mi: my, me - Mi diario. : My newspaper./ Mi libo. : My book.
mio: mine. : Es mio.: It is mine.
Necesito un caballo.: I need a horse.
Necesitas mas leche? : Do you need more milk? mas - more; necesitas: (you) need
La gata no es mia.: The cat is not mine.
Eres mi caballo.: You are my horse. / Eres: (you) are
Sus perros comen pescado.: (Sus: their (plural), his (plural), your (formai-plural)) dogs eat fish.
Tus caballos. Your horses. /Tus - your, your, yours
Su desayuno es una manzana.: His breakfast is an apple.
El jugo es suyo.: The juice is yours. /suyo: yours
Mi papa bebe vino/come verduras.: My dad drinks wine/eats vegetables.
El dinero: the money; el ban(~)o: the bathroom
No quiero sal: I don't want salt. / quiero: want
Nuestro conejo no bebe leche: Our rabbit does not drink milk.
Nuestra gata come pescado.: Our cat eats fish.
Ellas leen nuestras cartas.: They read our letters.
Necesitas mas dinero?: Do you need more money?
Nuestros perros beben leche.: Our dogs drink milk.
Nuestra gata no come azucar.: Our cat does not eat sugar.
Necesito un bano. I need a bathroom.
Idioms and Proverbs
El amor todo lo puede.: Love will find a way. / Love conquers all.
amor: love, dear, honey; lo puede: (he/she/it/you) can/may/be able to (it/him); todo: everything, everybody, all
Cada loco con su tema. : To each their own./ Everyone has his/her own point of view.
cada: each, every; loco: (loca: crazy, mad); con su: with his; tema: theme, topic, subject.
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces.: All talk and no action.
Ojos que no ven, corazon que no siente. : Out of sight, out of mind. // Eyes that don't see, heart that can't feel.
ojo: eye; ven: (they/you- plural) see; corazon: core, heart, sweetheart; siente: feel!, (you-formal) feel, be offended/hurt!
Donde fuego se hace, humo sale. : 无风不起浪 (好累。。。idioms真的是。。。) /Where there's smoke, there's a fire.
donde: where, when, because; fuego: fire, cold sore; se hace: ago, (he/she/it) becomes, since, (三单) writes out, carries out, (you) make out;
humo: smoke, fumes; sale: play a joke on, SD comes out
El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no. : Love is blind, but the neighbors ain't.
ciego: blind; pero: but, only; vecinos: neighbors, nearby (plural), inhabitants
No todo lo que brilla es oro.: Not everything glitters is gold.