Auto-renewable Subscriptions

Auto-renewable Subscriptions (订阅服务的自动续期)

Offer a seamless experience for digital subscriptions in your apps. StoreKit APIs provide a simple, powerful way to implement auto-renewable subscriptions in apps on all Apple platforms and in all App Store categories.

为你的 App 提供无缝的数字订阅体验,StoreKit API 为所有平台的以及 App Store 各种类型的 App 提供了简单且行之有效的实现方法。


Overview (总览)

Auto-renewable subscriptions give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis. At the end of each subscription duration, the subscription automatically renews until a user chooses to cancel it. Users can subscribe on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

在 App 现有功能之上,自动续期订阅服务可以让用户访问 App 的内容、服务、特色功能。在每个订阅服务即将结束期间,订阅服务会自动续期直达用户选择取消。用户可以在 iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS 进行订阅。

Great subscription apps justify the recurring payment by providing ongoing value to users and continually innovating the app experience. If you’re considering implementing the subscription model, plan to regularly update your app with feature enhancements or expanded content.

优质的订阅 App 通过提供持续的价值和不断革新用户体验来证明定期付费是值得的。如果你考虑实现订阅模块,并且计划通过增强的功能或者有扩展性的内容来经常升级。

Many types of apps can take advantage of subscriptions, including apps that offer new game levels, episodic content, software as a service, or cloud support. Other appropriate subscriptions include apps that offer consistent, substantive updates, or access to libraries or collections of content. You can offer subscription in-app purchases alongside other in-app purchase types.

大多数类型的 App 都可以利用订阅服务,包括提供 新的游戏等级、情节性内容、服务软件、云支持。其他适用订阅服务的 App 有提供持续且实质的更新、可供访问的库、或者内容收集。你可以用内购或者其他如软件支付实现订阅。

Getting Ready(做好准备)

To offer subscriptions (a type of in-app purchase) you’ll need to implement StoreKit APIs in your app, configure your subscriptions in App Store Connect and assign them to a subscription group (a group of subscriptions with different access levels, prices, and durations). After creating your subscriptions, include details such as a name, pricing, and description. Ensure that the subscriptions are available across all device types that your app supports. Consider including a way for subscribers to see the status of their subscription, along with upgrade, crossgrade, and downgrade options, and a deep link to easily manage or turn off their subscription from within your app. Make sure to follow our design and review guidelines. To get ready, do the following:

为了实现内购形式的订阅服务你需要在你的 App 实现 StoreKit API ,在 App Store Connect 配置订阅服务并且分配到相应的订阅组(用 访问等级、价格、周期区分不同订阅组)。创建订阅之后需要提供详细信息诸如姓名、价格、描述。确保你的订阅服务在做好了适配。考虑包含一种可以让订阅者能看见订阅状态的方式,以及升级、交叉升级、降级的选项,在 App 内提供一个连接,它可以管理或者关闭订阅服务。确保符合我们的设计和审核规范,按以下步骤做好准备:

  • Watch the In-App Purchase and Subscriptions Videos.
  • Refer to the In-App Purchase StoreKit API documentation.
  • Learn how to configure your subscriptions in App Store Connect Help.

Understanding Guidelines for Subscriptions (了解订阅准则)

Before creating your subscriptions, make sure you know about the requirements and best practices that will help you deliver a great user experience. The guidelines below provide details on what your subscriptions need to include and how they should be presented in your app, as well as information on making changes to existing subscriptions, offering free trials, and more.

在创建订阅服务之前,确保你了解那些要求和优质实践可以帮助你提供更棒的用户体验。以下的指南详细的介绍了包含有订阅服务的 App ,需要包含什么以及应该展示什么。事关现有订阅信息发生更改,请提供使用以及更多。

  • App Store Review Guidelines
  • Human Interface Design Guidelines

85% Net Revenue After One Year (一年后净收入的85%)

The net revenue structure for auto-renewable subscriptions differs from other business models on the App Store. During a subscriber’s first year of service, you receive 70% of the subscription price at each billing cycle, minus applicable taxes. After a subscriber accumulates one year of paid service, your net revenue increases to 85% of the subscription price, minus applicable taxes.

在 App Store中 自动续期服务的净收入结构不用于其他商业模式,在订阅用户的第一年期间,你会收到每个账单周期的订阅费用的 70%(减去适用税),当一个订阅户累计支付了一年的订阅费用后,你的净收入为订阅价格的 85%(减去适用税)。

Here’s how it works(运作方式如下):

  • Auto-renewable subscriptions on all Apple platforms are eligible.
  • Includes paid introductory periods (pay as you go, pay up front).
  • Excludes free trials and bonus periods.
  • Upgrades, downgrades, or crossgrades between subscriptions in the same group do not affect the one year of paid service.
  • A move to a subscription in a different group resets the days of service.
  • 所有Apple平台上的自动续订都符合资格。
  • 包括带薪介绍期(即付即用,预付)。
  • 不包括免费试用和奖励期。
  • 同一组中订阅之间的升级,降级或交叉降级不会影响一年的付费服务。
  • 转到另一个组中的订阅将重置服务日期。

If a subscription is no longer active — for example, due to a cancellation or a billing issue — the days of paid service stop accumulating toward the one year of paid service needed for an 85% proceeds rate, unless the user renews within 60 days.

如果订阅不再有效 - 例如,由于取消或帐单问题 -- 除非用户在60天内续订,否则付费服务的天数将不再累积为85%的收益率所需的一年的付费服务。

Creating Subscriptions

To configure your auto-renewable subscriptions, you’ll use App Store Connect. Each subscription product will need to be created as part of a subscription group and assigned a level. How you set up your subscription group or groups will determine how customers can subscribe to your content or services, how they move between subscriptions, when they are billed, and your proceeds rate. Before creating subscriptions, ensure that you understand the right subscription setup for your business model.

你可以使用 App Store Connect 配置自动续期服务。创建订阅组和分配等级是创建订阅组的一部分。你创建一个或多个订阅组,取决于用户如何订阅你的内容和服务,如何在订阅组之间切换,在创建订阅之前,如何结算以及收益率,确保知道你的商业模式对应那个订阅设置。

Creating a Subscription Group

Each subscription you offer must be assigned to a subscription group. A subscription group is made up of subscriptions with different access levels, prices, and durations so users can select the option that best fits their needs. Since users can only buy one subscription within a group at a time, creating a single group is the best practice for most apps as it prevents users from accidentally purchasing multiple subscriptions.

每个订阅服务都需要分配一个订阅组。一个订阅组是由不同访问等级、价格和持续时间构成。所以用户可以选择最适用自己的。因为用户只能购买一个订阅的一个服务,对于大多数App 而言创建单个订阅组是最佳方式,它可以保护用户避免重复订阅。

If your app needs to offer users the ability to buy multiple subscriptions — for example, to subscribe to more than one channel in a streaming app — you can add these subscriptions to different groups. Users who buy subscriptions in multiple groups will be billed separately for each subscription. Keep in mind that if a user moves from one subscription group to another, their renewal date will change and their days of paid service will reset. Multiple subscription groups are not recommended for apps in which users would expect to have a single active subscription.

如果您的应用需要向用户提供购买多个订阅的功能 -- 例如,在流媒体 App 中订阅多个频道,你可以把他们添加到不同的组。用户在多个组购买订阅服务,每个订阅分别结算。请记住,如果用户从一个订阅组移动到另一个订阅组,他们的续订日期将更改,他们的付费服务日期将重置。对于用户希望拥有单个活动订阅的应用程序,建议不要使用多个订阅组。

Keep your offerings simple so users can easily understand their options. For each subscription, create a user-friendly, self-explanatory name that differentiates it from others in the group. Use distinct names for app, the subscription group, and each subscription to avoid confusion.

保持你的提交简单、易懂这样用户就可以轻松了解他们的选择,对于每个订阅而言,创建一个友好、易懂的名字,这样便于区分。用一个清晰易懂的 App 名称,订阅组和每个订阅服务使用不用的名字,避免混淆。

service group.png

Ranking Subscriptions Within the Group(在组内对订阅进行排名)

If you offer more than one subscription price tier within a group, each subscription can be assigned to a level. This ranking determines the upgrade, downgrade, and crossgrade path available to subscribers. Rank your subscriptions in descending order, starting with the one that offers access to the most content, features, or services, regardless of duration. You can add more than one subscription to each level if the offerings are equal.


Users can manage their subscriptions in their account settings on the App Store, where they see all renewal options and subscription groups, and can choose to upgrade, crossgrade, or downgrade between subscriptions as often as they like. When a user makes a change in their subscription level, the timing of the change varies depending on what has happened:

用户可以在App Store的帐户设置中管理其订阅,他们可以在其中看到所有续订选项和订阅组,并可以根据需要随意选择在订阅之间进行升级,交叉升级或降级。当用户更改其订阅级别时,更改的时间取决于发生的情况:

Upgrade. A user purchases a subscription that offers a higher level of service than their current subscription. They are immediately upgraded and receive a refund of the prorated amount of their original subscription. If you’d like users to immediately access more content or features, rank the subscription higher to make it an upgrade.


Downgrade. A user selects a subscription that offers a lower level of service than their current subscription. The subscription continues until the next renewal date, then is renewed at the lower level and price.


Crossgrade. A user switches to a new subscription of the equivalent level. If the subscriptions are the same duration, the new subscription begins immediately. If the durations are different, the new subscription goes into effect at the next renewal date.


Pricing Subscriptions for Each Territory (每个地区的定价订阅)

Apps with auto-renewable subscriptions can choose from 200 price points across all available currencies and price tiers. You can set the prices you think are appropriate for subscribers in different locations, and you have the flexibility to price your subscriptions at parity if they’re available elsewhere.

自动续期 App 可以在涵盖了所有币种和价格层级的 200 个价格中选取,你可以设置你认为适用于不同地区的订阅者的价格。如果其他地方也有订阅,你还可以灵活地按平价定价。

Pricing Tool. The App Store Connect pricing tool can help you manage pricing based on current exchange rates. If there is a tax change or currency adjustment in a particular region, the price of subscriptions will generally not be affected unless you decide to pass the change on to your users. If you want to change the price of a subscription in a specific market, it’s important to understand which markets are tax inclusive before you take action. For example, if you decide to lower the subscription price for users in Germany, the revenue you’ll receive will be the purchase price minus the European Union’s value added tax (VAT) and minus Apple’s commission. The default pricing in the App Store Connect pricing tool is inclusive of applicable taxes that Apple collects and remits. For more information, review Schedule 2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, which describes territories that have different tax treatments.

Pricing Tool.App Store Connect定价工具可帮助您根据当前汇率管理定价,如果特定地区发生税收变化或货币调整,除非您决定将价格更改传递给用户,否则订阅价格通常不会受到影响。如果您要更改特定市场中的订阅价格,在采取行动之前,务必先了解哪些市场包括税收。例如,如果您决定降低德国用户的订阅价格,您将获得的收入将是购买价格减去欧盟的增值税(VAT)减去苹果的佣金。App Store Connect定价工具的默认价格包含了苹果收取和支付的适用税费。要了解更多信息,请查看Apple Developer Program License Agreement的附表2,它描述了有不同税收待遇的地区。

Offering Subscriptions to Multiple Apps(提供订阅多个应用程序)

You can offer auto-renewable subscriptions to access multiple apps. Each app must be approved to use auto-renewable in-app purchases and published under the same developer account.

你可以提供自动续期订阅来访问多个应用程序。每个 App 必须被批准使用自动更新的应用程序内购买,并在相同的开发者帐户下发布。

Use App Store Connect to set up separate and equivalent auto-renewable subscriptions for each app included in the multi-app subscription so that users can subscribe from any app. To avoid users paying multiple times for the same offering, make sure to verify that they are active subscribers before showing any subscription options. For details on how to determine whether a subscription is currently active, see Using Receipts.

使用 App Store Connect 为包含多应用程序订阅服务(订阅是等效的服务的)的每个 App进行分别设置,以便用户可以从任一一个 App 订阅,为避免用户为同一产品多次支付费用,请确保在显示任何订阅选项之前验证其是否为活动订户。有关如何确定订阅当前是否处于活动状态的详细信息,请参见使用收据。

You can also create an app bundle to group multiple subscription apps into a single download at a reduced price. App bundles can include up to 10 of your iOS apps or up to 10 of your macOS apps.

你也可以创建一个应用程序捆绑,将多个订阅应用程序分组到一个下载中,并降低价格。应用程序捆绑包最多可包含10个iOS App 或10个macOS App。

  • For implementation details, see Offering a Subscription Across Multiple Apps.(有关实现的详细信息,请参阅跨多个应用程序提供订阅)
  • To learn more about app bundles on the App Store, see Offering App Bundles.(要在App Store上了解有关应用程序捆绑包的更多信息,请参阅提供应用程序捆绑包。)

Attracting Subscribers (吸引订阅者)

By allowing users to try your subscription at the moment they’re most interested in its value, you increase the likelihood that they will subscribe. There are several ways you can provide a preview of the subscription experience.



Present subscription benefits during onboarding. By highlighting the value of your subscription when users first launch your app, you can educate them on how the app works and help them understand what they will gain from subscribing. Keep onboarding brief, engaging, and focused on the features your audience cares about, such as the ability to access the subscription across multiple device types. Include a succinct call to action and clear subscription terms.

在用户引导期间当前的订阅权益。当用户第一次启动 App 呈现订阅的价值,你可以教育他们关于 App 如何工作以及帮助他们了解订阅的收获。保持引导的简洁性和交互性,还有要聚焦于受众关注的特性,比如能够跨越多种设备方位订阅的功能。包括简洁的号召性用语和明确的订阅条款。

To find out what you’ll need to include, see Clearly Describing Subscriptions.



Offer a freemium app experience. A freemium app allows customers to use the app at no cost, with the option to subscribe if they want to enhance their experience or engage more deeply. A free experience lowers the barrier to try an app, and users may be more inclined to invest in paid features after having had time to enjoy the app.


Include contextually relevant prompts to encourage users to subscribe — for example, when they near their monthly limit of free articles or videos. Additionally, consider making it easy for users to subscribe at any time by including a prompt throughout the app interface. Test and measure the impact of these prompts, and consider trying different versions of your call-to-action messaging to understand what resonates most with your audience.



Offer a metered paywall. A metered paywall allows users to access a finite amount of content for a specified duration before needing to make a purchase — for example, viewing 10 full articles per month for free in a news app. This gives users the opportunity to immediately start sampling your subscription experience, while encouraging engaged users to subscribe.


Clearly Describing Subscriptions (明确描述订阅)

An effective subscription purchase flow makes it simple for users to get the product or service they’re interested in. Use consistent messaging and include clear terms so users can easily recognize the value of the offer. A lengthy sign-up process will lower your subscription conversion rate, so keep the purchase flow simple and only ask for necessary information. In addition, the following details must be included in your subscription’s sign-up screen:


  • Subscription name and duration, and the content or services provided during the subscription period
  • Full renewal price, shown clearly and prominently, and localized in available currencies
  • A way for current subscribers to sign in or restore purchases


Please note that your app and App Store metadata must include links to your Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

请注意,您的应用和 应用商店 元数据必须包含指向您的使用条款和隐私政策的链接。


Billing Amount (账单金额)

In the purchase flow, the amount that will be billed must be the most prominent pricing element in the layout. For example, an annual subscription should clearly display the total amount that will be billed upon purchase. While you may also present a breakdown price that the annual amount is equivalent to or a savings when compared to weekly or monthly subscriptions, these additional elements should be displayed in a subordinate position and size to the annual price. This ensures that users are not misled.



Free Trials (免费试用)

In the purchase flow for a free trial, clearly indicate how long the free trial lasts and the price billed once the free trial is over.


Promoting Subscriptions on the App Store (在应用商店 推广订阅 )


You can promote your subscriptions directly on your App Store product page so users can easily find them and start a purchase or introductory offer even before downloading your app. Choose to promote up to 20 in-app purchases at a time to help you effectively increase discoverability for content within your app. This can be particularly effective for letting new customers know about introductory offers.

您可以直接在App Store 产品页直接宣传您的订阅服务,因此用户甚至可以在下载您的应用程序之前轻松找到它们并开始购买或服务简介。一次最多促销20个内购,与此同时也可以帮助您有效地提高应用内内容的可发现性。这对于让新客户了解服务简介是特别有效。

Learn about promoting your in-app purchases


Providing Subscription Offers (提供订阅优惠)

You can create subscription offers to grow and retain your customer base by giving them a free or discounted price for a specific duration for an auto-renewable subscription. At the end of the offer period, the subscription auto-renews at the standard price unless a subscriber cancels it or turns off auto-renewal. You can provide the following pricing options for subscription offers:


Free. A subscriber can access your subscription for free for a specific duration — for example, a one-month free offer for a subscription with a standard renewal price of $4.99 per month. Their subscription begins immediately, but they won’t be billed until the offer duration ends. This offer may be useful if you want to let users experience your subscription at no immediate cost to them.

免费。订阅者可以在特定期限内免费访问您的订阅-例如,订阅的一个月免费提供,其标准续订价格为每月$ 4.99。他们的订阅将立即开始,但是要约期限结束后才开始收费。如果您想让用户免费体验订阅,此优惠可能会很有用。

Pay as you go. A subscriber pays a discounted price each billing period for a specific duration — for example, $1.99 per month for three months for a subscription with a standard renewal price of $9.99 per month. Once the duration is over, they’ll be billed at the standard renewal price. This option may be useful if you want to attract price-sensitive users with a recurring discount without having to offer that discount for the lifetime of the subscription.


Pay up front. A subscriber pays a one-time price for a specific duration — for example, $9.99 up front for the first six months of a subscription with a standard renewal price of $39.99 per year. Once the duration is over, they’ll be billed at the standard renewal price. This offer may be useful if you want to offer an extended experience that gives users time to enjoy the subscription before the next renewal.


Offer Types(优惠类型)

There are three types of subscription offers you can give to customers: introductory, promotional, and offer codes. You can provide all three offer types at once, depending on your business goals. To determine which type might be best for a particular use case, consider each offer’s intended use, customer eligibility, redemption limits, and other criteria. All offers are set up in App Store Connect, where you’ll choose the offer type, duration, pricing, and more. For details about offer types and available durations, see Pricing and Availability.

您可以向客户提供三种订阅优惠:介绍性,促销性和优惠代码。您可以一次提供所有三种报价类型,具体取决于您的业务目标。为了确定优惠类型和实际情况契合度,请考虑每个优惠类型的预​​期用途,客户资格,兑换限制和其他条件。所有优惠都在 App Store Connect,您可以在其中选择要约类型,期限,价格等。有关报价类型和可用期限的详细信息,请参阅定价和可用性。

Comparing Subscription Offers (比较订阅优惠)

Introductory Offers Promotional Offers Offer Codes
Primary Use(主要用途) Acquiring new subscribers(获得新订阅者) Retaining and winning back subscribers (保留并挽留用户) Acquiring, retaining, and winning back subscribers (争取、保留并挽留用户)
Customer Eligibility(客户资格) New subscribers within the app(应用内的新订阅这个) Existing or previous subscribers within the app. Customers who have not subscribed within the app cannot complete this type of offer. ( 应用中的现有或以前的订阅者。未在应用内订阅的客户无法完成此类型的优惠。) New, existing, or previous subscribers (新的,现有的或以前的订户)
Distribution and Redemption(分发和兑换) Distributed and redeemed within the app or on the App Store via promoted in-app purchase (在应用程序内或在 应用商店 通过推广的应用内购买) Distributed and redeemed within the app(在应用内分发和兑换) Distributed through any digital or offline methods. Redeemed in the App Store or within the app. (通过任何数字或离线方法进行分发。兑换了应用商店 或在应用内。)
Redemption Limits(兑换限制) A customer can redeem one introductory offer per subscription group (客户可以在每个订阅组中兑换一份介绍性优惠) You determine how many offers a customer can redeem (您确定客户可以兑换多少个报价) A customer can redeem one code per active offer(客户可以在每个有效优惠中兑换一个代码)
Offer Limits (优惠限制) One offer per subscription, per territory (每个地区每个订阅提供一个优惠) 10 active offers per subscription(每个订阅10个有效优惠) 10 active offers per subscription. You can create a maximum of 150,000 codes per app per quarter.(每个订阅10个有效优惠。每个应用程序每个季度最多可以创建150,000个代码。)
Offer Configuration (优惠配置) You select timing, territories, pricing and duration in App Store Connect (您可以在以下时段中选择时间,地区,价格和时长 App Store连接) You decide business logic, select price and duration in App Store Connect, and use StoreKit APIs to present offers to eligible users (您确定业务逻辑,然后选择价格和期限 App Store Connect, 并使用StoreKit API向符合条件的用户展示商品) You select customer eligibility rules, timing, territories, pricing, duration and number of codes in App Store Connect (您选择客户资格规则,时间,地区,价格,期限和代码数量 App Store连接)
Compatibility (兼容性) iOS 10, iPadOS 10, macOS 10.12.6, tvOS 10 and later OS 12.2, iPadOS 12.2, macOS 10.14.4, tvOS 12.2 and later iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 and later

Introductory Offers (介绍性优惠)

Allow new subscribers to experience the value of your subscription before paying full price. You can display these offers within your app’s subscription sign-up screen using StoreKit APIs. Users are eligible for one introductory price within a subscription group, which you configure in App Store Connect.

让新订阅者在支付全价之前先体验您的订阅价值。您可以使用StoreKit API在应用程序的订阅注册屏幕中显示这些优惠。用户有资格在订阅组中获得一个介绍价,您可以在 App Store Connect 进行配置。


You can promote introductory offers on the App Store to reach more potential customers. Promoted in-app purchases appear on your product page, can display in search results, and may be featured on the Today, Games, and Apps tabs.

您可以在 App Store 吸引更多潜在客户。推荐的内购会显示在您的产品页面上,也可以显示在搜索结果中,并且可以在“今日精选”,“游戏”和“应用”标签中显示。

  • For App Store Connect configuration details, see Set an Introductory Offer for an Auto-renewable Subscription.
  • For StoreKit API implementation details, see Offering Introductory Pricing in Your App.
  • 对于 App Store连接配置详细信息,请参阅为自动续订设置介绍性报价。
  • 有关StoreKit API实施的详细信息,请参阅在您的应用程序中提供介绍性定价。

Offer Codes Now Available (优惠码现在可用)

Offer codes can help you acquire, retain, and win back subscribers, as well as give existing subscribers opportunities to upgrade or crossgrade to a new subscription within the same subscription group. You can distribute these unique, one-time codes however you choose using online and offline channels. For example, you might provide offer codes through email, give them out at events, or provide them alongside a physical product.


Configuration (配置)

When configuring offer codes in App Store Connect, you’ll determine customer eligibility. If new subscribers are eligible, you’ll also decide whether or not they can redeem an offer code in addition to an introductory offer. Offer codes expire after a maximum of six months from the date they are created, so be mindful of how many you generate at a given time. Customers can redeem only one code per offer, but may be eligible to redeem multiple offers for a single subscription, depending on your configuration choices. Be sure to consider the implications of creating multiple offers for a single subscription.

在 App Store Connect 配置优惠代码时,您将确定客户的资格。如果新订阅者符合条件,则除了介绍性优惠外,您还将决定他们是否可以兑换优惠代码。优惠代码自创建之日起最多六个月后过期,因此请注意你分配的优惠日期是多久。客户每项优惠只能兑换一个代码,但可能有资格针对单个订阅兑现多个优惠,具体取决于您的配置选择。确保考虑为单个订阅创建多重优惠。

Distribution (分配)

You can download codes and their associated URLs in batches and distribute them however you choose. Consider which channels might be most effective at reaching your intended customers and note eligibility or availability limits in your communications. When providing offer codes to existing customers, make sure the offer is for a subscription within the same subscription group as their existing subscription.




Customers on iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 and later can redeem offer codes on the App Store, through a one-time code redemption URL, or within your app if you’ve implemented the presentCodeRedemptionSheet API.

客户上 iOS 14 和 iPadOS 14 以后可以在 应用商店,通过一次性代码兑换URL,或者在您的应用程序中(如果您实现了presentCodeRedemptionSheet API)。

Apple handles the redemption experience, which includes an offer details screen with the app icon, subscription display name, duration, and pricing, all of which you’ll add in App Store Connect. If you’ve previously added a promotional image for the subscription, this is shown instead of your app icon. To help customers make an informed decision, make sure that these details clearly describe the subscription experience. In order for customers to redeem an offer code, your app must be live on the App Store. If a customer does not have your app, they’ll be able to download it during the redemption experience.

Apple处理兑换体验,其中包括带有应用程序图标的优惠详细信息屏幕,订阅显示名称,期限和价格,您将在其中添加所有这些信息。 App Store连接。如果您之前为订阅添加了促销图片,则会显示该图片,而不是您的应用程序图标。为了帮助客户做出明智的决定,请确保这些详细信息清楚地描述了订阅体验。为了让客户兑换优惠代码,您的应用必须在应用商店。 如果客户没有您的应用,则可以在兑换体验期间下载它。

Once a user redeems an offer, provide a relevant experience based on their subscription state. For example, for a first-time subscriber, you might highlight the benefits of your subscription and provide onboarding. If your app includes account creation or requires agreement to additional terms, make this process as smooth as possible for customers who redeemed a code and are new to your app.


To get started:

  • Set up your server to validate receipts and receive App Store server notifications.
  • Generate access keys in the Users and Access section of App Store Connect.
  • Create a promotional offer on your app’s in-app purchase page for each product in App Store Connect.
  • Determine your business logic and implement StoreKit APIs available in Xcode 10.2 or later.

For more information, see:

  • Set Up Promotional Offers for Auto-renewable Subscriptions
  • Implementing Subscription Offers in Your App
  • Architecting for Subscriptions


  • 设置服务器以验证收据并接收 应用商店 服务器通知。
  • 在以下页面的“用户和访问” 的 App Store Connect 部分中生成访问密钥。
  • 在 App Store Connect 中为您应用在内购页面上,创建每个产品促销优惠。
  • 确定您的业务逻辑并实施在以下版本中可用的StoreKit APIXcode 10.2或更高版本。


  • 设置自动续订订阅的促销优惠
  • 在您的应用中实施订阅优惠
  • 订阅架构

Promotional Offers(促销优惠)

Give existing or previous subscribers a free or discounted subscription for a specific duration. These offers provide the flexibility to create unique promotions to grow and retain your customer base. They can also help win back customers who canceled their subscriptions or promote an upgrade to another subscription at a special price.


You decide the business logic for each offer and choose when to display the offer in your app using StoreKit APIs. You can have up to 10 active offers for each subscription, so you can determine which offers are most compelling and useful to customers. Make sure to consider the implications of having multiple offers in effect.

您可以确定每个商品的业务逻辑,并选择何时使用StoreKit API在您的应用中显示商品。每个订阅最多可以有10个有效优惠,因此您可以确定哪些优惠对客户最有吸引力和最有用。确保考虑了具有多重优惠的带来的影响。


Using receipt validation, you’ll be able to identify the auto-renewal status of your subscribers and understand which offers might be most effective. If a subscriber has turned off auto-renewal, you might display a promotional offer for one month free in order to win them back before the end of their current subscription period. If you’ve noticed a monthly subscriber has renewed multiple times, you might provide an offer to upgrade to an annual subscription at a discounted price. You can also think about other winback or upgrade opportunities based on various user journeys. For example, consider an offer that would be most valuable for users who cancel during a free trial versus users who cancel after spending time on an paid subscription.


To get started:

  • Set up your server to validate receipts and receive App Store server notifications.
  • Generate access keys in the Users and Access section of App Store Connect.
  • Create a promotional offer on your app’s in-app purchase page for each product in App Store Connect.
  • Determine your business logic and implement StoreKit APIs available in Xcode 10.2 or later.

For more information, see:

  • Set Up Promotional Offers for Auto-renewable Subscriptions
  • Implementing Subscription Offers in Your App
  • Architecting for Subscriptions


  • 设置服务器以验证回执并接收 应用商店 服务器通知。
  • 在App Store Connect 的用户、访问 页面部分生成访问密钥。
  • 在您应用的内购页面上为每个在 App Store Connect 的产品创建促销优惠 。
  • 确定您的业务逻辑并实施在以下版本中可用的StoreKit APIXcode 10.2或更高版本。


  • 设置自动续订订阅的促销优惠
  • 在您的应用中实施订阅优惠
  • 订阅架构

Keeping Subscribers (保留订阅者)

For users to stay subscribed to your app, they need to continue getting value out of the subscription. Update your app regularly with new content and feature enhancements to help encourage subscribers to maintain their subscriptions.


Sending Notifications (发送通知)

When written thoughtfully, notifications can help users stay engaged with your service and keep their subscriptions active. To ensure a positive user experience, make sure your notifications are timely, serve a clear purpose, and deliver meaningful information. You can also use push notifications to market your content — for example, promoting a subscription offer to users who have not yet subscribed. However, users must first explicitly opt in to receiving marketing push notifications via a method within your app that includes consent language and a clear way of opting out. Carefully consider the frequency, timing, and content of your notifications to ensure they always provide value to subscribers. Push notifications must not include sensitive personal or confidential information.


  • For design guidance, read the Human Interface Guidelines.
  • For details on implementing notifications, see UserNotificationsUI.
    • 有关设计指南,请阅读《人机界面指南》。
    • 有关实现通知的详细信息,请参见UserNotificationsUI。

Allowing Users to Manage Their Subscriptions (允许用户管理其订阅)

A subscriber’s needs may change during a subscription period. Consider letting them view their subscription status through a link in your app to the Manage Subscriptions section of their App Store account.

For details on linking to Manage Subscriptions, see Handling Subscriptions.

在订阅期间,订户的需求可能会发生变化。考虑让这类用户可以使用 App 内部的一个连接,可以访问App Store account 管理订阅部分,并浏览他们的订阅状态。


Using Receipts to Retain Subscribers (使用收据来保留订阅者)

Receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions include real-time information about a subscriber’s status. Use receipt validation with App Store server notifications to determine a subscriber’s current status (such as new, renewed, or lapsed). This information will help you identify and act on the following.


Voluntary Churn. If a user cancels their subscription, you can update their subscription status in your user database by either polling the receipt or using server notifications. You can then use this information to display discounted pricing or targeted messaging. For example, you might present a promotional offer to encourage a user to resubscribe. Consider providing a way within your app for subscribers to let you know why they canceled their subscription.


Use server notifications with receipt validation to learn about refunds. You can then take action in response — for example, if a user cancels and receives a refund before their subscription ends, you might lock access to your subscription content across their devices. Be sure to inform the user of any changes and let them know if there’s anything they need to do, as well as how they can resubscribe.


Involuntary Churn. When billing issues arise — for example, an expired credit card — enhanced receipt information helps you act accordingly and reinstate service once the issue is resolved. You can help resolve the issue by sending an email or a message within the app asking the subscriber to update their payment method with a link to the Payment Information area in their App Store account. Apple will attempt to collect payment for 60 days. If the subscription is renewed within 60 days, the days of paid service will resume from the renewal date.

非自愿流失。当出现计费问题(例如,信用卡已过期)时,增强的收据信息将帮助您采取相应行动,并在问题解决后恢复服务。您可以通过在应用内发送电子邮件或消息来要求订阅者更新其付款方式,并提供指向其 App Store account 的 “付款信息”区域的链接,从而帮助解决该问题。苹果将​​尝试在60天内收取款项。如果订阅在60天内续订,则付费服务的日期将自续订日期起恢复。

To avoid interruption to days of paid service, you can enable Billing Grace Period in App Store Connect. Subscribers retain full access to your app’s paid content while Apple attempts to collect payment for either 6 or 16 days, depending on your subscription duration. If the subscription is renewed within this period, there won’t be any interruption to the days of paid service or to your revenue.

为避免有偿服务天数中断,您可以在中 App Store Connect 启用“结算宽限期” 。订阅者保留对您应用程序付费内容的完全访问权限,而Apple尝试根据您的订阅期限在6或16天之内收取款项。如果在此期间续订订阅,则付费服务的日子或您的收入不会受到任何干扰。

If a user resubscribes after 60 days, the days of paid service will reset and you will receive 70% of the subscription price until one year of paid service passes.


Price Increase Consent. When you increase the price of a subscription and Apple asks affected subscribers to agree to the new price, you can keep track of their consent status before the change takes effect. If they haven’t agreed to the increase, you might promote a different service level or content offering before the subscription expires.


For implementation details, see:

  • App Store Receipts
  • Enable Server Notifications for Auto-renewable Subscriptions
  • Reducing Involuntary Subscriber Churn
  • Enable Billing Grace Period for Auto-renewable Subscriptions


  • App Store收据
  • 为自动续订订阅启用服务器通知
  • 减少非自愿订户流失
  • 启用自动续订订阅的计费宽限期

Managing Prices (价格管理)

You can keep an unlimited number of active subscribers at their existing price while increasing the price for new users. If you choose not to preserve the price for existing subscribers, they must agree to the increase, which may result in lost subscribers if they do not accept the change.


If you have several cohorts of subscribers at different prices and want to move all subscribers to the current price, increase the price for users paying closest to the current price first, then the next closest, and so on. This ensures that users are not prompted with multiple notices to accept increasingly higher prices. Before you make any pricing decisions, research your target market’s pricing expectations and weigh the potential impact of raising the price against retaining subscribers.



How Price Increases are Communicated. When you increase the price of a subscription, Apple informs affected subscribers via email and push notification and asks them to agree to the new price. On iOS 13.4 and iPadOS 13.4 and later, affected subscribers are also notified through a price consent sheet that automatically displays in your app. Although you can temporarily suppress the price consent sheet to avoid interrupting the user during a critical moment, we recommend keeping the default timing so the subscriber can immediately agree to the new price. If they do not agree, their subscription expires at the end of their current billing cycle.

价格上涨如何沟通。当您提高订阅价格时,Apple会通过电子邮件和推送通知通知受影响的订阅者,并要求他们同意新价格。上iOS 13.4 和 iPadOS 13.4然后,还会通过自动在您的应用中显示的价格同意表通知受影响的订阅者。尽管您可以暂时取消价格同意书以避免在关键时刻打扰用户,但我们建议保留默认时间,以便订户可以立即同意新价格。如果他们不同意,则其订阅将在当前结算周期结束时到期。

  • For information on delaying the price consent sheet, see StoreKit API documentation.
  • For details on subscription price changes, see Manage Pricing for Auto-renewable Subscriptions.
  • 有关延迟价格同意书的信息,请参阅StoreKit API文档。
  • 有关订阅价格更改的详细信息,请参阅管理自动续订订阅的定价。

Measuring Performance with Sales and Trends (通过销售和趋势衡量订阅效果)

View and analyze subscription data to better understand how your subscriptions are performing. Filter data by Territory, App, Subscription Type, and more in Sales and Trends in App Store Connect.

查看和分析订阅数据,以更好地了解订阅的效果。在 App Store Connect 中的 “销售和趋势”中按地区、应用、订阅类型等过滤数据。

Subscription Summary Page. Get an overview of your subscriptions — including data on overall subscription performance, daily number of active paid subscriptions, retention and conversion rates, cancellation reasons, and more. You can use data on this page to help inform your strategy. For example, if your introductory offers have a low conversion rate, you might consider revising your in-app messaging to better explain your subscription’s value or extending the duration of the offers to give customers more time to experience your subscription’s value before making the decision to purchase.


Subscription State Page. View your total active subscriptions based on their current state: standard price, introductory offers, promotional offers, and billing retry. Use this data to measure your subscriptions’ growth over time. For example, group data by Proceeds Rate to understand how many subscriptions earned a higher proceeds rate after one year. Filter or group data by different dimensions, such as Territory, Promotional Offer, Subscription, and more for additional insight.


Subscription Event Page. View your total subscription activations, conversions to standard price, reactivations, renewals, and more. Filter data for additional insights. For example, filtering by a specific promotional offer will show you how effective it’s been at reactivating lapsed subscriptions. You can use this information to update your promotional offer strategy. For definitions of each subscription event, see App Store Connect Help.

订阅事件页面。查看您的总订阅激活量,转换为标准价格数量,重新激活量,续订量等。筛选数据以获得更多见解。例如,按特定促销优惠进行过滤将向您显示,重新激活失效订阅的效果。您可以使用此信息来更新促销策略。有关每个订阅事件的定义,请参见App Store Connect帮助。

Subscription Retention Page. View data related to your subscription retention, as well as data on conversion rates for your introductory and promotional offers. The Retention Trends for Standard Paid Subscriptions section shows the percentage of subscriptions that were renewed for consecutive periods. You can filter this information by a specific subscription to understand which start months have the highest retention and investigate contributing factors — for example, launching new content in a particular month or a seasonal marketing campaign. This can help inform your engagement and retention efforts.


Subscription Reports. You can download daily reports containing all of this information plus additional details, such as anonymized start date and days before canceling.


For more information, see:

  • Gain Insights with Analytics: Sales and Trends
  • View Subscriptions Data
  • Download and View Reports


  • 通过分析获得见解:销售和趋势
  • 查看订阅数据
  • 下载并查看报告

  • premium      n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价  adj. 高价的;优质的
  • enhancements     n. 增强,增强功能(enhancement的复数形式)
  • regularly     adv. 定期地;有规律地;整齐地;匀称地
  • episodic     adj. 由一系列独立部分(或事件)组成的;偶然发生的;(电视、小说等)连载的;暂时的
  • appropriate     adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的  vt. 占用,拨出
  • substantive     adj. 有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的  n. 名词性实词;独立存在的实体
  • trials     n. 尝试,努力;审判;考验;顿顽(trial的复数)
  • introductory     adj. 引导的,介绍的;开端的
  • bonus     n. 奖金;红利;额外津贴
  • refund     n. 退款,退税,返还款,偿还金额 v. 退还,退款,偿还
  • prorated     v. 按比例分配,摊派(prorate 的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Territory     n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图
  • currencies     n. 货币;货币流通(currency的复数)
  • elsewhere     adv. 在别处;到别处
  • parity     n. 平价;同等;相等;胎次;分娩
  • particular     adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的  n. 详细说明;个别项目
  • inclusive     adj. 包含的,包括的;包含全部费用的; 包括提到的所有……在内的;范围广泛的;一切服务包含在内的;包括明示界限在内的;不排斥任何一方的;有意避免性别歧视的;兼收并蓄的 adv. 包括一切费用在内地
  • revenue     n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益
  • commission     n. 委员会;佣金;服务费;犯;委任;委任状   vt. 委任;使服役;委托制作
  • applicable     adj. 可适用的;可应用的;合适的
  • remits     v. 汇款;免除(债务或处罚);赦(罪);将(有待决定的事务)提交;将(案件)发回下级法院;将(某人)转到另一法院;恢复原状;推迟;减弱  n. 职权范围;提交审议的事项
  • treatments     n. [临床] 治疗(treatment的复数);处理
  • Receipts     n. 企业、银行等)收到的款,进款;收到( receipt的名词复数 );收入;收据;收条
  • likelihood     n. 可能性,可能
  • several     adj. 几个的;各自的  pron. 几个;数个
  • resonates     vt. 共鸣;共振 vi. 共鸣;共振
  • impact     n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力 vt. 挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响 vi. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧(on,upon,with)
  • contextually     adv. 从上下文;根据上下文
  • relevant     adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的
  • prompts     n. [计] 提示;提示性语言(prompt的复数形式)
  • Lengthy     adj. 漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的
  • prominently     adv. 显著地
  • subordinate     adj. 从属的,隶属的;次要的  n. 部属,下属,下级;从属,次要  v. 使……居下位;使……服从
  • immediately     adv. 立即,立刻;直接地  conj. 一…就
  • determine     v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定  vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定  vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束
  • eligibility      n. 适任,合格;被选举资格
  • redemption     n. 赎回;拯救;偿还;实践
  • criteria     n. 标准,条件(criterion 的复数)
  • Primary     adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的   n. 原色;最主要者
  • redeemed     n. 债券收徊溢价  v. 救赎;赎回;弥补(redeem的过去式)
  • potential     adj. 潜在的,可能的;势的   n. 潜能,可能性;电势
  • featured     adj. 特定的;被作为特色的;有…的面貌特征的  v. 使…有特色;起重要作用(feature的过去分词)
  • smooth     adj. 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的 vt. 使光滑;消除(障碍等);使优雅;缓和 n. 平滑部分;一块平 vi. 变平静;变平滑 adv. 光滑地;平稳地;流畅地
  • compelling     adj. 引人注目的;令人信服的;非常强烈的;不可抗拒的   v. 强迫;以强力获得(compel的ing形式)
  • valuable     adj. 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的   n. 贵重物品
  • versus     prep. 对,对抗;与……相对,与……相比
  • consent     n. 准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐  v. 同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等)
  • timing     n. 定时;调速;时间选择   v. 为…安排时间;测定…的时间(time的ing形式)
  • confidential      adj. 机密的;表示信任的;获信任的
  • confidence      n. 信心;信任;秘密   adj. (美)诈骗的;骗得信任的
  • inform     vt. 通知;告诉;报告  vi. 告发;告密
  • reinstate      vt. 使恢复;使复原
  • Grace     n. 优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲  vt. 使优美
  • unlimited     adj. 无限制的;无限量的;无条件的
  • several     adj. 几个的;各自的   pron. 几个;数个- against     
  • retention     n. 保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿
  • revise     vt. 修正;复习;校订   vi. 修订;校订;复习功课   n. 修订;校订
  • overall     adj. 全部的;全体的;一切在内的  adv. 全部地;总的说来  n. 工装裤;罩衫
  • proceeds     n. 收入,收益;实收款项
  • process     n. (为达到某一目标的)过程;(自然变化的)过程;工艺流程;诉讼程序;传票;突起;进展;(发型)直发式   v. 加工;审核;处理(数据);列队行进;冲印(照片);把(头发)弄成直发   adj. 经过特殊加工的;照相板的;染印法的
  • progress     &enspn. 进步,发展;前进 vi. 前进,进步;进行
  • insights     n. 洞察力;眼力;深刻见解(insight的复数)
  • lapsed      v. (权利的)终止;(协议的)满期;失效;(状态、活动)中止;(宗教或学说的追随者)背离;回复(先前或习惯的言语或行为);衰退;(时间)逝去(lapse 的过去式及过去分词)  adj. 不再参与的,脱离的;(尤指宗教信仰)背弃的;终止的;不再付款的
  • reactivate     vt. 使恢复活动;使恢复现役;使再开工   vi. 再度活动;使恢复活力
  • consecutive     adj. 连贯的;连续不断的

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