
On-line Learning of Parametric Mixture Models for Light Transport Simulation
Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation
Selective guided sampling with complete light transport paths
Product Importance Sampling for Light Transport Path Guiding
Primary Sample Space Path Guiding
Learning to Importance Sample in Primary Sample Space
Adjoint-Driven Russian Roulette and Splitting in Light Transport Simulation
Learning to Importance Sample in Primary Sample Space

A zero-variance-based sampling scheme for Monte Carlo subsurface scattering
Improving the Dwivedi sampling scheme

Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way

Importance Caching for Complex Illumination
Joint Importance Sampling of Low-Order Volumetric Scattering
product重抽多component BRDF :A Unified Manifold Framework for Efficient BRDF Sampling based on Parametric Mixture Models
Bayesian online regression for adaptive direct illumination sampling
Adaptive Environment Sampling on CPU and GPU
Deep Scattering: Rendering Atmospheric Clouds with Radiance-Predicting Neural Networks
Neural Importance Sampling

ZW-based Sampling

the theory of zero-variance random walks, originally developed in the neutron transport literature, can serve as a convenient theoretical framework for path guiding methods.
The intuitive idea of path guiding is straightforward: sample paths in such a way that they can preferably reach `important’ parts of the scene (e.g. reach the light sources, if we sample paths from the camera, as in path tracing).
In order to achieve that, we need to design appropriate probability distributions to be used in path sampling.
The theory of zero-variance random walks provides such sampling distributions.
More precisely, the ZV theory provides a set of local sampling distributions that provably yield globally optimal sampling of the path space (in the sense that the resulting estimator will have zero variance)
The idea that a random walk can be constructed in such a way that it always yields the correct answer with absolutely no variance has been around for almost as long as MC methods themselves.

Hoogenboom’s recent 2008 NSE article (Zero-variance Monte Carlo Schemes Revisited) is very important: he corrects some misconceptions about the uniqueness of zero-variance walk construction that have lingered for several decades, and includes discussions about boundary crossing and track-length estimators as well.
Booth’s 2012 article (Common misconceptions in Monte Carlo particle transport) further clarifies and generalizes some of the concepts of zero-variance schemes. He argues that Hoogenbooms’ conclusion concerning the uniqueness of the zero-variance construstions are not correct and that there are multiple ways in which a zero-variance walk can be constructed.

While the ZV theory provides a convenient framework, it is a mere theoretical construct that cannot be readily applied in practice, the reason being that it needs the radiance solution everywhere in the scene.
But the radiance solution is unknown up front since that is what we are attempting to compute in the first place.

In practice, this is realized by replacing the radiance solution by some convenient approximation, which then yields an approximation of the ZV scheme

How can we obtain such an approximate solution?

  • One option is to use statistical/Machine learning techniques to reconstruct the solution and the ZVbased sampling distributions directly from the Monte Carlo samples used in the rendering itself (or in a separate pre-pass). Our work [Vorba et al. 2014, 2016] applies this idea to surface light transport. Our recent work [Herholz et al.] generalizes the idea to volumetric transport.
  • Another, very different approach to obtain the approximate solution, is to employ an analytical light transport solution in a canonical case that resembles the situation under consideration.In the specific case, we use this idea in MC subsurface scattering and the appropriate canonical case here is a flat, semi-infinite medium (half-space).

In order to apply this idea to volumetric transport, all the various random decisions used when constructing a light transport path need to be appropriately importance sampled.

This includes the selection of scattering distance along a ray, and the decision whether the scattering should occur in the volume or at the next surface interaction. These decisions are unique to volumetric light transport and do not appear in surface transport.

Furthermore the decisions shared with surface transport include the choice of the scattering direction and random termination/splitting of the paths.

the content about Analytical radiance approximate solution is interesting !

零方差Random walk\cite{Hoogenboom2008Zero}最早被开发用于中子传输,所有的路径引导(Path guiding)方法都可以归为零方差采样框架。路径引导最直接的想法就是:采样路径,使得路径更偏向于抵达那些场景中更加“重要”的地方。为了实现这个想法,我们需要设计对应的概率分布以便采样。零方差Random walk理论提供了构建这样的采样分布的方法——一系列的可以产生路径空间全局最优解的局部采样分布(在这种分布下,采样出来的路径将会实现完全等于零的方差)。但如果想要得到每个局部的采样分布,我们需要得到场景中每个地方的解,所以这种方法显然是没有实践可行性的,但是如果我们可以构建一系列更加易于获得的近似分布,则可以降低方差。获得这种近似分布通常有以下两种方法:

  • 基于机器学习的方法:使用机器学习构建后验性分布
  • 分析性近似方法:在某些假设下,获取积分方程的分析性解

On-line Learning of Parametric Mixture Models for Light Transport Simulation

此方法采用机器学习方法,训练出场景中离散点的辐射度角度域分布,分布采用GMM表达。分别包含训练和渲染两个单独的阶段,训练阶段包含多个子训练阶段,使用双相互引导——首先,在无引导状态下发射一批光子,接下来的每一个阶段都被之前的分布引导。发射Photon/Importons建立一张Photon/Importon map(统称为Particle map),紧接着使用这个Map选择最邻近的N个Particle来更新空间缓存结构,Particle map每次用完就删除,从新发射Particle建立Map,空间分布缓存则是保持不变的,保持持续的更新即可,训练分布采用他们提出的加权在线EM算法。采样分布时可能在某个空间点的附近找不到任何分布,这时候在这个点新建并且批训练一个分布。GMM表达的分布可以用来引导任何基于路径采样的分布,使用多重重要性采样来结合BRDF分布采样。此方法的缺点在于:查询缓存消耗时间再简单场景相对高;GMM Component数量无法自适应控制;没有抽样被积函数乘积,可能对Glossy-glossy Inter-reflection产生问题;同时它也只是局部路径引导解决方案,存在全局探索问题;GMM对于小光源、复杂可见性不够稳定,也不一定能够收敛到全局最优解。此方法是无偏的。

包含多个训练阶段,使用双向相互guide。首先,在无guided状态下发射一批光子,接下来的每一个阶段都被之前的分布guided。发射光子/importons建立一张photon和importon map,紧接着使用这个map选择最邻近的N个particle来更新distribution (spatial) cache,particle map每次用完就删除,从新发射(不包含之前的信息,完全从新建立)particle建立map,distribution cache则是persistent,保持持续的更新即可。发射的particle会被先前建立逆向的分布guided,但可能某个点的附近招不到任何分布,这时候在这个点新建一个分布。
guided分布使用GMM表达,此分布可以用来guide任何基于路径采样的分布,使用MIS来combine brdf和此采样分布。
they present a new generalization of the stepwise EM algo-rithms (both off-line and on-line) that supports density estimation from a set of weighted particles. (see 4.2)

∣ ∣ x − x i ∣ ∣ 2 h − 2 1 − n ⋅ n i \frac{||x-x_i||^2}{h}-2\sqrt{1-n \cdot n_i} hxxi221nni
Envmap emission sampling:在复杂的envmap光源下,由于复杂的visibility,导致guide很低效,解决见see 4.4.
RR:新的RR确保小weight的particles不被kill.see 4.5.

查询cache消耗时间再简单场景相对高(26% for undirectional,45% for directional);需要自适应的GMM component数量;没有product抽样,可能对glossy-glossy inter-reflection产生问题;只是local解决方案,全局探索问题。

Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation


Product Importance Sampling for Light Transport Path Guiding

此方法利用GMM表达BRDF和入射分布( L i cos ⁡ θ i L_i\cos\theta_i Licosθi),能够轻易满足容易拟合,闭合形式采样,平凡归一化等特性,同时GMM也可以用于表达各向异性分布,并且GMM相乘依然是GMM,这使得乘积易于表达,从而达到重要性抽样分布乘积的目的。此方法GMM的训练完全参考\cite{Vorba2014On}。此方法的优点在于不对BRDF的形状做任何假设,可以表达所有表面,但是GMM乘积是在线计算,采样效率比较低,而且预处理需要同时训练光照分布和拟合BRDF,总体消耗较大。此方法是无偏的。

利用GMM表达BRDF和入射分布( L i cos ⁡ θ i L_i\cos\theta_i Licosθi),能够容易拟合,闭合形式采样,trivial归一化,可表达各向异性分布,simple alignment of mixtures with different reference frames(which enables a direct caculation of the product mixture).
使用disk mapping而不是像【Vorba 14】的Shirley Chiu mapping(第四节 GMM representation).

  • 预计算:对于每个材质和一组离散的 ω i \omega_i ωi集合,拟合GMM形式,储存在BRDF Cache,得到 p ρ p_\rho pρ
  • 使用Vorba14的方法双向训练Li分布并且使用GMM表达
  • 重要性抽样 p P r o d = p ρ @ p L p_{Prod}=p_{\rho}@p_L pProd=pρ@pL

EM 优化,非线性优化(Ceres),4.1.2
各向异性BRDF Cache需要离散储存

  • 查询BRDF Cache
  • 查询Li Cache
  • 计算product mixture(利用GMM的性质: G 1 ( y ) ∗ G 2 ( y ) = ( G 1 @ G 2 ) ( y ) = G 1 , 2 ( y ) G_1(y)*G_2(y) = (G_1@G_2)(y) = G_{1,2}(y) G1(y)G2(y)=(G1@G2)(y)=G1,2(y)其中 G 1 , 2 G_{1,2} G1,2的参数可以由两者的参数分析性获得,见附录A)
  • 重要性抽样product,得到 ω o \omega_o ωo和pdf.

Mixture采样效率问题,需要reduce, remove component可以先行减少计算消耗,平衡质量。


内存消耗:对于复杂的厨房场景小于10MB的BRDF Cache,使用8 components GMM.

Primary Sample Space Path Guiding


Selective guided sampling with complete light transport paths

整体思想是把昂贵的数据驱动只用到需要的地方,它首先使用unguided方法采样全局path space分布,再在渲染中逐步学习出造成高方差的子空间分布,然后使用one-sample多重重要性采样把两个分布的采样结合起来得到优势互补的渲染结果。
通过使用整条path的信息作建立分布的数据,选出方差高的path(使用了DBOR来过滤底pdf造成的高方差path),使用GMM建立连续分布函数。采样的时候,在path缓存中根据权重选择一条guided path,然后在path的每个顶点采样以这个顶点为中心的高斯分布(此处会根据表面粗糙度或者g来MIS BSDF),从而得到整个路径。通过path的权在渲染的时候采样此path周围的高斯分布,得到整条path。类似于Mullter17,本方法依然可以采取一个迭代模式来在渲染中进行学习。此方法是无偏的。

Learning to Importance Sample in Primary Sample Space

重要性抽样技术可以分为两种类型:先验性方法——构造目标分布,然后采样被积函数的分析性近似;后验性方法——拟合经验获取的被积函数采样。【Bayesian method has been proposed to sample direct illumination that can be considered a combination of a priori and a posteriori strategies [ Bayesian online regression for adaptive direct illumination sampling ]】.

本方法则使用后者方法,并不依赖于被积函数的表达形式。并且此方法直接考虑整条path,而不是执行递增的path构建。此方法是一种global sampling方法,也就是直接重要性采样整个path。we obtain a non-linear, one-to-one mapping of primary sample space onto itself that produces the desired target density.

A generative model learns to transform random samples from a latent space into samples of some observable data, for example images, such that the distribution of the generated data matches the distribution of an observed set of data samples.

Our idea is to use such a learned mapping from a latent to a data space to perform importance sampling of entire light paths. A key requirement for this is that we need to be able to efficiently compute the Jacobian of this mapping, such that we can use it to perform a change of integration variables. However, the computation of the Jacobian involved in deep neural network is costly in techniques such as GANs or VAEs. Instead, we leverage a recent neural network architecture Real NVP which was specifically designed as an invertible mapping whose Jacobian can be computed easily.



Adjoint-Driven Russian Roulette and Splitting in Light Transport Simulation

Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way

Bayesian online regression for adaptive direct illumination sampling

Neural Importance Sampling

本方法更加一般化,将基于NICE的深度神经网络用在蒙特卡洛积分采样中,引入了分段多项式耦合变换层来提升耦合层建模能力,并且使用One-blob编码来处理神经网络输入以刺激计算局部化和提升推理能力。深度神经网络通过最小化KL Divergence或者方差被用来学习采样概率分布强度,介于NICE的各种特点以及能够很好的处理高纬问题,此方法可以轻易地用到主采样空间的路径分布学习。对于局部化的路径引导也就是重要性抽样正比于 L i f r cos ⁡ γ L_if_r\cos\gamma Lifrcosγ的分布也有很好的效果,并且对于高频空间变化也很适用。对于视角变化,轻微的场景变化重用某一视角和场景配置的学习结果依然合适。此方法也具有一些问题:对于主采样空间的学习,维度过高效果将会越差,因为路径的连携性将会越来越低;对于简单的场景也具有较高的运行时消耗;没有很好的学习率衰减模式等等。此方法是无偏的。

分析性近似(Dwivedi sampling and improved)

上述的几种Path guiding方法多数都不适用于参与性介质,其中Selective guided sampling with complete light transport paths仅用于简单的无边界的参与性介质,而Learning to Importance Sample in Primary Sample Space也仅仅只是理论上可以用于参与性介质(对于稠密介质,path可能会非常的长,数据维度过高导致训练过程过于缓慢),而这两种分析性近似主要用在参与性介质中,但是假设依旧较强。

A zero-variance-based sampling scheme for Monte Carlo subsurface scattering

此方法主要用在次表面散射模拟中,使用一个近似的零方差方法采样得到低方差的结果[Hoogenboom 2008]。Dwivedi 1982年利用此方法探索了反应堆辐射穿刺问题,此文把这种方法用在了次表面模拟上。此方法假设了一个规则的重要性源在一个half-space 均匀各向同性介质外,于是可以得到重要性函数的分析性解。Dwivedi过程得出方向采样分布准守:
p ′ ( u o ) = α 2 v 0 v 0 − u o p'(u_o)=\frac{\alpha}{2}\frac{v_0}{v_0-u_o} p(uo)=2αv0uov0
s = − log ⁡ ( u ) / σ t ′ s=-\log(u)/\sigma_t' s=log(u)/σt
σ t ′ = σ t ( 1 − u o v 0 ) \sigma_t' = \sigma_t(1-\frac{u_o}{v_0}) σt=σt(1v0uo)
从公式可以看出更低的 α \alpha α,越加偏向于选择向外的方向,而且如果方向越朝向里距离采样距离越短,否则就越长,实现了光线快速逃离次表面实现快速收敛。此方法同样也使用MIS来结合经典采样方法。此方法是无偏的。

Improving the Dwivedi sampling scheme
Dwivedi采样的几何假设在真实场景中通常都不被满足,但是他可以在local满足。于是问题变成了在场景中的哪个地方局部使用假设,也就是选择无限厚表面的法线,前一种方法使用的是入口点法线,但此方法对于曲率高表面和背向光源的表面都存在问题。本方法对于高曲率表面使用最近距离表面点,使 n C P = x C P − x ∣ ∣ x C P − x ∣ ∣ n_{CP}=\frac{x_{CP}-x}{||x_{CP}-x||} nCP=xCPxxCPx用法线,对于背光则使用光源方向为法线,计算公式如前类似。另外此方法依然使用MIS来结合古典采样、最近点法线采样和光源法线采样。此方法是无偏的。


HOOGENBOOM, E. 2008. Zero-variance monte carlo schemes revisited. Nuclear science and engineering 160, 1, 1–22



