two-branch network
color-dominant (CD) branch
color image and a sparse depth map --------- predicted depth map
depth-dominant (DD) branch
sparse depth map and the previously predicted depth map ----------- dense depth map
总的来说这两个分支的优缺点比较互补,因此用learned confidence weights来融合两个分支的结果,充分利用颜色和深度信息
propose a simple geometric convolutional layer----encode 3D geometric cues
It simply augments a convolutional layer via concatenating a 3D position map to the layer’s input.
we additionally integrate a module based on CSPN++ to refine the depth map predicted by our backbone
We design a dilated and accelerated implementation of CSPN++ to make the refinement more effective and efficient.
A. Depth Completion
produce a dense depth map by completing a sparse depth map, without or with the guidance of a reference image
the input depth map is irregularly sparse and noisy;
the color image and the depth map are two different modalities.
B. Geometric Encoding
we propose a geometric convolutional layer to encode 3D geometric cues simply. (受CoordConv启发)
C. Spatial Propagation Networks
spatial propagation network (SPN)
convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN)
CSPN++ and NLSPN are proposed very recently.
The former adaptively learns the convolutional kernel size and iteration number for propagation
The latter learns deformable kernels.
We adopt CSPN++ for our depth refinement, but we introduce a dilation scheme to enlarge the neighborhoods
and implement the propagation in a much more efficient way
entire framework---------two-branch backbone and a depth refinement module.
The Two-branch Backbone
color-dominant branch
an aligned sparse depth map is also input to assist depth prediction
The encoder contains one convolution layer and ten basic residual blocks
The decoder has five deconvolution layers and one convolution layer
depth-dominant branch
Depth fusion
The Geometric Convolutional Layer
augments a conventional convolutional layer via concatenating a 3D position map to the layer’s input.
we replace each convolutional layer within the ResBlocks by the proposed geometric convolutional layer.
The Dilated and Accelerated CSPN++
recover the depth values at valid pixels
introduce a dilation strategy similar to the well known dilated convolutions o enlarge the propagation neighborhoods.
our implementation of the translations can be performed parallelly.(more effificient)
two-branch backbone
the geometric convolutional layer
the DA-CPSN++ module.
we obtain four variants of the backbone. B1 to B4
Based on the backbone model B4, we further replace each convolutional layer in the ResBlocks by our proposed geometric convolutional layer and get the model B4+GCL.
Based on the backbone model B4 , we integrate variants of CSPN++ to compare their performance.The total number of iterations for propagation is 12.
C1 stands for original CSPN++, with a dilation rate (dr) of 1 for all iterations.
C2 stands for the model that takes dr = 2 for first six iterations and dr = 1 for the remaining iterations.
C4 is the model taking dr = {4, 2, 1} for every four iterations
the model B4 +C2 slightly outperforms the other two counterparts
ENet: We also test our geometric encoded backbone without depth refinement (referred to as ENet)
PENet: we present the quantitative performance of our full method (referred to as PENet)
class SparseDownSampleClose(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, stride):
super(SparseDownSampleClose, self).__init__()
self.pooling = nn.MaxPool2d(stride, stride)
self.large_number = 600
def forward(self, d, mask):
encode_d = - (1-mask)*self.large_number - d
d = - self.pooling(encode_d)
mask_result = self.pooling(mask)
d_result = d - (1-mask_result)*self.large_number
return d_result, mask_result
[[721.5377 0. 596.5593]
[ 0. 721.5377 161.354 ]
[ 0. 0. 1. ]]
class BasicBlock(nn.Module):
expansion = 1
__constants__ = ['downsample']
def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None, groups=1,
base_width=64, dilation=1, norm_layer=None):
super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()
if norm_layer is None:
norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d
#norm_layer = encoding.nn.BatchNorm2d
if groups != 1 or base_width != 64:
raise ValueError('BasicBlock only supports groups=1 and base_width=64')
if dilation > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Dilation > 1 not supported in BasicBlock")
# Both self.conv1 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1
self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride)
self.bn1 = norm_layer(planes)
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes)
self.bn2 = norm_layer(planes)
if stride != 1 or inplanes != planes:
downsample = nn.Sequential(
conv1x1(inplanes, planes, stride),
self.downsample = downsample
self.stride = stride
def forward(self, x):
identity = x
out = self.conv1(x)
out = self.bn1(out)
out = self.relu(out)
out = self.conv2(out)
out = self.bn2(out)
if self.downsample is not None:
identity = self.downsample(x)
out += identity
out = self.relu(out)
return out
class BasicBlockGeo(nn.Module):
expansion = 1
__constants__ = ['downsample']
def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None, groups=1,
base_width=64, dilation=1, norm_layer=None, geoplanes=3):
super(BasicBlockGeo, self).__init__()
if norm_layer is None:
norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d
#norm_layer = encoding.nn.BatchNorm2d
if groups != 1 or base_width != 64:
raise ValueError('BasicBlock only supports groups=1 and base_width=64')
if dilation > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Dilation > 1 not supported in BasicBlock")
# Both self.conv1 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1
self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes + geoplanes, planes, stride)
self.bn1 = norm_layer(planes)
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes+geoplanes, planes)
self.bn2 = norm_layer(planes)
if stride != 1 or inplanes != planes:
downsample = nn.Sequential(
conv1x1(inplanes+geoplanes, planes, stride),
self.downsample = downsample
self.stride = stride
def forward(self, x, g1=None, g2=None):
identity = x
if g1 is not None:
x =, g1), 1)
out = self.conv1(x)
out = self.bn1(out)
out = self.relu(out)
if g2 is not None:
out =,out), 1)
out = self.conv2(out)
out = self.bn2(out)
if self.downsample is not None:
identity = self.downsample(x)
out += identity
out = self.relu(out)
return out
args.use_rgb = ('rgb' in args.input)
args.use_d = 'd' in args.input
args.use_g = 'g' in args.input
args = parser.parse_args()
args.result = os.path.join('..', 'results')
args.val_h = 352
args.val_w = 1216
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.cpu
if cuda:
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
cudnn.benchmark = True
device = torch.device("cuda")
device = torch.device("cpu")
print("=> using '{}' for computation.".format(device))
depth_criterion = criteria.MaskedMSELoss() if (
args.criterion == 'l2') else criteria.MaskedL1Loss()
assert mode in ["train", "val", "eval", "test_prediction", "test_completion"], \
"unsupported mode: {}".format(mode)
def main():
global args
checkpoint = None
is_eval = False
if args.evaluate:
args_new = args
if os.path.isfile(args.evaluate):
print("=> loading checkpoint '{}' ... ".format(args.evaluate),
checkpoint = torch.load(args.evaluate, map_location=device)
#args = checkpoint['args']
args.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1
args.data_folder = args_new.data_folder
args.val = args_new.val
is_eval = True
is_eval = True
print("No model found at '{}'".format(args.evaluate))
elif args.resume: # optionally resume from a checkpoint
args_new = args
if os.path.isfile(args.resume):
print("=> loading checkpoint '{}' ... ".format(args.resume),
checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume, map_location=device)
args.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1
args.data_folder = args_new.data_folder
args.val = args_new.val
print("Completed. Resuming from epoch {}.".format(
print("No checkpoint found at '{}'".format(args.resume))
print("=> creating model and optimizer ... ", end='')
model = None
penet_accelerated = False
if (args.network_model == 'e'):
model = ENet(args).to(device)
elif (is_eval == False):
if (args.dilation_rate == 1):
model = PENet_C1_train(args).to(device)
elif (args.dilation_rate == 2):
model = PENet_C2_train(args).to(device)
elif (args.dilation_rate == 4):
model = PENet_C4(args).to(device)
penet_accelerated = True
if (args.dilation_rate == 1):
model = PENet_C1(args).to(device)
penet_accelerated = True
elif (args.dilation_rate == 2):
model = PENet_C2(args).to(device)
penet_accelerated = True
elif (args.dilation_rate == 4):
model = PENet_C4(args).to(device)
penet_accelerated = True
if (penet_accelerated == True):
model.encoder3.requires_grad = False
model.encoder5.requires_grad = False
model.encoder7.requires_grad = False
model_named_params = None
model_bone_params = None
model_new_params = None
optimizer = None
if checkpoint is not None:
if (args.freeze_backbone == True):
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
print("=> checkpoint state loaded.")
logger = helper.logger(args)
if checkpoint is not None:
logger.best_result = checkpoint['best_result']
del checkpoint
print("=> logger created.")
test_dataset = None
test_loader = None
if (args.test):
test_dataset = KittiDepth('test_completion', args)
test_loader =
iterate("test_completion", args, test_loader, model, None, logger, 0)
val_dataset = KittiDepth('val', args)
val_loader =
pin_memory=True) # set batch size to be 1 for validation
print("\t==> val_loader size:{}".format(len(val_loader)))
if is_eval == True:
for p in model.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
result, is_best = iterate("val", args, val_loader, model, None, logger,
args.start_epoch - 1)
if (args.freeze_backbone == True):
for p in model.backbone.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
model_named_params = [
p for _, p in model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model_named_params,, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, betas=(0.9, 0.99))
elif (args.network_model == 'pe'):
model_bone_params = [
p for _, p in model.backbone.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad
model_new_params = [
p for _, p in model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad
model_new_params = list(set(model_new_params) - set(model_bone_params))
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': model_bone_params, 'lr': / 10}, {'params': model_new_params}],, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, betas=(0.9, 0.99))
model_named_params = [
p for _, p in model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model_named_params,, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, betas=(0.9, 0.99))
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
# Data loading code
print("=> creating data loaders ... ")
if not is_eval:
train_dataset = KittiDepth('train', args)
train_loader =,
print("\t==> train_loader size:{}".format(len(train_loader)))
print("=> starting main loop ...")
for epoch in range(args.start_epoch, args.epochs):
print("=> starting training epoch {} ..".format(epoch))
iterate("train", args, train_loader, model, optimizer, logger, epoch) # train for one epoch
# validation memory reset
for p in model.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
result, is_best = iterate("val", args, val_loader, model, None, logger, epoch) # evaluate on validation set
for p in model.parameters():
p.requires_grad = True
if (args.freeze_backbone == True):
for p in model.module.backbone.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
if (penet_accelerated == True):
model.module.encoder3.requires_grad = False
model.module.encoder5.requires_grad = False
model.module.encoder7.requires_grad = False
helper.save_checkpoint({ # save checkpoint
'epoch': epoch,
'model': model.module.state_dict(),
'best_result': logger.best_result,
'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(),
'args' : args,
}, is_best, epoch, logger.output_directory)
input_options = ['d', 'rgb', 'rgbd', 'g', 'gd']
def load_calib():
transform = no_transform
glob_d = os.path.join( args.data_folder,"data_depth_selection/test_depth_completion_anonymous/velodyne_raw/*.png")
glob_gt = None # "test_depth_completion_anonymous/"
glob_rgb = os.path.join( args.data_folder,"data_depth_selection/test_depth_completion_anonymous/image/*.png")
paths_rgb = sorted(glob.glob(glob_rgb))
paths_gt = [None] * len(paths_rgb)
paths_d = sorted(glob.glob(glob_d))
paths = {"rgb": paths_rgb, "d": paths_d, "gt": paths_gt}
return paths, transform
def rgb_read(filename):
assert os.path.exists(filename), "file not found: {}".format(filename)
img_file =
# rgb_png = np.array(img_file, dtype=float) / 255.0 # scale pixels to the range [0,1]
rgb_png = np.array(img_file, dtype='uint8') # in the range [0,255]
return rgb_png
def depth_read(filename):
# loads depth map D from png file
# and returns it as a numpy array,
# for details see readme.txt
assert os.path.exists(filename), "file not found: {}".format(filename)
img_file =
depth_png = np.array(img_file, dtype=int)
# make sure we have a proper 16bit depth map here.. not 8bit!
assert np.max(depth_png) > 255, \
"np.max(depth_png)={}, path={}".format(np.max(depth_png), filename)
depth = depth_png.astype(np.float) / 256.
# depth[depth_png == 0] = -1.
depth = np.expand_dims(depth, -1)
return depth
def drop_depth_measurements(depth, prob_keep):
mask = np.random.binomial(1, prob_keep, depth.shape)
depth *= mask
return depth
def train_transform(rgb, sparse, target, position, args):
oheight = args.val_h
owidth = args.val_w
do_flip = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.5 # random horizontal flip
transforms_list = [
# transforms.Rotate(angle),
# transforms.Resize(s),
transforms.BottomCrop((oheight, owidth)),
transform_geometric = transforms.Compose(transforms_list)
if sparse is not None:
sparse = transform_geometric(sparse)
target = transform_geometric(target)
if rgb is not None:
brightness = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1 - args.jitter),
1 + args.jitter)
contrast = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1 - args.jitter), 1 + args.jitter)
saturation = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1 - args.jitter),
1 + args.jitter)
transform_rgb = transforms.Compose([
transforms.ColorJitter(brightness, contrast, saturation, 0),
rgb = transform_rgb(rgb)
if position is not None:
bottom_crop_only = transforms.Compose([transforms.BottomCrop((oheight, owidth))])
position = bottom_crop_only(position)
if args.not_random_crop == False:
h = oheight
w = owidth
rheight = args.random_crop_height
rwidth = args.random_crop_width
# randomlize
i = np.random.randint(0, h - rheight + 1)
j = np.random.randint(0, w - rwidth + 1)
if rgb is not None:
if rgb.ndim == 3:
rgb = rgb[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth, :]
elif rgb.ndim == 2:
rgb = rgb[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth]
if sparse is not None:
if sparse.ndim == 3:
sparse = sparse[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth, :]
elif sparse.ndim == 2:
sparse = sparse[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth]
if target is not None:
if target.ndim == 3:
target = target[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth, :]
elif target.ndim == 2:
target = target[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth]
if position is not None:
if position.ndim == 3:
position = position[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth, :]
elif position.ndim == 2:
position = position[i:i + rheight, j:j + rwidth]
return rgb, sparse, target, position
def val_transform(rgb, sparse, target, position, args):
oheight = args.val_h
owidth = args.val_w
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.BottomCrop((oheight, owidth)),
if rgb is not None:
rgb = transform(rgb)
if sparse is not None:
sparse = transform(sparse)
if target is not None:
target = transform(target)
if position is not None:
position = transform(position)
return rgb, sparse, target, position
def no_transform(rgb, sparse, target, position, args):
return rgb, sparse, target, position
to_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()
to_float_tensor = lambda x: to_tensor(x).float()
def handle_gray(rgb, args):
if rgb is None:
return None, None
if not args.use_g:
return rgb, None
img = np.array(Image.fromarray(rgb).convert('L'))
img = np.expand_dims(img, -1)
if not args.use_rgb:
rgb_ret = None
rgb_ret = rgb
return rgb_ret, img
转换公式:L = R * 299/1000 + G * 587/1000+ B * 114/1000。
def get_rgb_near(path, args):
assert path is not None, "path is None"
def extract_frame_id(filename):
head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
number_string = tail[0:tail.find('.')]
number = int(number_string)
return head, number
def get_nearby_filename(filename, new_id):
head, _ = os.path.split(filename)
new_filename = os.path.join(head, '%010d.png' % new_id)
return new_filename
head, number = extract_frame_id(path)
count = 0
max_frame_diff = 3
candidates = [
i - max_frame_diff for i in range(max_frame_diff * 2 + 1)
if i - max_frame_diff != 0
while True:
random_offset = choice(candidates)
path_near = get_nearby_filename(path, number + random_offset)
if os.path.exists(path_near):
assert count < 20, "cannot find a nearby frame in 20 trials for {}".format(path_near)
return rgb_read(path_near)
candidates = {"rgb": rgb, "d": sparse, "gt": target, \
"g": gray, 'position': position, 'K': self.K}
items = {
key: to_float_tensor(val)
for key, val in candidates.items() if val is not None
return items
class KittiDepth(data.Dataset):
"""A data loader for the Kitti dataset
def __init__(self, split, args):
self.args = args
self.split = split
paths, transform = get_paths_and_transform(split, args)
self.paths = paths
self.transform = transform
self.K = load_calib()
self.threshold_translation = 0.1
def __getraw__(self, index):
rgb = rgb_read(self.paths['rgb'][index]) if \
(self.paths['rgb'][index] is not None and (self.args.use_rgb or self.args.use_g)) else None
sparse = depth_read(self.paths['d'][index]) if \
(self.paths['d'][index] is not None and self.args.use_d) else None
target = depth_read(self.paths['gt'][index]) if \
self.paths['gt'][index] is not None else None
return rgb, sparse, target
def __getitem__(self, index):
rgb, sparse, target = self.__getraw__(index)
position = CoordConv.AddCoordsNp(self.args.val_h, self.args.val_w)
position =
rgb, sparse, target, position = self.transform(rgb, sparse, target, position, self.args)
rgb, gray = handle_gray(rgb, self.args)
# candidates = {"rgb": rgb, "d": sparse, "gt": target, \
# "g": gray, "r_mat": r_mat, "t_vec": t_vec, "rgb_near": rgb_near}
candidates = {"rgb": rgb, "d": sparse, "gt": target, \
"g": gray, 'position': position, 'K': self.K}
items = {
key: to_float_tensor(val)
for key, val in candidates.items() if val is not None
return items
def __len__(self):
return len(self.paths['gt'])
fieldnames = [
'epoch', 'rmse', 'photo', 'mae', 'irmse', 'imae', 'mse', 'absrel', 'lg10',
'silog', 'squared_rel', 'delta1', 'delta2', 'delta3', 'data_time',
class logger:
-self.train_csv = os.path.join(output_directory, 'train.csv')
self.val_csv = os.path.join(output_directory, 'val.csv')
self.best_txt = os.path.join(output_directory, 'best.txt')
#backup the source code
print("=> creating source code backup ...")
backup_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "code_backup")
self.backup_directory = backup_directory
with open(self.train_csv, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
with open(self.val_csv, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
print("=> finished creating source code backup.")
def conditional_print(self, split, i, epoch, lr, n_set, blk_avg_meter, avg_meter):
if (i + 1) % self.args.print_freq == 0:
avg = avg_meter.average()
blk_avg = blk_avg_meter.average()
print('=> output: {}'.format(self.output_directory))
'{split} Epoch: {0} [{1}/{2}]\tlr={lr} '
't_Data={blk_avg.data_time:.3f}({average.data_time:.3f}) '
'RMSE={blk_avg.rmse:.2f}({average.rmse:.2f}) '
'MAE={blk_avg.mae:.2f}({average.mae:.2f}) '
'iRMSE={blk_avg.irmse:.2f}({average.irmse:.2f}) '
'silog={blk_avg.silog:.2f}({average.silog:.2f}) '
'squared_rel={blk_avg.squared_rel:.2f}({average.squared_rel:.2f}) '
'Delta1={blk_avg.delta1:.3f}({average.delta1:.3f}) '
'Lg10={blk_avg.lg10:.3f}({average.lg10:.3f}) '
'Photometric={blk_avg.photometric:.3f}({average.photometric:.3f}) '
i + 1,
### 写csv文件
def conditional_save_info(self, split, average_meter, epoch):
avg = average_meter.average()
if split == "train":
csvfile_name = self.train_csv
elif split == "val":
csvfile_name = self.val_csv
elif split == "eval":
eval_filename = os.path.join(self.output_directory, 'eval.txt')
self.save_single_txt(eval_filename, avg, epoch)
return avg
elif "test" in split:
return avg
raise ValueError("wrong split provided to logger")
with open(csvfile_name, 'a') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
'epoch': epoch,
'rmse': avg.rmse,
'photo': avg.photometric,
'mae': avg.mae,
'irmse': avg.irmse,
'imae': avg.imae,
'mse': avg.mse,
'silog': avg.silog,
'squared_rel': avg.squared_rel,
'absrel': avg.absrel,
'lg10': avg.lg10,
'delta1': avg.delta1,
'delta2': avg.delta2,
'delta3': avg.delta3,
'gpu_time': avg.gpu_time,
'data_time': avg.data_time
return avg
### 写txt文件
def save_single_txt(self, filename, result, epoch):
with open(filename, 'w') as txtfile:
("rank_metric={}\n" + "epoch={}\n" + "rmse={:.3f}\n" +
"mae={:.3f}\n" + "silog={:.3f}\n" + "squared_rel={:.3f}\n" +
"irmse={:.3f}\n" + "imae={:.3f}\n" + "mse={:.3f}\n" +
"absrel={:.3f}\n" + "lg10={:.3f}\n" + "delta1={:.3f}\n" +
"t_gpu={:.4f}").format(self.args.rank_metric, epoch,
result.rmse, result.mae, result.silog,
result.squared_rel, result.irmse,
result.imae, result.mse, result.absrel,
result.lg10, result.delta1,
def save_best_txt(self, result, epoch):
self.save_single_txt(self.best_txt, result, epoch)
def adjust_learning_rate(lr_init, optimizer, epoch, args):
"""Sets the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by 10 every 5 epochs"""
#lr = lr_init * (0.5**(epoch // 5))
lr = lr_init
if (args.network_model == 'pe' and args.freeze_backbone == False):
if (epoch >= 10):
lr = lr_init * 0.5
if (epoch >= 20):
lr = lr_init * 0.1
if (epoch >= 30):
lr = lr_init * 0.01
if (epoch >= 40):
lr = lr_init * 0.0005
if (epoch >= 50):
lr = lr_init * 0.00001
if (epoch >= 10):
lr = lr_init * 0.5
if (epoch >= 15):
lr = lr_init * 0.1
if (epoch >= 25):
lr = lr_init * 0.01
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = lr
return lr
def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, epoch, output_directory):
checkpoint_filename = os.path.join(output_directory,
'checkpoint-' + str(epoch) + '.pth.tar'), checkpoint_filename)
if is_best:
best_filename = os.path.join(output_directory, 'model_best.pth.tar')
shutil.copyfile(checkpoint_filename, best_filename)
if epoch > 0:
prev_checkpoint_filename = os.path.join(
output_directory, 'checkpoint-' + str(epoch - 1) + '.pth.tar')
if os.path.exists(prev_checkpoint_filename):
ignore_hidden = shutil.ignore_patterns(".", "..", ".git*", "*pycache*",
"*build", "*.fuse*", "*_drive_*")
def backup_source_code(backup_directory):
if os.path.exists(backup_directory):
shutil.copytree('.', backup_directory, ignore=ignore_hidden)
def get_folder_name(args):
current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d@%H-%M')
return os.path.join(args.result,
format(args.input, args.criterion, \, args.batch_size, args.weight_decay, \
args.jitter, current_time
class Result(object):
def __init__(self):
self.irmse = 0
self.imae = 0
self.mse = 0
self.rmse = 0
self.mae = 0
self.absrel = 0
self.squared_rel = 0
self.lg10 = 0
self.delta1 = 0
self.delta2 = 0
self.delta3 = 0
self.data_time = 0
self.gpu_time = 0
self.silog = 0 # Scale invariant logarithmic error [log(m)*100]
self.photometric = 0
def set_to_worst(self):
self.irmse = np.inf
self.imae = np.inf
self.mse = np.inf
self.rmse = np.inf
self.mae = np.inf
self.absrel = np.inf
self.squared_rel = np.inf
self.lg10 = np.inf
self.silog = np.inf
self.delta1 = 0
self.delta2 = 0
self.delta3 = 0
self.data_time = 0
self.gpu_time = 0
def update(self, irmse, imae, mse, rmse, mae, absrel, squared_rel, lg10, \
delta1, delta2, delta3, gpu_time, data_time, silog, photometric=0):
self.irmse = irmse
self.imae = imae
self.mse = mse
self.rmse = rmse
self.mae = mae
self.absrel = absrel
self.squared_rel = squared_rel
self.lg10 = lg10
self.delta1 = delta1
self.delta2 = delta2
self.delta3 = delta3
self.data_time = data_time
self.gpu_time = gpu_time
self.silog = silog
self.photometric = photometric
def evaluate(self, output, target, photometric=0):
valid_mask = target > 0.1
# convert from meters to mm
output_mm = 1e3 * output[valid_mask]
target_mm = 1e3 * target[valid_mask]
abs_diff = (output_mm - target_mm).abs()
self.mse = float((torch.pow(abs_diff, 2)).mean())
self.rmse = math.sqrt(self.mse)
self.mae = float(abs_diff.mean())
self.lg10 = float((log10(output_mm) - log10(target_mm)).abs().mean())
self.absrel = float((abs_diff / target_mm).mean())
self.squared_rel = float(((abs_diff / target_mm)**2).mean())
maxRatio = torch.max(output_mm / target_mm, target_mm / output_mm)
self.delta1 = float((maxRatio < 1.25).float().mean())
self.delta2 = float((maxRatio < 1.25**2).float().mean())
self.delta3 = float((maxRatio < 1.25**3).float().mean())
self.data_time = 0
self.gpu_time = 0
# silog uses meters
err_log = torch.log(target[valid_mask]) - torch.log(output[valid_mask])
normalized_squared_log = (err_log**2).mean()
log_mean = err_log.mean()
self.silog = math.sqrt(normalized_squared_log -
log_mean * log_mean) * 100
# convert from meters to km
inv_output_km = (1e-3 * output[valid_mask])**(-1)
inv_target_km = (1e-3 * target[valid_mask])**(-1)
abs_inv_diff = (inv_output_km - inv_target_km).abs()
self.irmse = math.sqrt((torch.pow(abs_inv_diff, 2)).mean())
self.imae = float(abs_inv_diff.mean())
self.photometric = float(photometric)
class AverageMeter(object):
def __init__(self):
def reset(self, time_stable):
self.count = 0.0
self.sum_irmse = 0
self.sum_imae = 0
self.sum_mse = 0
self.sum_rmse = 0
self.sum_mae = 0
self.sum_absrel = 0
self.sum_squared_rel = 0
self.sum_lg10 = 0
self.sum_delta1 = 0
self.sum_delta2 = 0
self.sum_delta3 = 0
self.sum_data_time = 0
self.sum_gpu_time = 0
self.sum_photometric = 0
self.sum_silog = 0
self.time_stable = time_stable
self.time_stable_counter_init = 10
self.time_stable_counter = self.time_stable_counter_init
def update(self, result, gpu_time, data_time, n=1):
self.count += n
self.sum_irmse += n * result.irmse
self.sum_imae += n * result.imae
self.sum_mse += n * result.mse
self.sum_rmse += n * result.rmse
self.sum_mae += n * result.mae
self.sum_absrel += n * result.absrel
self.sum_squared_rel += n * result.squared_rel
self.sum_lg10 += n * result.lg10
self.sum_delta1 += n * result.delta1
self.sum_delta2 += n * result.delta2
self.sum_delta3 += n * result.delta3
self.sum_data_time += n * data_time
if self.time_stable == True and self.time_stable_counter > 0:
self.time_stable_counter = self.time_stable_counter - 1
self.sum_gpu_time += n * gpu_time
self.sum_silog += n * result.silog
self.sum_photometric += n * result.photometric
def average(self):
avg = Result()
if self.time_stable == True:
if self.count > 0 and self.count - self.time_stable_counter_init > 0:
self.sum_irmse / self.count, self.sum_imae / self.count,
self.sum_mse / self.count, self.sum_rmse / self.count,
self.sum_mae / self.count, self.sum_absrel / self.count,
self.sum_squared_rel / self.count, self.sum_lg10 / self.count,
self.sum_delta1 / self.count, self.sum_delta2 / self.count,
self.sum_delta3 / self.count, self.sum_gpu_time / (self.count - self.time_stable_counter_init),
self.sum_data_time / self.count, self.sum_silog / self.count,
self.sum_photometric / self.count)
elif self.count > 0:
self.sum_irmse / self.count, self.sum_imae / self.count,
self.sum_mse / self.count, self.sum_rmse / self.count,
self.sum_mae / self.count, self.sum_absrel / self.count,
self.sum_squared_rel / self.count, self.sum_lg10 / self.count,
self.sum_delta1 / self.count, self.sum_delta2 / self.count,
self.sum_delta3 / self.count, 0,
self.sum_data_time / self.count, self.sum_silog / self.count,
self.sum_photometric / self.count)
elif self.count > 0:
self.sum_irmse / self.count, self.sum_imae / self.count,
self.sum_mse / self.count, self.sum_rmse / self.count,
self.sum_mae / self.count, self.sum_absrel / self.count,
self.sum_squared_rel / self.count, self.sum_lg10 / self.count,
self.sum_delta1 / self.count, self.sum_delta2 / self.count,
self.sum_delta3 / self.count, self.sum_gpu_time / self.count,
self.sum_data_time / self.count, self.sum_silog / self.count,
self.sum_photometric / self.count)
return avg