1.give sb his walking ticket 叫。。。卷铺盖走人(fire sb)
That's the ticket! 好主意,正合适
to urinate(最常用)= to piss= to take a piss= to take a leak = to void =to empty
to make a bowel movement= to take a shit
(小孩)to make a poo poo= to make a BM
to expel gas= to fart= to make/pass gas
3.You wish! 你想的美
4.I am just hanging out in dorm. 闲呆着
Don't hang out on the road at night. 闲逛
5.We chipped in 20 dollars 我们凑了20元
6.I don't like too much cleavage.我不太喜欢暴露的衣服
7.How do you say that! 你怎么能这么说?
8.You must leave here by the time I count to three. 在我数到3之前你得离开
9.My bad! 我的锅(非正式)
I do apologize!抱歉(正式)
10.I heard they trash talking my boss 在背后说我老板的坏话
11.I'm down (for sth) 我很乐意(做。。。);算我一份
12.Holyshit! I got an A for English! 发生一些出人意料(好事坏事都行)的事情时的感叹词
13.That store has a clearance sale! 清仓大减价
14.How are you doing? 最近怎么样?
I'm doing great. 我现在很好
15.What's her face? 她叫啥来着?
16.I'm right in the middle of dinner. 我正在吃饭呢
17.You don't have to be a dick. 别装蒜(Don't play dumb!)
18.No wonder your English is so good. 难怪你的英语这么好
19.Queen ugly/butt ugly 超丑
She is Queen ugly!