[SalesForce]Block Chain Basic2

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Learn Blockchain Fundamentals

Go Beyond Bitcoin with Blockchain Networks

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Explain the difference between Bitcoin and blockchain.
Explain how blockchain technology has evolved.
Explain how blockchain networks work.

What’s up with Bitcoin and Blockchain?

Are Bitcoin and blockchain the same thing? No, they aren’t. But they are closely related.

Bitcoin was the first to use blockchain. In fact, blockchain was invented to support Bitcoin. As a result, people often inadvertently used the term Bitcoin to mean blockchain and vice versa.

However, Blockchain technology has since been applied in other industries, but there is still some lingering confusion.

How Bitcoin and Blockchain Differ

Bitcoin is an unregulated digital currency that was first created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. It’s also known as a cryptocurrency. The idea behind Bitcoin was to bypass government controls and simplify online transactions. Of course, accomplishing this required more than just the money itself. There had to be a secure way to track transactions themselves.
比特币是一种不受管制的数字货币,由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)于2008年首次创立。它也被称为加密货币。 比特币背后的想法是绕过政府控制并简化在线交易。 当然,实现这一目标不仅需要金钱本身。 必须有一种安全的方式来跟踪交易本身。

The history of blockchain began in the '90s with theory, became famous through the Bitcoin use case in 2008, and has been in development in the past decade.

Bitcoin transactions are stored and transferred using blockchain on a peer-to-peer network that is open, public, and anonymous. In other words, blockchain is the foundation that helps maintain the Bitcoin ledger.
比特币交易使用区块链在开放,公开和匿名的对等网络上存储和转移。 换句话说,区块链是帮助维护比特币分类帐的基础。

How Blockchain Networks Work

Blockchain eliminates the need for third parties such as banks to mediate transactions. To establish trust and transparency, blockchain uses:
区块链消除了银行等第三方进行中介交易的需要。 为了建立信任和透明度,区块链使用:

  • Hashing, such as the SHA256 cryptographic hash, to ensure even the smallest change results in a different block with a different hash value. In other words, everyone in the network can clearly see when there is a change because they are represented by a unique ID.
    哈希算法,比如SHA256加密哈希之类的哈希,确保即使最小的更改也会导致具有不同哈希值的不同块。 换句话说,网络中的每个人都可以看到唯一的更改,因为它们由唯一的ID表示。
  • Digital signatures, to ensure transactions come from the appropriate participants. In other words, no imposters.
    数字签名,以确保交易来自适当的参与者。 换句话说,没有冒名顶替者。
  • Consensus, which is a series of checks to verify the data. In other words, there’s a specific proof of accuracy that all participants agree to.
    共识算法,这是一系列用于数据的检查。 换句话说,有所有参与者都同意的特定的准确性证明。


In the case of Bitcoin, a form of consensus is used called “mining.” It involves members processing complex, resource-intensive equations to create strings of characters that other members use to verify the legitimacy of the transaction.
对于比特币,一种共识算法被称为"采矿"。 它涉及到成员处理复杂的资源密集型方程式,来创建其他成员用来验证交易的合法性的字符串,

The decentralized nature of the blockchain network prevents any single participant or group of participants from undermining the entire system. Everyone is equal, adhering to the same rules.
区块链网络的去中心化特性可防止任何单个参与者或参与者组破坏整个系统。 每个人都是平等的,遵循相同的规则。

This results in transactions that cannot be altered or reversed, unless the change is agreed to by all members in the network in a clear, transparent, and trustworthy way.

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