iOS werun 微信运动 非越狱逆向破解

method 1 ---- By logos


%hook WCDeviceStepObject

- (unsigned int)m7StepCount{
    return 23333;



method 2 ---- By CaptainHoop


CHDeclareClass(WCDeviceStepObject); // declare class  
CHOptimizedMethod(0, self,  unsigned int, WCDeviceStepObject, m7StepCount) // hook method (with no arguments and no return value)  
    // write code here ...  
    return 98888; //随意改数 
CHConstructor // code block that runs immediately upon load  
        CHHook(0, WCDeviceStepObject,m7StepCount);  

你可能感兴趣的:(iOS werun 微信运动 非越狱逆向破解)