1.Def: b is a peak iff it’s b≥a & b≥c.
2.straightforward algorithm : starts from the left then walks across the array
i.The worst case complexity is called θ \theta θ n , it’s essentially the order of n and it’s a constant times n.
ii.Asympotic complexity : The asymptotic complexity of it is linear ,cuz when theta n changes as the order changes.
To lower the asymptotic complexity ----
3.binary search : Look at n/2 position ,if n/2-1 ≥ n/2 then only check the left side. Right side the same
if neither (n/2)-1 nor (n/2)+1 is greater than n/2, then n/2 is a peak.
worst complexity : n/2
*Cuz the algorithm is recursive ,then there must be a recurrence formula or value to describe it. *
T is the work algorithm does on input of n
T(n)=T(n/2)+ θ \theta θ (1)
θ \theta θ (1) corresponds to the two comparisons that you do looking at , potentially the two comparisons , left and right. 2 is a constant ,then we got θ \theta θ (1) ?
T(n)= θ \theta θlog2(n)
Sum: The key way to improve an algorithm is to divide it , the 2-D the same.
1.Greedy ascent algorithm : picks a direction then follows it to find a peak.
Worst case complexity : θ \theta θ (nm) if m=n,then θ \theta θ (n2)
2.Binary search : start from m/2 column , using 1-D binary search for the peak in (I,m/2);
then keeps the row I ,then check the peak at column j . The peak is (I,j).
!!!Care that the algorithm is incorrect. For
The row peak and the column peak may not agree
3.The improved way :
assume the matrix is (n*m) then , take the m/2 column, global search the peak in n rows; then we got (I,m/2)if the (I-1,m/2) is greater or equal to the (I,m/2) then check the left side for the peak .And repeated the moves above.
Deal with the right respectively.
T(n,m)=T(n,m/2)+ θ \theta θ (n)
For a (n,m) work can be divided into a (n,m/2) one ,then a θ \theta θ (n) global search .
Hence T(n,m)= θ \theta θ (nlog2m)
I suppose the recurrence to be T(n,m)=T(n,m/2)+ θ \theta θ (log2n)+ θ \theta θ (1)
In lesson 1.1 there are two complexity : θ \theta θ and asymptotic
T describes the work that a algorhipm carries on ;
while θ \theta θ demonstrates the choice or worst searching amounts .
but it seems that all the theta are n related linear values.
I.What is the meaning of θ \theta θ (n) essentially is a constant times n.
ii.The sum of log2n θ \theta θ (1) is θ \theta θ (log2n)
iii.Why the recursive formula in 2-D is not T(n,m)=T(n,m/2)+ θ \theta θ (log2n)+ θ \theta θ (1)*
iv.Why log2m times θ \theta θ (n) equals θ \theta θ (nlog2m)
v.What’s asypomotic complexity . If it’s the average or the tendency of θ \theta θ (n) with every new order or algorithm?
Model of computation specifies
-what operations an algorithm can do
-cost of time of each operation
(1)They are almost the same thing but not. The former is mathematically analog of the latter,which is for programing.
(2) In constant θ \theta θ(1) time , an algorithm can basically
read in or load θ \theta θ(1) word
do θ \theta θ(1) computation
write them out --store θ \theta θ(1) words
a θ \theta θ(1) of registers
word : w bits. w should be at least lg(size of memory) ?
Cuz words should be able to specify in the index of array
dynamically allocated objects
has a θ \theta θ(1) number of fields , the field can be either a word
a pointer is something points to others
It’s also called references
link list: the list employs pointer machine
i.list = array
L[j]=L[I]+5 θ \theta θ(1)
ii. object with θ \theta θ(1) attributes
Using table doulbing. θ \theta θ(1) time
iv. L=L1+L2
L=[], for every x in L1, L.append(x) θ \theta θ(|L1|)
for every x in L2 ,L.append (x) θ \theta θ(|L2|)
θ \theta θ(1+|L1|+|L2|). θ \theta θ(1)is the cost of append method
v. x in L
linear time just scan through the entire list
vi. len(L) θ \theta θ(1)
vii.L.sort(): O(|L|lg|L|)
it uses a comparison sort algorithm
viii.dict: D[key]=val.
Hash table. with θ \theta θ(1)
ix.x+y. O(|x|+|y|)
x*y θ \theta θ((|x|+|y|)(lg3)) lg=log23
Denote as :d(D1,D2)
distance may describe the similarity of two documents
document=a sequence of words
word= a string
idea: shared words and uses it to def document distance
think of the doc as a vector
D[w]= #occurrence of w in D
D1=“the cat” D2=“the dog”
dot product: d’(D1,D2)=D1·D2= ∑ D1[w] D2[w].
Default : a quite long string with a small one may have the score of dot product as 1000; while some two short but similar string may dots only at score 100 .Hence ,it may not a good way to describe the doc distance.
The best way to describe such similarity is angle!
d(D1,D2)=angle of (D1,D2)=D1 D2/|D1||D2|
Procedure of computing Document Distance
1.split doc into words
2.compute the frequency of word
3. compute dot product
mechanism :
for word in doc , count[word]+=1. θ \theta θ(|Doc|)
split may consult to method
1.The time cost of each model ,why’s that
2.Why w bits should be the log of the size of memory
Why sorting
Insertion sorting
Merge sort(Divide & Conquer)
Recurrence solving
2)problems becomes easy once items are sorted: Finding the median
array A[0:n]->sorted-> B[0,n]
Look at B is odd or even . if odd [B+1/2] .if not,[B/2]
3)Binary search : if you look for a specific item
A[0:n] by scanning throughout, cost linear time
while it’s sorted ,then it takes logarithmic time
? why
*Mechanism: assume that k is the target item. First algorithm will compare k to B[n/2]
if k is smaller ,then B[n/4] ,then by halfing it .It takes logarithmic time. *
binary search is the simplest but most straightforward way to show: divide and conquer .Which helps to turn a linear search to a logarithmic search[log]
4)Data compression
5)Computer graphics
For I=1,2,…n . Insert A[I] into sorted array A[0,i-1] by pairwise swaps down to the correct position for the number that is initially in A[I]
5 2 4 6 1 3
⬆️ key
which means to start from the second element, cuz the first is sorted by the definition
1)pairwise swap
2 5 4 6 1 3
2)now key is 4 then swap same
2 4 5 6 1 3
3)cuz the A[I]=5 is in right order with the Key 6,then the key moves forward to 1.
Then by implementing 4 swaps then it comes to be
2 4 5 6 1 3 -> 1 2 4 5 6 3
4) now the key at 3 ,then 3 get swipped for 3 times
1 2 3 4 5 6
All in all: θ \theta θ(n) steps (key position)
and for each key position , the worst case swap is n . θ \theta θ(n) (swaps or compares)
Hence , it’s a θ \theta θ(n2) algorithm .Cuz there are θ \theta θ(n) poisition and for each position carries θ \theta θ(n) swaps.
But this does not help a n array data structure.
We split array A into L and R.And we keeps spliting to get a single number, at the bottom .
Merge: Two sorted array as input.
20 13 7 2
12 11 9 1
two finger algorithm:
Compare 2 and 1 . 1 is small ,then cross out 1. finger move up to 9.
has the comlexity of θ \theta θ(n)
The whole complexity of the merge sort is θ \theta θ(nlgn)
?T(n)=C1 +2T(n/2) +cn
divide recurrence merge