我们想在.Net环境中使用Cg着色器语言,首先我们需要安装Cg Toolkit,然后使用封装了Cg Toolkit的cgnet,上面还有Cgnet.OpenTK,针对的是Cgnet在OpenTK环境里的简单封装.然后我们在.net环境引用相关DLL,就可以引用到Cg着色器语言了.主要用法和Cg中差不多,在这先说最简单的顶点差色器与片断着色器,首先是生成一个Cg着色器语言环境,然后在这环境里就可以获取最新可用的着色器配置,然后和执行代码生成对应的着色器语言执行对象,在Cg Toolkit安装中,可以看到里有很多的学习例子,上述过程每个例子基本都存在这过程,虽然是用C++写的,看几次就有印象了,额外说一句,本来我看那些例子还分DXD9,DXD10等,OpenGL就一个,还在想,这是不是太偏向DX了,那想打开一看,Opengl里的初级,高级例子比DXD9,DXD10加起来都多,不知是DX本身自带还是昨的,反正用OpenGL的足够学习如何使用Cg语法了.下面针对Cg里做一个简单的封装.
type CgContext() = let cgContext = CgNet.Context.Create() let vertexParameters = new ParameterDict() let fragmentParameters = new ParameterDict() do CgGL.SetDebugMode(false) cgContext.ParameterSettingMode <- ParameterSettingMode.Deferred member val VertexProgram = Option.None with get,set member val FragmentProgram = Option .None with get,set member val VectexProfile = ProfileType.Unknown with get,set member val FragmentProfile = ProfileType.Unknown with get,set member val ErrorMessage = "" with get,set member this.CreateVectexProgram(fileName,programName) = this.VectexProfile <- ProfileClass.Vertex.GetLatestProfile() this.VectexProfile.SetOptimalOptions() let vertexProgram = cgContext.CreateProgramFromFile( ProgramType.Source, fileName, this.VectexProfile, programName, null) this.ErrorMessage <- cgContext.LastListing vertexProgram.Load() this.VertexProgram <- Some vertexProgram member this.CreateFragmentProgram(fileName,programName) = this.FragmentProfile <- ProfileClass.Fragment.GetLatestProfile() this.FragmentProfile.SetOptimalOptions() let fragmentProfile = cgContext.CreateProgramFromFile( ProgramType.Source, fileName, this.FragmentProfile, programName, null) this.ErrorMessage <- cgContext.LastListing fragmentProfile.Load() this.FragmentProgram <- Some fragmentProfile member this.VertexParameter name= if not (vertexParameters.ContainsKey(name)) then vertexParameters.[name] <- this.VertexProgram.Value.GetNamedParameter(name) vertexParameters.[name] member this.FragmentParameter name= if not (fragmentParameters.ContainsKey(name)) then fragmentParameters.[name] <- this.FragmentProgram.Value.GetNamedParameter(name) fragmentParameters.[name] member this.EnableProfile() = if this.VertexProgram.IsSome then this.VertexProgram.Value.Bind() this.VectexProfile.EnableProfile() if this.FragmentProgram.IsSome then this.FragmentProgram.Value.Bind() this.FragmentProfile.EnableProfile() member this.UpdateParameter() = if this.VertexProgram.IsSome then this.VertexProgram.Value.UpdateParameters() if this.FragmentProgram.IsSome then this.FragmentProgram.Value.UpdateParameters() member this.DisableProfile() = if this.VertexProgram.IsSome then this.VertexProgram.Value.DisableProgramProfiles() if this.FragmentProgram.IsSome then this.FragmentProgram.Value.DisableProgramProfiles() member this.Unload() = if this.VertexProgram.IsSome then this.VertexProgram.Value.Dispose() if this.FragmentProgram.IsSome then this.FragmentProgram.Value.Dispose() cgContext.Dispose()
1 //和顶点数组同样长的数组,指定,如果这个数组的下标和顶点数组的下标一样, 2 //则这数组里存放的数据就是顶点数组里的顶点的关联面数,所有法线长度. 3 let pIndN = Array.create this.Positions.Count (0.f,Vector3.Zero) 4 //根据索引信息来给对应的顶点,法线,纹理坐标赋值 5 groups |>List.iter (fun p -> 6 p.Faces.ForEach(fun face -> 7 face.Vectexs |> Array.iter(fun vect -> 8 if vect.PositionIndex > 0 then vect.Position <-this.Positions.[vect.PositionIndex-1] 9 if vect.TexcoordIndex > 0 then vect.Texcoord <- this.Texcoords.[vect.TexcoordIndex-1] 10 if vect.NormalIndex > 0 then vect.Normal <- this.Normals.[vect.NormalIndex-1] 11 ) 12 if this.IsAutoNormal && this.Normals.Count < 1 then 13 let faceNormal = 14 let p1 =Vector3.Subtract(face.Vectexs.[1].Position, face.Vectexs.[0].Position) 15 let p2 =Vector3.Subtract(face.Vectexs.[2].Position, face.Vectexs.[1].Position) 16 Vector3.Cross(p1,p2) 17 face.Vectexs |> Array.iter(fun v -> 18 let mutable ind,n = pIndN.[v.PositionIndex - 1] 19 n <- n + faceNormal 20 pIndN.[v.PositionIndex - 1] <- (ind+1.f,n) 21 ) 22 ) 23 let mater = this.Materials.Find(fun m -> m.Name = p.Mtllib) 24 if box(mater) <> null then 25 let mitem = mater.Items.Find(fun i -> i.Name = p.Usemtl) 26 if box(mitem) <> null then 27 p.Material <- mitem 28 p.Path <- this.Path 29 p.IsHaveMaterial <- true 30 ) 31 if this.IsAutoNormal && this.Normals.Count < 1 then 32 groups |>List.iter (fun p -> 33 p.Faces.ForEach(fun face -> 34 face.Vectexs |> Array.iter(fun v -> 35 let ind,n = pIndN.[v.PositionIndex - 1] 36 v.Normal <- Vector3.Normalize(n / ind) 37 v.LinkFace <- int ind 38 ) 39 ) 40 )
针对原来的处理,增加了十几行的代码,先声明一个和顶点一样长的数组,在这里,我们这样定义,这个数组里存放的数据的下标是和顶点数组中对应顶点的下标一样,这样我们就能直接对应顶点与顶点的共面数,共有法线的信息.相当于天然的HashMap.可以去掉平常算法中的比对过程,如let ind,n = pIndN.[v.PositionIndex - 1]可以直接用自己的下标定位到求得的共面信息与法线总和.
1 let mutable m = Matrix4.Identity 2 let mutable inv = Matrix4.Identity 3 let getLazyModelMatrix() = 4 let tr = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(translation) 5 let ro = if rotate = Vector3.Zero then Matrix4.Identity else Matrix4.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotate,rotateAngle) 6 if bFirstRotate then 7 m <- Matrix4.Mult(tr,ro) 8 else 9 m <- Matrix4.Mult(ro,tr) 10 inv <- Matrix4.Invert(m) 11 m,inv 12 member this.IsFirstRotate with get() = bFirstRotate and set(value) = bFirstRotate <- value 13 member this.Translation 14 with get() = translation 15 and set(value) = 16 translation <- value 17 getLazyModelMatrix() |> ignore 18 member this.Rotate 19 with get() = rotate 20 and set(value) = 21 rotate <- value 22 getLazyModelMatrix() |> ignore 23 member this.RotateAngle 24 with get() = rotateAngle 25 and set(value) = 26 rotateAngle <- value 27 getLazyModelMatrix() |> ignore 28 member this.ModelMatrix with get() = m 29 member this.InvertMatrix with get() = inv
1 GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit ||| ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit) 2 //生成一个视图矩阵 3 let mutable v = Matrix4.LookAt(caram.Eye,caram.Target,Vector3.UnitY) 4 //定位物体在世界坐标系的位置 5 model.Translation <- Vector3(5.f,0.f,0.f) 6 model.Rotate <- Vector3(1.0f,0.f,0.f) 7 model.RotateAngle <- float32 (-Math.PI/2.0) 8 //模型矩阵 9 let m = model.ModelMatrix 10 //Cg与HLSL一样,使用是行矩阵,与OpenGL的列矩阵需要转置才能对应. 11 //如果相应矩阵是传给Cg着色器的,则他在进行相关运行前一定要转置,如果在OpenGL本身运算,则不需要. 12 m.Transpose() 13 v.Transpose() 14 //生成模型视图矩阵 15 let mv = Matrix4.Mult(v,m) 16 //启用相关配置 17 cgContext.EnableProfile() 18 //得到我们设置的视图矩阵. 19 let mutable p = Matrix4.Identity 20 GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ProjectionMatrix,&p) 21 p.Transpose() 22 //生成模型视图透视矩阵 23 let mvp = Matrix4.Mult(p,mv) 24 //传递值. 25 cgContext.VertexParameter("mvp").SetMatrix(MatrixToArray1 mvp) 26 //眼睛的位置由世界坐标转换成模型坐标系. 27 let modelEye = Vector3.Transform(caram.Eye,model.InvertMatrix) 28 cgContext.FragmentParameter("eyePosition").Set(modelEye) 29 //灯光的位置由世界坐标转换成模型坐标系 30 let modelLight = Vector3.Transform(lightPosition,model.InvertMatrix) 31 cgContext.FragmentParameter("lightPosition").Set(modelLight) 32 //针对模型的各参数设置值. 33 model.Groups |> List.iteri (fun i p -> 34 if i < 10 then 35 cgContext.FragmentParameter("Ke").Set(p.Material.Emissive) 36 cgContext.FragmentParameter("Ka").Set(p.Material.Ambient) 37 cgContext.FragmentParameter("Kd").Set(p.Material.Diffuse) 38 cgContext.FragmentParameter("Ks").Set(p.Material.Specular) 39 cgContext.FragmentParameter("shininess").Set(p.Material.Shiness) 40 cgContext.FragmentParameter("dtext").SetTexture(p.Material.DiffuseID) 41 cgContext.FragmentParameter("dtext").EnableTexture() 42 cgContext.FragmentParameter("maptext").SetTexture(p.Material.BumpID) 43 cgContext.FragmentParameter("maptext").EnableTexture() 44 cgContext.UpdateParameter() 45 //p.DrawVBO(cgContext,cgContext.FragmentParameter("tt")) 46 p.DrawVBO() 47 cgContext.FragmentParameter("dtext").DisableTexture() 48 cgContext.FragmentParameter("maptext").DisableTexture() 49 )
1 void v_main(float4 position : POSITION, 2 float3 normal : NORMAL, 3 float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0, 4 out float4 oPosition : POSITION, 5 out float4 objectPos : TEXCOORD0, 6 out float3 oNormal : TEXCOORD1, 7 out float2 oTexCoord : TEXCOORD2, 8 uniform float4x4 modelView, 9 uniform float4x4 mvp) 10 { 11 oPosition = mul(mvp,position); 12 objectPos = position; 13 oNormal = normal; 14 oTexCoord = texCoord; 15 }
顶点差色器我们可以看到后面有一些out,uniform,POSITION,TEXCOORD0的关键词,让我们来解析一下相关参数的功能,前三个float4 position : POSITION,float3 normal : NORMAL,float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0在类型前面没有关键词,那表示相应数据是Opengl传递给我们的,这个时候后缀很重要,第一个POSITION就表示传递的是当前的顶点,NORMAL与TEXCOORD0同理.那么后面的如out float4 oPosition : POSITION,out float4 objectPos : TEXCOORD0,out float3 oNormal : TEXCOORD1,out float2 oTexCoord : TEXCOORD2. 前面才说,后面的后缀如POSITION这些很重要,指定是传入的数据,那么在这里,后缀就与他单词的意义没有关系了,可以看到这些前面都带一个out,这表示这些数据都是传递给片断着色器的,这些后缀与片断着色器的对应,表示对应的传值关系.最后的uniform float4x4 modelView,uniform float4x4 mvp表示的是我们从应用程序传递过来的数据,在这里我们分别传来一个模型视图矩阵,一个模型视图透视矩阵,如果我们要把所有值都变成在模型视图下的坐标,我们可以用到这值,但是在这,我们都用模型坐标系,所以没用到,和GLSL一样,我们要得到当前顶点的在模型视图透视的位置,也就是我们看到的屏幕位置.前面说了,如果世界坐标没有变成模型坐标,在这里,大家还可以处理一下,得到正确的位置,增加一个传入的模型矩阵,把当前世界坐标系的位置用这矩阵的逆变成模型坐标系.如果这步你还没进行,那么相关数据就到片断着色器中了.
1 float3 expand(float3 v) 2 { 3 return (v-0.5) * 2.0; 4 } 5 6 void f_main(float4 position : TEXCOORD0, 7 float3 normal : TEXCOORD1, 8 float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD2, 9 out float4 color : COLOR, 10 uniform float3 globalAmbient, 11 uniform float3 lightColor, 12 uniform float3 lightPosition, 13 uniform float3 eyePosition, 14 uniform float3 Ke, 15 uniform float3 Ka, 16 uniform float3 Kd, 17 uniform float3 Ks, 18 uniform sampler2D dtext, 19 uniform sampler2D maptext, 20 uniform float3 tt, 21 uniform float shininess 22 ) 23 { 24 float3 N = normal; 25 // Compute emissive term 26 float3 emissive = Ke; 27 // Compute ambient term 28 float3 ambient = Ka * globalAmbient; 29 // Compute the diffuse term 30 float3 L = normalize(lightPosition - P); 31 float diffuseLight = max(dot(L, N), 0); 32 float3 diffuse = Kd * lightColor * diffuseLight; 33 // Compute the specular term 34 float3 V = normalize(eyePosition - P); 35 float3 H = normalize(L + V); 36 float specularLight = pow(max(dot(H, N), 0), shininess); 37 if (diffuseLight <= 0) specularLight = 0; 38 float3 specular = Ks * lightColor * specularLight; 39 //float3 tex =lerp(tex2D(maptext, texCoord).xyz,tex2D(dtext, texCoord).xyz,1.0); 40 float3 tex = tex2D(dtext, texCoord).xyz; 41 float3 light = emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular; 42 color.xyz = light * tex; 43 // color.xyz = lerp(light,tex,0.5); 44 // color.xyz = light; 45 color.w = 1; 46 }
在这里,前面的参数也有很多关键词,和前面大部分是一样的,就是在类型没有前缀,后面又带着后缀的,如float4 position : TEXCOORD0, float3 normal : TEXCOORD1,float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD2,这些就是前面顶点着色器传过来的值.别的就out float4 color : COLOR和前面的out float4 oPosition : POSITION一样,都是应用的处理,传递回给OpenGL用,一个对应的顶点位置,一个对应片断处理的颜色.后面的uniform一样,是表示从OpenGL应用程序传递进来的值.这个光照模型的算法称作Blinn-phong,对于上一种光照主要改进在于镜面光照的计算,他计算顶点到光照与顶点到人眼的矢量二者相加的,因为顶点到光照与顶点到人眼的矢量都取的是单元向量,所以他们相加的矢量,就在他们的半角上,所以这种计算方式也叫求半角,然后求与法线的叉积就是我们要求的镜面反射量。
1 p.Faces.ForEach(fun face -> 2 let p10 = face.Vectexs.[1].Position - face.Vectexs.[0].Position 3 let p20 = face.Vectexs.[2].Position - face.Vectexs.[0].Position 4 let t10 = face.Vectexs.[1].Texcoord - face.Vectexs.[0].Texcoord 5 let t20 = face.Vectexs.[2].Texcoord - face.Vectexs.[0].Texcoord 6 let T = (t20.Y * p10 - t10.Y * p20) / (t10.X*t20.Y - t10.Y*t20.X) 7 face.Vectexs |> Array.iter(fun vect -> 8 let mutable ind,n = pIndT.[vect.PositionIndex - 1] 9 n <- n + T 10 pIndT.[vect.PositionIndex - 1] <- (ind+1.f,n) 11 ) 12 ) 13 if p.Material.BumpMap <> "" then 14 p.Faces.ForEach(fun face -> 15 face.Vectexs |> Array.iter(fun v -> 16 let ind,n = pIndT.[v.PositionIndex - 1] 17 v.Tangent <- Vector3.Normalize(n / ind) 18 v.LinkFace <- int ind 19 ) 20 ) 21 )
1 void v_main(float4 position : POSITION, 2 float3 normal : NORMAL, 3 float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0, 4 float4 tangent : COLOR, 5 out float4 oPosition : POSITION, 6 out float3 objectPos : TEXCOORD0, 7 out float3 oNormal : TEXCOORD1, 8 out float2 oTexCoord : TEXCOORD2, 9 out float3x3 oTNB : TEXCOORD3, 10 //out float3 oeyePosition: TEXCOORD3, 11 //out float3 olightPosition: TEXCOORD4, 12 //uniform float3 eyePosition, 13 //uniform float3 lightPosition, 14 uniform float4x4 mvp) 15 { 16 oPosition = mul(mvp,position); 17 float3 tNormal = normal; 18 float3 tTangent = tangent.xyz; 19 float3 tB = cross(tNormal,tTangent); 20 float3x3 tnb = float3x3(normalize(tTangent),normalize(tB),normalize(tNormal)); 21 oTNB = tnb; 22 oNormal = normal; 23 oTexCoord = texCoord; 24 objectPos = position.xyz; 25 26 //oPosition = mul(mvp,position); 27 //float3 tNormal = normal; 28 //float3 tTangent = tangent.xyz; 29 //float3 tB = cross(tNormal,tTangent); 30 //float3x3 tnb = float3x3(normalize(tTangent),normalize(tB),normalize(tNormal)); 31 //oTNB = tnb; 32 //oTexCoord = texCoord; 33 //objectPos = mul(tnb,position).xyz; 34 }
1 float3 expand(float3 v) 2 { 3 return (v-0.5) * 2.0; 4 } 5 void f_main(float3 position : TEXCOORD0, 6 float3 normal : TEXCOORD1, 7 float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD2, 8 float3x3 tnb : TEXCOORD3, 9 //float3 lightPosition : TEXCOORD3, 10 //float3 eyePosition: TEXCOORD4, 11 out float4 color : COLOR, 12 uniform float3 globalAmbient, 13 uniform float3 lightColor, 14 uniform float3 Ke, 15 uniform float3 Ka, 16 uniform float3 Kd, 17 uniform float3 Ks, 18 uniform float3 lightPosition, 19 uniform float3 eyePosition, 20 uniform sampler2D dtext, 21 uniform sampler2D maptext, 22 uniform float shininess 23 ) 24 { 25 float3 P = position; 26 // float3 normalTex = tex2D(maptext, texCoord).xyz; 27 // float3 N = expand(normalTex);//normalize(normal); // 28 //float3 E = mul(tnb,eyePosition); 29 //float3 Light = mul(tnb,lightPosition); 30 float3 normalTex = tex2D(maptext, texCoord).xyz; 31 float3 N =normalize(mul(inverse(tnb),expand(normalTex))); //normalize(normal); 32 float3 E = eyePosition; 33 float3 Light = lightPosition; 34 // Compute emissive term 35 float3 emissive = Ke; 36 // Compute ambient term 37 float3 ambient = Ka * globalAmbient; 38 // Compute the diffuse term 39 float3 L = normalize(Light - P); 40 float diffuseLight = max(dot(L, N), 0); 41 float3 diffuse = Kd * lightColor * diffuseLight; 42 // Compute the specular term 43 float3 V = normalize(E - P); 44 float3 H = normalize(L + V); 45 float specularLight = pow(max(dot(H, N), 0), shininess); 46 if (diffuseLight <= 0) specularLight = 0; 47 float3 specular = Ks * lightColor * specularLight; 48 //float3 tex =lerp(tex2D(maptext, texCoord).xyz,tex2D(dtext, texCoord).xyz,1.0); 49 float3 tex =tex2D(dtext, texCoord).xyz;//,1.0); 50 float3 light = emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular; 51 color.xyz = light * tex; 52 color.w = 1; 53 }
下面放出源代码(记的安装Cg Toolkit):引用DLL 代码 模型文件部分1 模型文件部分2 模型文件部分3 和前面一样,其中EDSF前后左右移动,鼠标右键加移动鼠标控制方向,空格上升,空格在SHIFT下降。