python easyOCR打包成exe

基于 ​​​​​​python easyOCR 使用案例_白发渔礁江渚上……-CSDN博客_easyocr



from pathlib import Path

import easyocr

import easyocr.model.vgg_model


file_url = r'1KRa316-0.png'    # 需识别的图片

split_symbol = ' '          # 默认空格为分隔符

row_space = 15              # 默认字符高度为15px,当识别出来的字符间距超过这个数值时会换行。


def make_reader():

    # 将模型加载到内存中。模型文件地址 C:\Users\用户\.EasyOCR\model

    reader = easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim', 'en'], gpu=False, model_storage_directory="./easy/model", download_enabled=False, base_directory="./easy") #修改了此处

    return reader

修改easyocr 库中的源文件的如下(修改character目录拼接,处理BASE_PATH的逻辑):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .detection import get_detector, get_textbox

from .recognition import get_recognizer, get_text

from .utils import group_text_box, get_image_list, calculate_md5, get_paragraph,\

                   download_and_unzip, printProgressBar, diff, reformat_input,\

                   make_rotated_img_list, set_result_with_confidence,\


from .config import *

from bidi.algorithm import get_display

import numpy as np

import cv2

import torch

import os

import sys

from PIL import Image

from logging import getLogger

import yaml

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:

    from io import open

    from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve

    from pathlib2 import Path


    from urllib.request import urlretrieve

    from pathlib import Path

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

class Reader(object):

    def __init__(self, lang_list, gpu=True, model_storage_directory=None,

                 user_network_directory=None, recog_network = 'standard',

                 download_enabled=True, detector=True, recognizer=True,

                 verbose=True, quantize=True, cudnn_benchmark=False, base_directory=None):

        """Create an EasyOCR Reader


            lang_list (list): Language codes (ISO 639) for languages to be recognized during analysis.

            gpu (bool): Enable GPU support (default)

            model_storage_directory (string): Path to directory for model data. If not specified,

            models will be read from a directory as defined by the environment variable

            EASYOCR_MODULE_PATH (preferred), MODULE_PATH (if defined), or ~/.EasyOCR/.

            user_network_directory (string): Path to directory for custom network architecture.

            If not specified, it is as defined by the environment variable

            EASYOCR_MODULE_PATH (preferred), MODULE_PATH (if defined), or ~/.EasyOCR/.

            download_enabled (bool): Enabled downloading of model data via HTTP (default).


        self.download_enabled = download_enabled

        self.model_storage_directory = MODULE_PATH + '/model'

        if model_storage_directory:

            self.model_storage_directory = model_storage_directory

        Path(self.model_storage_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        self.base_directory = BASE_PATH

        if base_directory:

            self.base_directory = base_directory

        Path(self.base_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


        self.user_network_directory = MODULE_PATH + '/user_network'

        if user_network_directory:

            self.user_network_directory = user_network_directory

        Path(self.user_network_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


        if gpu is False:

            self.device = 'cpu'

            if verbose:

                LOGGER.warning('Using CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.')

        elif not torch.cuda.is_available():

            self.device = 'cpu'

            if verbose:

                LOGGER.warning('CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.')

        elif gpu is True:

            self.device = 'cuda'


            self.device = gpu

        self.recognition_models = recognition_models

        # check and download detection model

        detector_model = 'craft'

        corrupt_msg = 'MD5 hash mismatch, possible file corruption'

        detector_path = os.path.join(self.model_storage_directory, detection_models[detector_model]['filename'])

        if detector:

            if os.path.isfile(detector_path) == False:

                if not self.download_enabled:

                    raise FileNotFoundError("Missing %s and downloads disabled" % detector_path)

                LOGGER.warning('Downloading detection model, please wait. '

                               'This may take several minutes depending upon your network connection.')

                download_and_unzip(detection_models[detector_model]['url'], detection_models[detector_model]['filename'], self.model_storage_directory, verbose)

                assert calculate_md5(detector_path) == detection_models[detector_model]['filesize'], corrupt_msg

      'Download complete')

            elif calculate_md5(detector_path) != detection_models[detector_model]['filesize']:

                if not self.download_enabled:

                    raise FileNotFoundError("MD5 mismatch for %s and downloads disabled" % detector_path)



                LOGGER.warning('Re-downloading the detection model, please wait. '

                               'This may take several minutes depending upon your network connection.')

                download_and_unzip(detection_models[detector_model]['url'], detection_models[detector_model]['filename'], self.model_storage_directory, verbose)

                assert calculate_md5(detector_path) == detection_models[detector_model]['filesize'], corrupt_msg

        # recognition model

        separator_list = {}

        if recog_network in ['standard'] + [model for model in recognition_models['gen1']] + [model for model in recognition_models['gen2']]:

            if recog_network in [model for model in recognition_models['gen1']]:

                model = recognition_models['gen1'][recog_network]

                recog_network = 'generation1'

                self.model_lang = model['model_script']

            elif recog_network in [model for model in recognition_models['gen2']]:

                model = recognition_models['gen2'][recog_network]

                recog_network = 'generation2'

                self.model_lang = model['model_script']

            else: # auto-detect

                unknown_lang = set(lang_list) - set(all_lang_list)

                if unknown_lang != set():

                    raise ValueError(unknown_lang, 'is not supported')

                # choose recognition model

                if lang_list == ['en']:

                    self.setModelLanguage('english', lang_list, ['en'], '["en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['english_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif 'th' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('thai', lang_list, ['th','en'], '["th","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['thai_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif 'ch_tra' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('chinese_tra', lang_list, ['ch_tra','en'], '["ch_tra","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['zh_tra_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif 'ch_sim' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('chinese_sim', lang_list, ['ch_sim','en'], '["ch_sim","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['zh_sim_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif 'ja' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('japanese', lang_list, ['ja','en'], '["ja","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['japanese_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif 'ko' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('korean', lang_list, ['ko','en'], '["ko","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['korean_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif 'ta' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('tamil', lang_list, ['ta','en'], '["ta","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['tamil_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif 'te' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('telugu', lang_list, ['te','en'], '["te","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['telugu_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif 'kn' in lang_list:

                    self.setModelLanguage('kannada', lang_list, ['kn','en'], '["kn","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['kannada_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

                elif set(lang_list) & set(bengali_lang_list):

                    self.setModelLanguage('bengali', lang_list, bengali_lang_list+['en'], '["bn","as","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['bengali_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif set(lang_list) & set(arabic_lang_list):

                    self.setModelLanguage('arabic', lang_list, arabic_lang_list+['en'], '["ar","fa","ur","ug","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['arabic_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif set(lang_list) & set(devanagari_lang_list):

                    self.setModelLanguage('devanagari', lang_list, devanagari_lang_list+['en'], '["hi","mr","ne","en"]')

                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['devanagari_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'

                elif set(lang_list) & set(cyrillic_lang_list):

                    self.setModelLanguage('cyrillic', lang_list, cyrillic_lang_list+['en'],


                    model = recognition_models['gen1']['cyrillic_g1']

                    recog_network = 'generation1'


                    self.model_lang = 'latin'

                    model = recognition_models['gen2']['latin_g2']

                    recog_network = 'generation2'

            self.character = model['characters']

            model_path = os.path.join(self.model_storage_directory, model['filename'])

            # check recognition model file

            if recognizer:

                if os.path.isfile(model_path) == False:

                    if not self.download_enabled:

                        raise FileNotFoundError("Missing %s and downloads disabled" % model_path)

                    LOGGER.warning('Downloading recognition model, please wait. '

                                   'This may take several minutes depending upon your network connection.')

                    download_and_unzip(model['url'], model['filename'], self.model_storage_directory, verbose)

                    assert calculate_md5(model_path) == model['filesize'], corrupt_msg

          'Download complete.')

                elif calculate_md5(model_path) != model['filesize']:

                    if not self.download_enabled:

                        raise FileNotFoundError("MD5 mismatch for %s and downloads disabled" % model_path)



                    LOGGER.warning('Re-downloading the recognition model, please wait. '

                                   'This may take several minutes depending upon your network connection.')

                    download_and_unzip(model['url'], model['filename'], self.model_storage_directory, verbose)

                    assert calculate_md5(model_path) == model['filesize'], corrupt_msg

          'Download complete')

            self.setLanguageList(lang_list, model)

        else: # user-defined model

            with open(os.path.join(self.user_network_directory, recog_network+ '.yaml'), encoding='utf8') as file:

                recog_config = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

            imgH = recog_config['imgH']

            available_lang = recog_config['lang_list']

            self.setModelLanguage(recog_network, lang_list, available_lang, available_lang)

            #char_file = os.path.join(self.user_network_directory, recog_network+ '.txt')

            self.character = recog_config['character_list']

            model_file = recog_network+ '.pth'

            model_path = os.path.join(self.model_storage_directory, model_file)

            self.setLanguageList(lang_list, None)

        dict_list = {}

        for lang in lang_list:

            dict_list[lang] = os.path.join(self.base_directory, 'dict', lang + ".txt")

        if detector:

            self.detector = get_detector(detector_path, self.device, quantize, cudnn_benchmark=cudnn_benchmark)

        if recognizer:

            if recog_network == 'generation1':

                network_params = {

                    'input_channel': 1,

                    'output_channel': 512,

                    'hidden_size': 512


            elif recog_network == 'generation2':

                network_params = {

                    'input_channel': 1,

                    'output_channel': 256,

                    'hidden_size': 256



                network_params = recog_config['network_params']

            self.recognizer, self.converter = get_recognizer(recog_network, network_params,\

                                                         self.character, separator_list,\

                                                         dict_list, model_path, device = self.device, quantize=quantize)

    def setModelLanguage(self, language, lang_list, list_lang, list_lang_string):

        self.model_lang = language

        if set(lang_list) - set(list_lang) != set():

            if language == 'ch_tra' or language == 'ch_sim':

                language = 'chinese'

            raise ValueError(language.capitalize() + ' is only compatible with English, try lang_list=' + list_lang_string)

    def getChar(self, fileName):

        char_file = os.path.join(self.base_directory, 'character', fileName)

        with open(char_file, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as input_file:

            list =

            char = ''.join(list)

        return char

    def setLanguageList(self, lang_list, model):

        self.lang_char = []

        for lang in lang_list:

            char_file = os.path.join(self.base_directory, 'character', lang + "_char.txt")

            with open(char_file, "r", encoding = "utf-8-sig") as input_file:

                char_list =

            self.lang_char += char_list

        if model:

            symbol = model['symbols']


            symbol = '0123456789!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ '

        self.lang_char = set(self.lang_char).union(set(symbol))

        self.lang_char = ''.join(self.lang_char)

    def detect(self, img, min_size = 20, text_threshold = 0.7, low_text = 0.4,\

               link_threshold = 0.4,canvas_size = 2560, mag_ratio = 1.,\

               slope_ths = 0.1, ycenter_ths = 0.5, height_ths = 0.5,\

               width_ths = 0.5, add_margin = 0.1, reformat=True, optimal_num_chars=None):

        if reformat:

            img, img_cv_grey = reformat_input(img)

        text_box_list = get_textbox(self.detector, img, canvas_size, mag_ratio,

                                    text_threshold, link_threshold, low_text,

                                    False, self.device, optimal_num_chars)

        horizontal_list_agg, free_list_agg = [], []

        for text_box in text_box_list:

            horizontal_list, free_list = group_text_box(text_box, slope_ths,

                                                        ycenter_ths, height_ths,

                                                        width_ths, add_margin,

                                                        (optimal_num_chars is None))

            if min_size:

                horizontal_list = [i for i in horizontal_list if max(

                    i[1] - i[0], i[3] - i[2]) > min_size]

                free_list = [i for i in free_list if max(

                    diff([c[0] for c in i]), diff([c[1] for c in i])) > min_size]



        return horizontal_list_agg, free_list_agg

    def recognize(self, img_cv_grey, horizontal_list=None, free_list=None,\

                  decoder = 'greedy', beamWidth= 5, batch_size = 1,\

                  workers = 0, allowlist = None, blocklist = None, detail = 1,\

                  rotation_info = None,paragraph = False,\

                  contrast_ths = 0.1,adjust_contrast = 0.5, filter_ths = 0.003,\

                  y_ths = 0.5, x_ths = 1.0, reformat=True, output_format='standard'):

        if reformat:

            img, img_cv_grey = reformat_input(img_cv_grey)

        if allowlist:

            ignore_char = ''.join(set(self.character)-set(allowlist))

        elif blocklist:

            ignore_char = ''.join(set(blocklist))


            ignore_char = ''.join(set(self.character)-set(self.lang_char))

        if self.model_lang in ['chinese_tra','chinese_sim']: decoder = 'greedy'

        if (horizontal_list==None) and (free_list==None):

            y_max, x_max = img_cv_grey.shape

            horizontal_list = [[0, x_max, 0, y_max]]

            free_list = []

        # without gpu/parallelization, it is faster to process image one by one

        if ((batch_size == 1) or (self.device == 'cpu')) and not rotation_info:

            result = []

            for bbox in horizontal_list:

                h_list = [bbox]

                f_list = []

                image_list, max_width = get_image_list(h_list, f_list, img_cv_grey, model_height = imgH)

                result0 = get_text(self.character, imgH, int(max_width), self.recognizer, self.converter, image_list,\

                              ignore_char, decoder, beamWidth, batch_size, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast, filter_ths,\

                              workers, self.device)

                result += result0

            for bbox in free_list:

                h_list = []

                f_list = [bbox]

                image_list, max_width = get_image_list(h_list, f_list, img_cv_grey, model_height = imgH)

                result0 = get_text(self.character, imgH, int(max_width), self.recognizer, self.converter, image_list,\

                              ignore_char, decoder, beamWidth, batch_size, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast, filter_ths,\

                              workers, self.device)

                result += result0

        # default mode will try to process multiple boxes at the same time


            image_list, max_width = get_image_list(horizontal_list, free_list, img_cv_grey, model_height = imgH)

            image_len = len(image_list)

            if rotation_info and image_list:

                image_list = make_rotated_img_list(rotation_info, image_list)

                max_width = max(max_width, imgH)

            result = get_text(self.character, imgH, int(max_width), self.recognizer, self.converter, image_list,\

                          ignore_char, decoder, beamWidth, batch_size, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast, filter_ths,\

                          workers, self.device)

            if rotation_info and (horizontal_list+free_list):

                result = set_result_with_confidence(result, image_len)

        if self.model_lang == 'arabic':

            direction_mode = 'rtl'

            result = [list(item) for item in result]

            for item in result:

                item[1] = get_display(item[1])


            direction_mode = 'ltr'

        if paragraph:

            result = get_paragraph(result, x_ths=x_ths, y_ths=y_ths, mode = direction_mode)

        if detail == 0:

            return [item[1] for item in result]

        elif output_format == 'dict':

            return [ {'boxes':item[0],'text':item[1],'confident':item[2]} for item in result]


            return result

    def readtext(self, image, decoder = 'greedy', beamWidth= 5, batch_size = 1,\

                 workers = 0, allowlist = None, blocklist = None, detail = 1,\

                 rotation_info = None, paragraph = False, min_size = 20,\

                 contrast_ths = 0.1,adjust_contrast = 0.5, filter_ths = 0.003,\

                 text_threshold = 0.7, low_text = 0.4, link_threshold = 0.4,\

                 canvas_size = 2560, mag_ratio = 1.,\

                 slope_ths = 0.1, ycenter_ths = 0.5, height_ths = 0.5,\

                 width_ths = 0.5, y_ths = 0.5, x_ths = 1.0, add_margin = 0.1, output_format='standard'):



        image: file path or numpy-array or a byte stream object


        img, img_cv_grey = reformat_input(image)

        horizontal_list, free_list = self.detect(img, min_size, text_threshold,\

                                                 low_text, link_threshold,\

                                                 canvas_size, mag_ratio,\

                                                 slope_ths, ycenter_ths,\


                                                 add_margin, False)

        # get the 1st result from hor & free list as self.detect returns a list of depth 3

        horizontal_list, free_list = horizontal_list[0], free_list[0]

        result = self.recognize(img_cv_grey, horizontal_list, free_list,\

                                decoder, beamWidth, batch_size,\

                                workers, allowlist, blocklist, detail, rotation_info,\

                                paragraph, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast,\

                                filter_ths, y_ths, x_ths, False, output_format)

        return result


    def readtextlang(self, image, decoder = 'greedy', beamWidth= 5, batch_size = 1,\

                 workers = 0, allowlist = None, blocklist = None, detail = 1,\

                 rotation_info = None, paragraph = False, min_size = 20,\

                 contrast_ths = 0.1,adjust_contrast = 0.5, filter_ths = 0.003,\

                 text_threshold = 0.7, low_text = 0.4, link_threshold = 0.4,\

                 canvas_size = 2560, mag_ratio = 1.,\

                 slope_ths = 0.1, ycenter_ths = 0.5, height_ths = 0.5,\

                 width_ths = 0.5, y_ths = 0.5, x_ths = 1.0, add_margin = 0.1, output_format='standard'):



        image: file path or numpy-array or a byte stream object


        img, img_cv_grey = reformat_input(image)

        horizontal_list, free_list = self.detect(img, min_size, text_threshold,\

                                                 low_text, link_threshold,\

                                                 canvas_size, mag_ratio,\

                                                 slope_ths, ycenter_ths,\


                                                 add_margin, False)

        # get the 1st result from hor & free list as self.detect returns a list of depth 3

        horizontal_list, free_list = horizontal_list[0], free_list[0]

        result = self.recognize(img_cv_grey, horizontal_list, free_list,\

                                decoder, beamWidth, batch_size,\

                                workers, allowlist, blocklist, detail, rotation_info,\

                                paragraph, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast,\

                                filter_ths, y_ths, x_ths, False, output_format)


        char = []

        directory = 'characters/'

        for i in range(len(result)):



        def search(arr,x):

            g = False

            for i in range(len(arr)):

                if arr[i]==x:

                    g = True

                    return 1

            if g == False:

                return -1

        def tupleadd(i):

            a = result[i]

            b = a + (filename[0:2],)

            return b


        for filename in os.listdir(directory):

            if filename.endswith(".txt"):

                with open ('characters/'+ filename,'rt',encoding="utf8") as myfile:  

                    chartrs = str('\n','')

                    for i in range(len(char)):

                        res = search(chartrs,char[i])

                        if res != -1:

                            if filename[0:2]=="en" or filename[0:2]=="ch":


    def readtext_batched(self, image, n_width=None, n_height=None,\

                         decoder = 'greedy', beamWidth= 5, batch_size = 1,\

                         workers = 0, allowlist = None, blocklist = None, detail = 1,\

                         rotation_info = None, paragraph = False, min_size = 20,\

                         contrast_ths = 0.1,adjust_contrast = 0.5, filter_ths = 0.003,\

                         text_threshold = 0.7, low_text = 0.4, link_threshold = 0.4,\

                         canvas_size = 2560, mag_ratio = 1.,\

                         slope_ths = 0.1, ycenter_ths = 0.5, height_ths = 0.5,\

                         width_ths = 0.5, y_ths = 0.5, x_ths = 1.0, add_margin = 0.1, output_format='standard'):



        image: file path or numpy-array or a byte stream object

        When sending a list of images, they all must of the same size,

        the following parameters will automatically resize if they are not None

        n_width: int, new width

        n_height: int, new height


        img, img_cv_grey = reformat_input_batched(image, n_width, n_height)

        horizontal_list_agg, free_list_agg = self.detect(img, min_size, text_threshold,\

                                                         low_text, link_threshold,\

                                                         canvas_size, mag_ratio,\

                                                         slope_ths, ycenter_ths,\

                                                         height_ths, width_ths,\

                                                         add_margin, False)

        result_agg = []

        # put img_cv_grey in a list if its a single img

        img_cv_grey = [img_cv_grey] if len(img_cv_grey.shape) == 2 else img_cv_grey

        for grey_img, horizontal_list, free_list in zip(img_cv_grey, horizontal_list_agg, free_list_agg):

            result_agg.append(self.recognize(grey_img, horizontal_list, free_list,\

                                            decoder, beamWidth, batch_size,\

                                            workers, allowlist, blocklist, detail, rotation_info,\

                                            paragraph, contrast_ths, adjust_contrast,\

                                            filter_ths, y_ths, x_ths, False, output_format))

        return result_agg



pip install --upgrade pip
pip install easyocr
pip install opencv-python==
pip install pyinstaller
Pyinstaller -F -i main.ico


python easyOCR打包成exe_第1张图片


python easyOCR打包成exe_第2张图片




python easyOCR 使用案例_白发渔礁江渚上……-CSDN博客_easyocr

