Advanced Web TechnologiesCO7215/CO4215Assignment 2University of Leicester 1 of 2Department of Computer Science SRM 18/11/2018Important facts:Handed out: 19-Nov-2018Deadline: 6-Dec-2018 at 23:59 pmThis assignment counts as 15% of your final mark.This assignment is an individual piece of work.The deadline is strict.ContextThis assignment is about understanding and modelling workflows, implementing web serviceinterfaces in C# to match a design and preparing deployment to Azure.Scenario“With semester ending and the holiday season emerging many like to go on a short trip.MyVacation offers travel for students needing a short break. It allows the student to specifywhen they want to go (Easter, Christmas, Summer), which University they attend and whattheir budget is. The service will identify the vacation periods from a University Term Timesservice. It will then identify a number of destinations that are within budget at the giventime using a holiday package broker. Those packages start and end with a flight and includeand transfers from airport to hotel, the hotel and meals – so nothing to worry about fromwhen you step on the plane. A service called transport-identifier will find a way from theUniversity town the student attends to the right airport and the cost there-off. MyVacationdecides based on overall cost (airport transport plus vacation cost) which is the cheapestbreak and will book that for the student. The student’s credit card will be charged with thecost arising from the booking and a booking confirmation number and itinerary are returnedto the student.’NOTE: this is simplified and you do not have to worry about availability of tickets or theirprices; you also do not need to consider exceptions on the payment side.Tasks1) Analyse the scenario and decide on which 3 services are needed by the process describedabove. Decide what interfaces are needed (each service needs one interface).a. Draw a process diagram for your solution that shows the flow of the process as wellas the interactions with the partners. [6 marks]b. List the interfaces of the process and service. [3 marks]Note: this can be done on paper and scanned/ photographed or in PowerPoint. Please try tosave the design as pdf file were possible.2) Implement the three needed partner services either as C# or Workflow services; the focus isentirely on the interface (so through their implementation they can all return hardcoded orrandomly generated values; specifically there is no need to connect to a database here andthere is no need for complex logic for this part). Keep it simple, but have three services (orone witCO7215/CO4215作业代写、代做C#编程作业、代写Web Technologies作业、代做C#课程设计作业 代h three interfaces) with good interface design and appropriate data types for theinterfaces.[6 marks]Advanced Web TechnologiesCO7215/CO4215Assignment 2University of Leicester 2 of 2Department of Computer Science SRM 18/11/20183) Make changes required to the project to deploy the services to the Azure Cloud. (You cantest the result in the cloud emulation environment or on a free trial Azure account. Notehowever that there is no need to actually deploy the services and workflow).[3 marks]Please note: Some parts of the specification above might be imprecise – welcome to the real world!Please make your own assumptions and fill in the gaps – just describe your assumptions in yoursubmissions.Submission:You need to submit via Blackboard. The submission should be made using the Blackboardassignment feature. Once you select this assignment from assessment you will be taken to a differentscreen that allows download of this description and the coursework coversheet as well as submissionof the solution.Your submission should include A zip archive containing the folder tree with your solution (so the folder that containsthe .sln file and all subtrees thereof). This should not be much bigger than 1MB – let meknow if it is much bigger (>10MB) and we can agree on how to submit. Please onlysubmit zip files (Windows can create these by right clicking on the folder and saying“add to compressed folder”). A file with your design for Task 1 (this can be a ppt or a photo/ scan of a hand drawndiagram). A brief description of the steps required to Azure enable the service and deploy it to thecloud (no pictures expected, just a textual description). Note that someone who has notdone this before should be able to follow what is going on. This should be a plain textfile or text added to the description (see next bullet). A description (typed into the submissions text box in blackboard) which tells me whichtasks you have attempted and in which files the tasks are addressed. It is essential thatyou include the description in this way. A completed coursework coversheet (print an sign the pdf file and include a scan/ digitalphoto in the Blackboard submission).Once the files are added and you are happy to proceed with submission click the submit button(save will not transfer your submission, but allow you to store work at intermediate stages). Onceyou have submitted you cannot resubmit.If you do not follow the submission guidelines your work might not be marked and most certainlywill not be marked in the normal timeframe.Late submissions will incur a penalty in accordance with the University guidelines.转自: