education, 7, 1–9.
  • 32. Fisher, T.J., and Bailer, A.J. (2015), “Who, What, When and How: Changing the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 33. Franklin, C. (2015), “We Need to Rethink the Way We Teach Statistics at K–12,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 34. Friendly, M. (2008), “The Golden Age of Statistical Graphics,” Statistical Science, 23, 502–535. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]
  • 35. Garfield, J.B. (1994), “Beyond Testing and Grading: Using Assessment to Improve Student Learning,” Journal of Statistics Education, 2, 2–2.
  • 36. Garfield, J.B., Zieffler, A., Kaplan, D., Cobb, G.W., Chance, B.L., and Holcomb, J.P. (2011), “Rethinking Assessment of Student Learning in Statistics Courses,” The American Statistician, 65, 1–10. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 37. Gelman, A., and Loken, E. (2015), “Moving Forward in Statistics Education While Avoiding Overconfidence,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 38. Green, J., and Blankenship, E. (2015), “Fostering Conceptual Understanding in Mathematical Statistics,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 39. Gould, R. (2010), “Statistics and the Modern Student,” International Statistical Review, 78, 297–315. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]
  • 40. —— (2015), “Augmenting the Vocabulary Used to Describe Data,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 41. Grimshaw, S. (2015), “A Framework for Infusing Authentic Data Experiences Within Statistics Courses,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 42. Grolemund, G., and Wickham, H. (2014), “A Cognitive Interpretation of Data Analysis,” International Statistical Review, 82, 184–204. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]
  • 43. Hardin, J., Hoerl, R., Horton, N.J., and Nolan, D. (2015), “Data Science in Statistics Curricula: Preparing Students to ‘Think With Data’,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 44. Harville, D.A. (2014), “The Need for More Emphasis on Prediction: A ‘Nondenominational’ Model-Based Approach” (with discussion), The American Statistician, 68, 71–92. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 45. Hesterberg, T. (2015), “What Teachers Should Know About the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 46. Higgins, J.J. (1999), “Nonmathematical Statistics: A New Direction for the Undergraduate Discipline,” The American Statistician, 53, 1–6. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 47. Hogg, R.V. (1999), “Let's Use CQI in Our Statistics Programs” (with discussion), The American Statistician, 53, 7–28. [Taylor & Francis Online]
  • 48. Holcomb, J.P., Quinn, L., and Short T. (2015), “Seeking the Niche for Traditional Mathematics within Undergraduate Statistics and Data Science Curricula,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 49. Holdren, J.P., and Lander, E. (2012), “Engage to Excel: Producing one Million Additional College Graduates With Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” available athttps://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-en~gage-to-excel-final_2-25-12.pdf.
  • 50. Horton, N.J. (2013), “I Hear, I Forget. I Do, I Understand: A Modified Moore-method Mathematical Statistics Course,” The American Statistician, 67, 219–228. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 51. Horton, N.J. (2015), “Challenges and Opportunities for Statistics and Statistical Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward,” The American Statistician, 69, 138–145. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 52. Horton, N.J., Baumer, B., and Wickham, H. (2015), “Setting the Stage for Data Science: Integration of Data Management Skills in Introductory and Second Courses in Statistics,” CHANCE, 28, 40–50. [Taylor & Francis Online]
  • 53. Horton, N.J., Brown, E.R., and Qian, L. (2004), “Use of R as a Toolbox for Mathematical Statistics Exploration,” The American Statistician, 58, 343–357. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 54. Johnstone, I. (2014), Where Are the Majors?, Chapter Past, Present and Future of Statistical Science, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • 55. Kass, R.E. (2015), “The Gap Between Statistics Education and Statistical Practice,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 56. Khachatryan, D. (2015), “Incorporating Statistical Consulting Case Studies in Introductory Time Series Courses,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 57. King, E.C. (2015), “Training the Next Generation of Statistical Scientists,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 58. Kuiper, S., and Sturdivant, R. (2015), “Using Online Game-Based Simulations to Strengthen Students’ Understanding of Practical Statistical Issues in Real-World Data Analysis,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 59. Kolenikov, S. (2015), “Training for the Modern Survey Statistician,” Survey Practice, 7, 1–13.
  • 60. Lane-Getaz, S.J. (2015), “Stirring the Curricular Pot Once Again,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
  • 61. Lazar, N.A., Reeves, J., and Franklin, C. (2011), “A Capstone Course for Undergraduate Statistics Majors,” The American Statistician, 65, 183–189. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]
  • 62. Leman, S., House, L., and Hoegh, A. (2015), “Developing a New Interdisciplinary Computational Analytics Undergraduate Program: A Qualitative-Quantitative-Qualitative Approach,” The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]
  • 63. Madigan, D., and Wasserstein, R. (2014), “Statistics and Science: A Report of the London Workshop on the Future of the Statistical Sciences,” available at http://www.worldofstatistics.org/wos/pdfs/Statistics&Science-TheLondonWorkshopReport.pdf.
  • 64. Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., and Byers, A.H. (2011), “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity,” available athttp://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/big_data_the_next_frontier_for_innovation.
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  • 91. Temple Lang, D. (2015), “Authentic Data Analysis Experience,’’ online supplement discussion of “Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up” by G. Cobb, The American Statistician, 69, this issue. [PubMed]
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