课程表Course (Cno,Cname,Credit,Cproperty,Chour,Cterm)
供应商表s(sno, sname, city)
零件表p(pno, pname, color, weight)
工程项目表j(jno, jname, city)
供应情况表 spj(sno, pno, jno, qty)
select pname, color, weight
from p
where weight >= 10 and weight <= 20;
select avg(weight)
from p;
select * from p
where pno in
(select pno from spj
where sno = 's3');
select sno, count(distinct pno) classes --classes是起的别名,这里是省略的写法
from spj
group by sno;
select sno, count(distinct pno) classes
from spj
group by sno
having count(distinct pno) > 2;
select * from p
where pname like '螺%';--因为编码的问题,这里可能查出来空表
select pno, count(distinct sno) as snum --这里是起别名完整的写法
from spj
group by pno;
select pname
from p
where pno in
(select pno
from spj
group by pno
having sum(qty) between 1000 and 2000
select cname, chour, cterm
from course
where cno in
(select cno
from sc
group by cno having sum(sno) > 60);
select scollege, count(sno)
from student
group by scollege;
select student.sno, sname, sum(credit) as SumCredit
from student
left join sc on sc.sno = student.sno
left join course on course.cno = sc.cno
group by student.sno, sname;
select student.sno, sname, sum(credit) as SumCredit
from student, sc, course
where student.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = course.cno
group by student.sno, sname;
select cname, student.sname, grade
from student, course, sc, tc, teacher
where student.sno = sc.sno and course.cno = sc.cno and tc.cno = sc.cno and tc.tno = teacher.tno and tname = '吴春燕';
select distinct sname
from student, sc
where student.sno = sc.sno
and sc.sno in
(select sno from sc, course
where sc.cno = course.cno and cname = '中间件技术'
and sno IN
(SELECT sno from sc, course
where sc.cno = course.cno and cname = 'Java EE技术'
select sname, smajor
from student
where sbirth <= to_date('19940101','YYYYMMDD');
select student.sno, sname
from student, sc
where student.sno = sc.sno
group by student.sno, sname
having count(cno) > 5;
select sname, trunc(months_between(sysdate, sbirth) / 12) as age
from student x
where to_number(to_char(sbirth,'yyyymmdd')) >
(select avg(to_number(to_char(sbirth,'yyyymmdd')))
from student y
where x.scollege = y.scollege
select tname
from teacher
where not exists
(select *
from tc
where tno = teacher.tno
select *
from student
where sbirth < all
(select sbirth
from student
where scollege = '计算机科学与技术'