matlab标定数据做双目相机矫正OpenCV C++
remap映射的坐标对应关系 python代码:
def remap(imgre, map_x, map_y, x0, y0, x1, y1):
brief 进行映射+插值过程,并得到矫正后的检测框位置
imgre 未矫正的左图
map_x, map_y 矫正映射map
x0, y0, x1, y1 检测框坐标点
rec_img 矫正后的左图
x2, y2, x3, y3 矫正后匹配的检测框坐标点
rec_img = np.zeros(imgre.shape, np.uint8)
x2, y2, x3, y3 = -100, -100, -100, -100
for i in range(imgre.shape[1]):
for j in range(imgre.shape[0]):
x = int(map_x[j, i])
y = int(map_y[j, i])
if x > 1 and x < imgre.shape[1] - 1 and y > 1 and y < imgre.shape[0] - 1:
u = map_x[j, i] - x
v = map_y[j, i] - y
rec_img[j, i] = int( (1 - u)*(1 - v)*imgre[y, x] + (1-u)*v*imgre[y+1, x] + u*(1-v)*imgre[y, x+1] + u*v*imgre[y+1, x+1] )
if match(None, None, x0, y0, x, y) and x2 < -99:
x2 = i
y2 = j
if match(None, None, x1, y1, x, y) and x3 < -99:
x3 = i
y3 = j
return rec_img, x2, y2, x3, y3
def match(map_x, map_y, x_det, y_det, x, y): # x y_det 为检测框坐标点, x y 为map_x y 中的遍历点
brief 矫正前后的检测框匹配(嵌套在remap函数中, 使用其遍历map的for循环; 也可单独进行匹配, 只需传入map即可)
map_x, map_y 矫正映射map
x y_det 检测框坐标点
x y map_x y 中的遍历值
(map_x, map_y 和 x y 使用其一即可)
# print(map_x != None , x is None)
# assert map_x != None and x is None, 'map and (x, y) must have one.'
if x != None:
if abs(x - x_det) < 2 and abs(y - y_det) < 2: # 匹配3*3邻域
return True
return False