这一章节中,我们将介绍如何使用Nvidia Deepstream内自定义的Metadata,包括NvDsBatchMeta
Gst-nvstreammux的输出是Gst Buffer
Gst Buffer
是GStreamer中数据传输的基本单位。每个 Gst Buffer
都有关联的Meta数据。 DeepStream SDK 附加了 DeepStream Meta数据对象“NvDsBatchMeta”,在以下部分中进行了描述。NVIDIA DeepStream SDK Python API以及NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference Documentation包含了详细描述。
def osd_sink_pad_buffer_probe(pad,info,u_data):
#Intiallizing object counter with 0.
obj_counter = {
gst_buffer = info.get_buffer()
if not gst_buffer:
print("Unable to get GstBuffer ")
# Retrieve batch metadata from the gst_buffer
# Note that pyds.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta() expects the
# C address of gst_buffer as input, which is obtained with hash(gst_buffer)
batch_meta = pyds.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(hash(gst_buffer))
l_frame = batch_meta.frame_meta_list
while l_frame is not None:
# Note that l_frame.data needs a cast to pyds.NvDsFrameMeta
# The casting is done by pyds.glist_get_nvds_frame_meta()
# The casting also keeps ownership of the underlying memory
# in the C code, so the Python garbage collector will leave
# it alone.
#frame_meta = pyds.glist_get_nvds_frame_meta(l_frame.data)
frame_meta = pyds.NvDsFrameMeta.cast(l_frame.data)
except StopIteration:
num_rects = frame_meta.num_obj_meta
while l_obj is not None:
# Casting l_obj.data to pyds.NvDsObjectMeta
except StopIteration:
obj_counter[obj_meta.class_id] += 1
obj_meta.rect_params.border_color.set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
except StopIteration:
# Acquiring a display meta object. The memory ownership remains in
# the C code so downstream plugins can still access it. Otherwise
# the garbage collector will claim it when this probe function exits.
display_meta.num_labels = 1
py_nvosd_text_params = display_meta.text_params[0]
# Setting display text to be shown on screen
# Note that the pyds module allocates a buffer for the string, and the
# memory will not be claimed by the garbage collector.
# Reading the display_text field here will return the C address of the
# allocated string. Use pyds.get_string() to get the string content.
py_nvosd_text_params.display_text = "Frame Number={} Number of Objects={} Vehicle_count={} Person_count={}".format(frame_number, num_rects, obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_VEHICLE], obj_counter[PGIE_CLASS_ID_PERSON])
# Now set the offsets where the string should appear
py_nvosd_text_params.x_offset = 10
py_nvosd_text_params.y_offset = 12
# Font , font-color and font-size
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_name = "Serif"
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_size = 10
# set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to White
py_nvosd_text_params.font_params.font_color.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# Text background color
py_nvosd_text_params.set_bg_clr = 1
# set(red, green, blue, alpha); set to Black
py_nvosd_text_params.text_bg_clr.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Using pyds.get_string() to get display_text as string
pyds.nvds_add_display_meta_to_frame(frame_meta, display_meta)
except StopIteration:
return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK
插件中创建。 辅助Meta数据结构包含框架、对象、分类器和标签数据。DeepStream还提供了一种在批处理(Batch)、帧或对象级别添加用户特定Meta数据的机制。
,将Meta数据附加到Gst buffer
。当您的应用程序处理Gst buffer
从Gst Buffer
。 (请参阅 sources/include/gstnvdsmeta.h
中的声明。)有关更多详细信息,请参阅 NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API。
下图显示了metadata NvDsBatchMeta
的结构和里面的结构内容。 逻辑非常简单。 首先,Gst-nvstreammux
并存储在Gst Buffer
中。 NvDsBatchMeta
需要注意的一件事:上图中的结构参数已经有了不小的变化。 (我猜上面的参数名称在 Deepstream 3.0 中。当前版本中更改了一些名称)。 有关更新的名称,请阅读目录 .../sources/includes
下的 nvdsmeta.h
* Holds information about a formed batch containing frames from different
* sources.
* NOTE: Both Video and Audio metadata uses the same NvDsBatchMeta type.
* NOTE: Audio batch metadata is formed within nvinferaudio plugin
* and will not be corresponding to any one buffer output from nvinferaudio.
* The NvDsBatchMeta for audio is attached to the last input buffer
* when the audio batch buffering reach configurable threshold
* (audio frame length) and this is when inference output is available.
typedef struct _NvDsBatchMeta {
NvDsBaseMeta base_meta;
/** Holds the maximum number of frames in the batch. */
guint max_frames_in_batch;
/** Holds the number of frames now in the batch. */
guint num_frames_in_batch;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type @ref NvDsFrameMeta,
representing a pool of frame metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *frame_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type NvDsObjMeta,
representing a pool of object metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *obj_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type @ref NvDsClassifierMeta,
representing a pool of classifier metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *classifier_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type @ref NvDsDisplayMeta,
representing a pool of display metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *display_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type @ref NvDsUserMeta,
representing a pool of user metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *user_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a pool of pointers of type @ref NvDsLabelInfo,
representing a pool of label metas. */
NvDsMetaPool *label_info_meta_pool;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsFrameMeta
or NvDsAudioFrameMeta (when the batch represent audio batch),
representing frame metas used in the current batch.
NvDsFrameMetaList *frame_meta_list;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type NvDsUserMeta,
representing user metas in the current batch. */
NvDsUserMetaList *batch_user_meta_list;
/** Holds a lock to be set before accessing metadata to avoid
simultaneous update by multiple components. */
GRecMutex meta_mutex;
/** Holds an array of user-specific batch information. */
gint64 misc_batch_info[MAX_USER_FIELDS];
/** For internal use. */
gint64 reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS];
} NvDsBatchMeta;
在案例代码中,我们只用到了l_frame = batch_meta.frame_meta_list
* Holds metadata for a frame in a batch.
typedef struct _NvDsFrameMeta {
/** Holds the base metadata for the frame. */
NvDsBaseMeta base_meta;
/** Holds the pad or port index of the Gst-streammux plugin for the frame
in the batch. */
guint pad_index;
/** Holds the location of the frame in the batch. The frame's
@ref NvBufSurfaceParams are at index @a batch_id in the @a surfaceList
array of @ref NvBufSurface. */
guint batch_id;
/** Holds the current frame number of the source. */
gint frame_num;
/** Holds the presentation timestamp (PTS) of the frame. */
guint64 buf_pts;
/** Holds the ntp timestamp. */
guint64 ntp_timestamp;
/** Holds the source IDof the frame in the batch, e.g. the camera ID.
It need not be in sequential order. */
guint source_id;
/** Holds the number of surfaces in the frame, required in case of
multiple surfaces in the frame. */
gint num_surfaces_per_frame;
/* Holds the width of the frame at input to Gst-streammux. */
guint source_frame_width;
/* Holds the height of the frame at input to Gst-streammux. */
guint source_frame_height;
/* Holds the surface type of the subframe, required in case of
multiple surfaces in the frame. */
guint surface_type;
/* Holds the surface index of tje subframe, required in case of
multiple surfaces in the frame. */
guint surface_index;
/** Holds the number of object meta elements attached to current frame. */
guint num_obj_meta;
/** Holds a Boolean indicating whether inference is performed on the frame. */
gboolean bInferDone;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsObjectMeta
in use for the frame. */
NvDsObjectMetaList *obj_meta_list;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsDisplayMeta
in use for the frame. */
NvDisplayMetaList *display_meta_list;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsUserMeta
in use for the frame. */
NvDsUserMetaList *frame_user_meta_list;
/** Holds additional user-defined frame information. */
gint64 misc_frame_info[MAX_USER_FIELDS];
/* Holds the width of the frame at output of Gst-streammux. */
guint pipeline_width;
/* Holds the height of the frame at output of Gst-streammux. */
guint pipeline_height;
/** For internal use. */
gint64 reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS];
} NvDsFrameMeta;
num_rects = frame_meta.num_obj_meta
* Holds metadata for an object in the frame.
typedef struct _NvDsObjectMeta {
NvDsBaseMeta base_meta;
/** Holds a pointer to the parent @ref NvDsObjectMeta. Set to NULL if
no parent exists. */
struct _NvDsObjectMeta *parent;
/** Holds a unique component ID that identifies the metadata
in this structure. */
gint unique_component_id;
/** Holds the index of the object class inferred by the primary
detector/classifier. */
gint class_id;
/** Holds a unique ID for tracking the object. @ref UNTRACKED_OBJECT_ID
indicates that the object has not been tracked. */
guint64 object_id;
/** Holds a structure containing bounding box parameters of the object when
detected by detector. */
NvDsComp_BboxInfo detector_bbox_info;
/** Holds a structure containing bounding box coordinates of the object when
* processed by tracker. */
NvDsComp_BboxInfo tracker_bbox_info;
/** Holds a confidence value for the object, set by the inference
component. confidence will be set to -0.1, if "Group Rectangles" mode of
clustering is chosen since the algorithm does not preserve confidence
values. Also, for objects found by tracker and not inference component,
confidence will be set to -0.1 */
gfloat confidence;
/** Holds a confidence value for the object set by nvdcf_tracker.
* tracker_confidence will be set to -0.1 for KLT and IOU tracker */
gfloat tracker_confidence;
/** Holds a structure containing positional parameters of the object
* processed by the last component that updates it in the pipeline.
* e.g. If the tracker component is after the detector component in the
* pipeline then positinal parameters are from tracker component.
* Positional parameters are clipped so that they do not fall outside frame
* boundary. Can also be used to overlay borders or semi-transparent boxes on
* objects. @see NvOSD_RectParams. */
NvOSD_RectParams rect_params;
/** Holds mask parameters for the object. This mask is overlayed on object
* @see NvOSD_MaskParams. */
NvOSD_MaskParams mask_params;
/** Holds text describing the object. This text can be overlayed on the
standard text that identifies the object. @see NvOSD_TextParams. */
NvOSD_TextParams text_params;
/** Holds a string describing the class of the detected object. */
gchar obj_label[MAX_LABEL_SIZE];
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsClassifierMeta. */
NvDsClassifierMetaList *classifier_meta_list;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsUserMeta. */
NvDsUserMetaList *obj_user_meta_list;
/** Holds additional user-defined object information. */
gint64 misc_obj_info[MAX_USER_FIELDS];
/** For internal use. */
gint64 reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS];
包含了每个检测到的object的信息,在示例代码中,我们只是用了一个元素:obj_meta.rect_params.border_color.set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
typedef struct _NvDsClassifierMeta {
NvDsBaseMeta base_meta;
/** Holds the number of outputs/labels produced by the classifier. */
guint num_labels;
/** Holds a unique component ID for the classifier metadata. */
gint unique_component_id;
/** Holds a pointer to a list of pointers of type @ref NvDsLabelInfo. */
NvDsLabelInfoList *label_info_list;
} NvDsClassifierMeta;
typedef struct NvDsDisplayMeta {
NvDsBaseMeta base_meta;
/** Holds the number of rectangles described. */
guint num_rects;
/** Holds the number of labels (strings) described. */
guint num_labels;
/** Holds the number of lines described. */
guint num_lines;
/** Holds the number of arrows described. */
guint num_arrows;
/** Holds the number of circles described. */
guint num_circles;
/** Holds an array of positional parameters for rectangles.
Used to overlay borders or semi-transparent rectangles,
as required by the application. @see NvOSD_RectParams. */
/** Holds an array of text parameters for user-defined strings that can be
overlayed using this structure. @see NvOSD_TextParams. */
/** Holds an array of line parameters that the user can use to draw polygons
in the frame, e.g. to show a RoI in the frame. @see NvOSD_LineParams. */
/** Holds an array of arrow parameters that the user can use to draw arrows
in the frame. @see NvOSD_ArrowParams */
NvOSD_ArrowParams arrow_params[MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_DISPLAY_META];
/** Holds an array of circle parameters that the user can use to draw circles
in the frame. @see NvOSD_CircleParams */
NvOSD_CircleParams circle_params[MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_DISPLAY_META];
/** Holds an array of user-defined OSD metadata. */
gint64 misc_osd_data[MAX_USER_FIELDS];
/** For internal use. */
gint64 reserved[MAX_RESERVED_FIELDS];
} NvDsDisplayMeta;