点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析

        Sparse Point Registration (SPR)是一篇2017年的点云配准算法,该算法的主要目的是对稀疏点云进行配准,并且取得了不错的成果和突破。本文一方面是对SPR配准算法模型进行了简单的原理解析以及附加代码实现,另一方面是对之前工作的总结,也算水篇博文,接下来的工作主要就是分割和光流预测方面的学习了。




点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析_第1张图片



  • 初始化目标模型点云数据A,稀疏点云数据B,最大迭代次数MaxIterations,配准误差阈值Threshold、扰动次数P
  • 根据点云Size和高斯分布计算当前迭代的扰动量(扰动量随着迭代次数不断减小,最后减小到零)获取P个扰动扰动变换矩阵,然后对当前B点云进行扰动变换
  • 分别计算P个扰动变换后的稀疏点云B和目标模型点云A的 Cost (这里可以使用K-D Tree 计算最近点偏差和作为Cost),选择Cost最小的作为局部最优扰动
  • 基于当前的最优扰动变换后的稀疏点云B,进行 ICP or DQF 算法精配准细化(本文选择ICP),获得精配准矩阵Tk,并计算此时的误差
  • 若计算的误差小于最小误差e,则更新全局最优边换矩阵T和最小误差e为当前迭代结果。
  • 重复迭代以上过程,直到达到最大迭代次数MaxIterations或计算误差e<配准误差阈值Threshold

点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析_第2张图片


点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析_第3张图片





% SPR Main logic function:transform A sparse point cloud into B model point cloud coordinate system for registration
% - Params:
%   - A:sparse point cloud [n,3]
%   - B:model point cloud [m,3]
% - Return:
%   - R:optimal rotation matrix [3,3]
%   - T:optimal translation matrix [1,3]
%   - trans_res:transform point cloud [n,3]
function [ R,T,trans_res ] = SPR(A,B)

%1.kdtree model for B(euclidean distance) and size of the model
Mdl = KDTreeSearcher(B);
Size = max(range(B));
%2.Initialize R0,T0,e0
R = eye(3);
%Align the centroids of two point clouds A->B
cen_A = sum(A)/length(A);
cen_B = sum(B)/length(B);
T = cen_B - cen_A;
trans_res = transform(A,R,T);
e = calculateCost(trans_res,B,Mdl);
%3.Initialize the number of disturbed pose P, the maximum number of iterations I, and the minimum error threshold RMS
P = 10;
I = 30;
RMS = 1e-6;
%4.Initialize loop variable
k = 1;
%record data
x_loop = 1:I;
y_error = zeros(1,I);

%5.SPR Loop
while e > RMS && k <= I
    cost_best = inf;
    R_k = R;
    T_k = T;
    %(1). Perturbations for Sparse point cloud,and then the perturbation transformation matrix is obtained
    % - R_p: [3,3,P+1]
    % - T_p: [p+1,3]
    [R_p, T_p] = perturb(Size,P,k,I);
    %(2). Calculate the optimal pose
    for j = 1:P+1
        %Obtain the transformation matrix parameters rp_j(3,3), tp_j(1,3) of the current p-th disturbance pose
        rp_j = R_p(:,:,j)*R;
        tp_j = (R_p(:,:,j)*T')'+T_p(j,:);
        %Calculate current optimal cost(from ICP)
        [R_j,T_j,cost_j] = solveicp(A,B,Mdl,rp_j,tp_j);
        %judge optimal cost
        if cost_j < cost_best
            cost_best = cost_j;
            R_k = R_j;
            T_k = T_j;
    %(3). Error calculation and judge for update
    trans_k = transform(A,R_k,T_k);
    e_k = calculateCost(trans_k,B,Mdl);
    if e_k < e
        e = e_k;
        R = R_k;
        T = T_k;
    y_error(k) = e;
    k = k+1;
trans_res = transform(A,R,T);

plot(x_loop,y_error,marker='o', MarkerFaceColor='r');
ylabel('ems error');



%Disturbance function: Generates random perturbations based on iteration within loop and specified
% - Params:
%   - size:Size of the model
%   - P:Number of disturbances
%   - k:Number of iterations
%   - I:Iteration upper bound
% - Return:
%   - R_p:Perturbation rotation matrix [3,3,P+1]
%   - T_p:Perturbation translation matrix [P+1,3]
function [ R_p, T_p ] = perturb( size,P,k,I )

%1.Initial translation disturbance:10% of the model size
T_p = normrnd(0,(0.1*size*((I+1-k)/I)),[P,3]); %[P,3]

%2.Initial perturbation number of rotation:10 ° normal distribution(Right hand coordinate system)
%Around x
a = normrnd(0,(10*((I+1-k)/I)),[1,P]); %[1,P]
%Around y
b = normrnd(0,(10*((I+1-k)/I)),[1,P]);
%Around z
c = normrnd(0,(10*((I+1-k)/I)),[1,P]);

%3.convert to radians
a = a.*(pi()/180);
b = b.*(pi()/180);
c = c.*(pi()/180);

%4.initialize R_p
R_p = zeros(3,3,P);

%5.Generate P disturbances respectively (matlab subscript starts from 1)
for j = 1:P
    %rotation matrix about x
    r1 = [1,0,0; 0, cos(a(j)), -sin(a(j)); 0, sin(a(j)), cos(a(j))]; 
    %rotation matrix about y
    r2 = [cos(b(j)), 0, sin(b(j)); 0,1,0; -sin(b(j)), 0, cos(b(j))];
    %rotation matrix about z
    r3 = [cos(c(j)), -sin(c(j)), 0; sin(c(j)), cos(c(j)), 0; 0,0,1];
    %Perturbation Rotation
    R_p(:,:,j) = r1*r2*r3;
%P+1:Transformation without disturbance
R_p(:,:,P+1) = eye(3);
T_p(P+1,:) = [0,0,0];


%Function takes in A and B clusters, registers A to B using ICP, returns resultant transformation matrix and error calculation
% - Params:
%   - A:initial point cloud [n,3]
%   - B:target point cloud [m,3]
% - Return:
%   - TR:solve rotation matrix [1,3]
%   - RO:solve translation matrix [3,3]
%   - e:registers error
function [ R,T,e ] = solveicp( A,B,Mdl,R_0,T_0 )
%1.initialize variable parameters
k = 1;
error = 0.0001;
Iterator = 50;
R = R_0;
T = T_0;
%2.initial:kdtree algorithm to find the nearest point pair of two point clouds
trans = transform(A,R,T);
e = calculateCost(trans,B,Mdl);
%3.ICP loop
while e > error && k <= Iterator
    %find the nearest point
    idx = knnsearch(Mdl,trans);
    NN = B(idx,:);
    %svd solve: optimal matching matrix of two point clouds in current state
    [T_k, R_k] = solvesvd(trans,NN);
    %Cumulative transformation T=[1,3] R=[3,3]
    T = (R_k*T')'+T_k;
    R = R_k*R;
    trans = transform(A,R,T);
    %Update error E
    e = sum(sqrt(sum((NN-trans).^2,2)))/length(trans);
    k = k+1;



%function: svd solve yo find T and R between point set B and it nearest neighbour set
% - Params:
%   - B:initial point clouds [n,3]
%   - NN: target nearest neighbour point clouds [n,3]
% - Return:
%   - T:solve optimal translation matrix [1,3]
%   - R:solve optimal rotation matrix [3,3]
function [ T, R ] = solvesvd( B, NN )

num = length(B);
%1.Seeking centroid
cen_B = sum(B)/num;
cen_NN = sum(NN)/num;
%2.Decentralization:Set centroids as reference origin for both clusters
B2 = B-repmat(cen_B,num,1);
NN2 = NN-repmat(cen_NN,num,1);
%3.svd decompose:[U,S,V] = svd(A) ==> A = U*S*V'
H = B2'*NN2;
[U,~,V] = svd(H);
R = V*diag([1 1 sign(det(V*U'))])*U';
T = cen_NN' - R*cen_B';
T = T';



点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析_第4张图片


点云配准(四) Sparse Point Registration 算法浅析_第5张图片
