Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves.
—- 6.1 从这里开始,都跟 4 内容基本一样!
这里支持所有的 pytorch 里的 optimizer;只需要稍微改动一下 optimizer
例如,想用 Adam
optimizer = dict(type='Adam', lr=0.0003, weight_decay=0.0001)
# in pytorch
torch.optim.Adam(parms, lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0, amsgrad=False)
# in mmpose
optimizer = dict(type='Adam', lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0, amsgrad=Flse)
创建一个新的文件夹 mmpose/core/optimizer
然后创建新的文件 mmpose/core/optimizer/my_optimizer.py
from .registry import OPTIMIZERS
from torch.optim import Optimizer
class MyOptimizer(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
from .my_optimizer import MyOptimizer
Use custom_imports
in the config to manually import it
custom_imports = dict(imports=['mmpose.core.optimizer.my_optimizer'], allow_failed_imports=False)
The module mmpose.core.optimizer.my_optimizer
will be imported at the beginning of the program and the class MyOptimizer
is then automatically registered. Note that only the package containing the class MyOptimizer
should be imported. mmpose.core.optimizer.my_optimizer.MyOptimizer
cannot be imported directly.
optimizer = dict(type='MyOptimizer', a=a_value, b=b_value, c=c_value)
from mmcv.utils import build_from_cfg
from mmcv.runner.optimizer import OPTIMIZER_BUILDERS, OPTIMIZERS
from mmpose.utils import get_root_logger
from .my_optimizer import MyOptimizer
class MyOptimizerConstructor:
def __init__(self, optimizer_cfg, paramwise_cfg=None):
def __call__(self, model):
return my_optimizer
The default optimizer constructor is implemented here, which could also serve as a template for new optimizer constructor.
—- 6.1 到这里为止,都跟 4 内容基本一样!
Tricks not implemented by the optimizer should be implemented through optimizer constructor (e.g., set parameter-wise learning rates) or hooks.
We list some common settings that could stabilize the training or accelerate the training. Feel free to create PR, issue for more settings.
Use gradient clip to stabilize training: Some models need gradient clip to clip the gradients to stabilize the training process. An example is as below:
optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2))
Use momentum schedule to accelerate model convergence: We support momentum scheduler to modify model’s momentum according to learning rate, which could make the model converge in a faster way. Momentum scheduler is usually used with LR scheduler, for example, the following config is used in 3D detection to accelerate convergence. For more details, please refer to the implementation of CyclicLrUpdater and CyclicMomentumUpdater.
lr_config = dict(
target_ratio=(10, 1e-4),
momentum_config = dict(
target_ratio=(0.85 / 0.95, 1),
we use step learning rate with default value in config files, this calls StepLRHook
in MMCV. We support many other learning rate schedule here, such as CosineAnnealing
and Poly
schedule. Here are some examples
Poly schedule:
lr_config = dict(policy='poly', power=0.9, min_lr=1e-4, by_epoch=False)
ConsineAnnealing schedule:
lr_config = dict(
warmup_ratio=1.0 / 10,
By default, we recommend users to use EpochEvalHook
to do evaluation after training epoch, but they can still use val
workflow as an alternative.
Workflow is a list of (phase, epochs) to specify the running order and epochs. By default it is set to be
workflow = [('train', 1)]
which means running 1 epoch for training. Sometimes user may want to check some metrics (e.g. loss, accuracy) about the model on the validate set. In such case, we can set the workflow as
[('train', 1), ('val', 1)]
so that 1 epoch for training and 1 epoch for validation will be run iteratively.
in the config only controls the number of training epochs and will not affect the validation workflow.[('train', 1), ('val', 1)]
and [('train', 1)]
will not change the behavior of EpochEvalHook
because EpochEvalHook
is called by after_train_epoch
and validation workflow only affect hooks that are called through after_val_epoch
. Therefore, the only difference between [('train', 1), ('val', 1)]
and [('train', 1)]
is that the runner will calculate losses on validation set after each training epoch.Here we give an example of creating a new hook in MMPose and using it in training.
from mmcv.runner import HOOKS, Hook
class MyHook(Hook):
def __init__(self, a, b):
def before_run(self, runner):
def after_run(self, runner):
def before_epoch(self, runner):
def after_epoch(self, runner):
def before_iter(self, runner):
def after_iter(self, runner):
Depending on the functionality of the hook, the users need to specify what the hook will do at each stage of the training in before_run
, after_run
, before_epoch
, after_epoch
, before_iter
, and after_iter
from .my_hook import MyHook
Use custom_imports
in the config to manually import it
custom_imports = dict(imports=['mmpose.core.utils.my_hook'], allow_failed_imports=False)
custom_hooks = [
dict(type='MyHook', a=a_value, b=b_value)
You can also set the priority of the hook by adding key priority
as below
custom_hooks = [
dict(type='MyHook', a=a_value, b=b_value, priority='NORMAL')
By default the hook’s priority is set as NORMAL
during registration.
If the hook is already implemented in MMCV, you can directly modify the config to use the hook as below
mmcv_hooks = [
dict(type='MMCVHook', a=a_value, b=b_value, priority='NORMAL')
There are some common hooks that are not registered through custom_hooks
but has been registered by default when importing MMCV, they are
In those hooks, only the logger hook has the VERY_LOW
priority, others’ priority are NORMAL
. The above-mentioned tutorials already cover how to modify optimizer_config
, momentum_config
, and lr_config
. Here we reveals how what we can do with log_config
, checkpoint_config
, and evaluation
The MMCV runner will use checkpoint_config
to initialize CheckpointHook
checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1)
The users could set max_keep_ckpts
to only save only small number of checkpoints or decide whether to store state dict of optimizer by save_optimizer
. More details of the arguments are here
The log_config
wraps multiple logger hooks and enables to set intervals. Now MMCV supports WandbLoggerHook
, MlflowLoggerHook
, and TensorboardLoggerHook
. The detail usages can be found in the doc.
log_config = dict(
The config of evaluation
will be used to initialize the EvalHook
. Except the key interval
, other arguments such as metric
will be passed to the dataset.evaluate()
evaluation = dict(interval=1, metric='mAP')
plots loss/pose acc curves given a training log file.
Run pip install seaborn
first to install the dependency.
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py plot_curve ${JSON_LOGS} [--keys ${KEYS}] [--title ${TITLE}] [--legend ${LEGEND}] [--backend ${BACKEND}] [--style ${STYLE}] [--out ${OUT_FILE}]
Plot the mse loss of some run.
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py plot_curve log.json --keys mse_loss --legend mse_loss
Plot the acc of some run, and save the figure to a pdf.
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py plot_curve log.json --keys acc_pose --out results.pdf
Compare the acc of two runs in the same figure. 在一张图里比较
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py plot_curve log1.json log2.json --keys acc_pose --legend run1 run2
You can also compute the average training speed.
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py cal_train_time ${JSON_LOGS} [--include-outliers]
Compute the average training speed for a config file
python tools/analysis/analyze_logs.py cal_train_time log.json
The output is expected to be like the following.
-----Analyze train time of log.json-----
slowest epoch 114, average time is 0.9662
fastest epoch 16, average time is 0.7532
time std over epochs is 0.0426
average iter time: 0.8406 s/iter
is a script adapted from flops-counter.pytorch to compute the FLOPs and params of a given model.
python tools/analysis/get_flops.py ${CONFIG_FILE} [--shape ${INPUT_SHAPE}]
We will get the result like this
Input shape: (1, 3, 256, 192)
Flops: 8.9 GMac
Params: 28.04 M
Note: This tool is still experimental and we do not guarantee that the number is absolutely correct. You may use the result for simple comparisons, but double check it before you adopt it in technical reports or papers. 这个现在还没搞好啦,如果用来作比较还可以,但是放到学术论文里就不太行了!
(1) FLOPs are related to the input shape while parameters are not. The default input shape is (1, 3, 340, 256) for 2D recognizer, (1, 3, 32, 340, 256) for 3D recognizer. (2) Some operators are not counted into FLOPs like GN and custom operators. Refer to mmcv.cnn.get_model_complexity_info()
for details.
prints the whole config verbatim, expanding all its imports.
python tools/print_config.py ${CONFIG} [-h] [--options ${OPTIONS [OPTIONS...]}]
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