Big Sister 官方網站:http://www.bigsister.ch/
Big Sister 是一套網路監控軟體,利用 SNMP 來查詢遠端主機的狀況,可以幫助網路管理人員完成以下的功: • 監控網路系統 • 提供一個簡單的方式,可以即時查看目前的網路狀態 • 當您的系統發生緊要的事件時,通知你 • 產生網路歷史資料的變化 • 記錄和顯示各種系統的資料
在 CentOS 5.x 下安裝方式: 1. 安裝所需套件 # yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils net-snmp-perl perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI rrdtool-perl rrdtool 2. 下載 bigsister 套件 # wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bigsister/bigsister-1.02-4.noarch.rpm # wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bigsister/bigsister-agent-1.02-4.noarch.rpm # wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bigsister/bigsister-server-1.02-4.noarch.rpm
3. 進行安裝 # rpm -Uvh bigsister*.rpm
4. 重新啟動 Web Server # service httpd restart
5. 啟動 BigSister # service bigsister restart 6. 檢查是否有正常啟動 # netstat -anpltu | grep LISTEN | grep 1984 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 25534/bbd
7. 設定檔的位置 /etc/bigsister 目錄之下 # 主要顯示設定檔 bb-display.cfg # 設定權限 permissions # 設定事件發生時反應方式 bb_event_generator.cfg # 設定事件發生時通知方式 notify.cfg uxmon-net 8. 修改設定檔 # vim /etc/bigsister/uxmon-net # Agent Configuration File # The Big Sister Server expects communication # every 10 minutes or server is considered down #----------------------------------------------------- # Set the default SNMP community to "public", the # # Set default frequency to 5 minutes for "ALL" checks # KEYWORD Default settings Apply To TEST #------------- --------------------------- ----------------- # 預設每 5 分鐘檢查一次 DEFAULT community=public frequency=5 perf=5 ALL DEFAULT version=1 proto=udp rpc DEFAULT proto=udp ping
# Information about defined systems to monitor using DESCR command. # # KEYWORD SYSTEM FEATURES Apply To HOST #--------- -------------------------- ------------ # 偵測的主機類型 DESCR features=unix,linux localhost # DESCR features=unix,sysv,solaris someotherhost
# Run the following tests. # Note: host1(host2) is reported under host2 # Note: host can be an IP address # Report Host Health Test List #------------ ---------------------------------- # 要監控的服務 localhost load memory network cpuload localhost disk # localhost syslog localhost proc=sshd procs proc=snmpd procs proc=httpd procs proc=httpd procs localhost users
# EDIT THIS, replace localhost by the name or IP address of your Big Sister server # # BigSis Server bsdisplay /options #------------ ----------------------------------- # 如果是 Client 端,localhost 要改成 BigSister Server IP localhost bsdisplay
# include file for specific hosts, do not name it uxmon-net.* as a new # process is started for every file matching that pattern include include_checks.$HOST