PAT-A1028 List Sorting【排序】

Excel can sort records according to any column. Now you are supposed to imitate this function.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains two integers N (≤10​5​​) and C, where N is the number of records and C is the column that you are supposed to sort the records with. Then N lines follow, each contains a record of a student. A student's record consists of his or her distinct ID (a 6-digit number), name (a string with no more than 8 characters without space), and grade (an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive).

Output Specification:

For each test case, output the sorting result in N lines. That is, if C = 1 then the records must be sorted in increasing order according to ID's; if C = 2 then the records must be sorted in non-decreasing order according to names; and if C = 3 then the records must be sorted in non-decreasing order according to grades. If there are several students who have the same name or grade, they must be sorted according to their ID's in increasing order.

Sample Input 1:

3 1
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60

Sample Output 1:

000001 Zoe 60
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90

Sample Input 2:

4 2
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60
000002 James 98

Sample Output 2:

000010 Amy 90
000002 James 98
000007 James 85
000001 Zoe 60

Sample Input 3:

4 3
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60
000002 James 90

Sample Output 3: 

000001 Zoe 60
000007 James 85
000002 James 90
000010 Amy 90


using namespace std;
struct stu{
	string id;
	string name;
	int grade;
bool sortById(const stu t1,const stu t2){
	for(int a=0;a>id>>name>>grade;
	else if(flag==2){
	else if(flag==3){
	for(int i=0;i

PAT-A1028 List Sorting【排序】_第1张图片 一个超时,剩下的虽然过了,但是有这运行时间与空间太大的问题。针对上述代码进行优化


  • 轻装上阵。即能少装几层有少装。比如这道题我们一拿到题就知道使用结构体保存每一个学生的数据。面对多条学生纪录,这里有两个办法进行保存,一个是使用结构体数组保存,一个是使用Vector泛型保存。使用vector相当于多套了一层,所以能不使用尽量不使用(PS,第一次代码使用的是vector也是有一次没运行超时,不过没贴代码)
  • 不要脱了裤子放屁。没必要的东西,不要额外折腾。就数据的输出而言,可以直接将数据保存到数组的相应位置,而不是先保存到临时变量然后在赋值。比如36-41行代码
  • 能不用高级变量的尽量不用高级变量。什么意思呢,就拿学生id来说,一共是6位数字,使用基础变量int绝对可以装得下,而我上面使用了string,姓名明确指出只有10位字符,可以使用字符数组完成,我用的string,属于额外的空间开销。
  • 有现成的方法尽量不要自己自信去手写,极其不建议自己造轮子。比如姓名的比较,即字符串的比较,有现成得笔算算法,strcmp(char [] a,char [] b) ,返回一个int类型数字。等于0表示两个字符串相等,小于零表示第一个字符串小于第二个字符串,大于零表示第一个字符串大于第二个字符串。
  • 追明显的,能用scanf输入的不用cin,能用printf输出的不用cout


using namespace std;
struct Student{
    int id;
    int grade;
    char name[10];
bool sortById(const Student t1,const Student t2){


PAT-A1028 List Sorting【排序】_第2张图片
