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1. 英语短文翻译分享

标题:China's ZTE: We must do more to reassure US officials

中兴 ZTE:我们必须更加努力去重新获得美国政府的信任

短文来源: CNN news, by Sherisse Pham


ZTE, which makes smartphones and builds mobile networks, must make "more effort to build the trust among the people in Washington," said Lixin Cheng, CEO of the company's mobile devices business. "We need to do more."

中兴ZTE是一家制作智能手机与建造通讯网络的(中国)公司,必须 “做出努力去重新获得相关美国政府人员的信任,” 中兴商业移动设备(部门) CEO 程立新说道,“我们需要做更多的努力(去达到这一目的)”。

Top officials from the FBI, CIA and NSA testified before Congress this month that ZTE and Huawei, another Chinese smartphone maker, pose a security threat to American customers.

在美国国会(进行调查)之前,来自美国联邦调查局,中央情报局以及国土安全局的官方人员证实中兴 ZTE 与另外一家来自中国的智能手机生产商华为 Huawei,均(存在)对美国消费者具有安全隐患。


"We understand the concerns, and respect the concerns of different agencies of the United States government," Cheng said in an interview with CNN's Kristie Lu Stout at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. "We promise we are going to work very openly, as we did before, [and] transparently to address their needs and their concerns."

“我们(理解)这些担忧,同时我们也尊重这些来自美国政府不同下属机构的担忧”,程立新在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会上接受CNN新闻社 Kristie Lu Stout 的采访中说道,“我们保证中兴将会公开地,正如我们之前做的一样,透明地去帮助消除(来自美国政府)顾虑”。

中兴商业移动设备(部门) CEO 程立新接受 CNN 电视台采访  

Those concerns include the risk of letting companies "beholden to foreign governments" inside the US telecommunications infrastructure, FBI Director Chris Wray testified.

来自美国联邦调查局主任 Chris Wray 证实其中担忧就包括让 “属于国外政府(管辖的)” 的公司渗入到美国通讯基本设施(网络)中。

ZTE and Huawei's alleged ties to the Chinese government were the subject of a US House Intelligence Committee report in 2012 that focused on the equipment they make for telecommunications networks. The report said the companies "cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence and thus pose a security threat to the United States and to our systems."

在2012年的一份美国情报书中曾以与中国政府有着紧密联系的中兴与华为公司为(研究)主题,主要集中研究了他们(中兴与华为公司为美国)制造的通讯网络设备。在这份情报书中提到 “他们(中兴与华为)由于受到国外政府的影响以致不能被完全信任,因此他们(中兴与华为)存在对美国政府以及(公共)系统存在安全隐患。”

The Chinese companies strongly disputed the report's findings.

Despite being largely shut out of the US market for telecommunications equipment, ZTE has managed to build a steady following for its smartphones among American consumers.



With budget devices priced between about 250, ZTE had 11% of the US smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the latest data from market research firm Counterpoint Technology. That makes ZTE the fourth biggest smartphone supplier in the US.

根据 Counterpoint 科技公司的最新数据显示,(因为其智能手机)的价格优势(100美元到250美元之间,约627到1569人民币),中兴 ZTE 在2017年第四季度占有11%的美国智能手机市场份额。这样的(销售)数据意味着中兴如今是美国第四大的智能手机供应商。

Cheng said ZTE earned that market share by spending years building trust with the US telecom industry. The company first started investing in the US market in 1998.

Unlike Huawei, ZTE has managed to sell its phones through the four major wireless carriers -- AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile -- which is key to making inroads in the US.


与华为公司不同,中兴通过美国的四大电信商来进行智能手机销售,(四大电信商是)AT&A, Verizon, Sprint,以及 T-Mobile。这样的(销售)方式是进入美国市场的黄金大道。

Those relationships only developed over the past two years, according to Cheng.

"We have been working very hard to earn their trust," including by meeting their requirements in terms of cybersecurity and privacy, he said.


“我们(中兴)做出了很多的努力去获取他们(美国电信商)的信任” 程立新同时提到,“(这些努力)其中就包括去达到他们(美国电信商)对于网络安全与隐私保护的条件。”

Losing the trust of those carriers would be a huge blow to ZTE's smartphone business.

Huawei has been trying to crack the market for years. It almost clinched a deal with AT&T in January, but talks "fizzled out at the last minute," a person familiar with the matter told CNN at the time.


(同样来自中国的通讯科技公司)华为为打开美国市场做出了多年努力。就在华为在一月份即将与美国电信商巨头 AT&T 达成商业合作协议时,但是合作计划在最后一刻流产了,一位熟悉该事件的内部人员透露给 CNN 新闻机构称。

中国公司华为与美国电信巨头 AT&T 的商业合作宣告失败   

Lacking that crucial carrier support has cost Huawei: it has less than 1% of the US smartphone market, according to research firm Kantar Worldpanel.

Despite the current political headwinds, ZTE remains bullish on its future in the world's largest economy.

缺少(来自美国电信商的)支持严重损害了华为(在美国的商业市场):根据数据研究公司 Kantar Worldpanel 的报告称,华为如今只占有少于1%的美国智能手机市场份额。


He cited Chinese basketball icon Yao Ming as an example ZTE would like to follow -- competing on the global stage, earning the respect of competitors and winning the hearts of local communities.

程立新称中兴 ZTE 将会以中国篮球的标志—姚明,作为学习的榜样,在全球大舞台上展示自身,获得竞争对手的尊重,然后赢得当地消费者的芳心。

2. 英语单词解析


韦氏词典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英语学习者版(English-language learns)中的解释:

to make (someone) feel less afraid, upset, or doubtful


在上面的短文中反复出现了这个关键单词,reassure。这个单词可以拆分 re- 加上 assure。re- 为常用的词根,表示重复的,例如单词 recycle (重新利用)。assure 则解释为保证,确定。连接里来可以理解为 “重新获得保证”,即为消除担忧,在文章中则引申为 “重新获得(美国政府)的信任”。

3. Share of Pun (双关语)

roger that

Roger that 的口语表达最开始源于军队,在电波通讯交流过程中,简单的 roger that 表示收听者已经收到了传送的消息, 表示 “我收到了!”。慢慢的这个简短的表达方式变得普遍。日常交流过程中使用 roger that 还可以表达为 “我明白!” 的意思,类似与 “understand”:




