漂亮国游记(7)-Thanks Giving Day

7 Thanks Giving Day

It's traditional to eat turkey this day, one foreign friend is so kind that he would like to cook a traditional meal for us!


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On this evening many shops and  brands are holding a great selling, many goods are cheaper especially for electrical consumable.There were 4 guys got up on 3am and waited in line for Staple and got 4 early bird HP computers, each just 350$!

What craziest is that after the sleepless night we went Canada the next day! Vancouver is not far from Seattle, usually it costs 3 hours. But on Thanks Giving Day, Canada custom,  what a terrible experience , so many cars, only 1 mile but 4 hours in queue! We were in queue since 1pm and when we passed the custom it was over 9pm! We finally missed the ferry to Victoria and  we couldn't get to the hotel too. We had to remain in Richmond and found a hotel finally at 12pm!The next day morning, we went to Victoria by ferry.

Butchart Gardens 

It's not the right season, no flowers, below is the picture on the advertisement, everyone could take it easily.


Victoria seaport

We got both day and night views,  it looks better in the night.



It's unbelievable that I met my roommate in Vancouver...nothing special in Vancouver, below is the lion bridge

