Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略




Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第1张图片

        // 负载均衡策略
        // * random - 随机;
        // * roundrobin - 轮询;
        // * leastactive - 最少活跃调用;
        // * consistenthash - 哈希一致 (2.1.0以上版本);
        // * shortestresponse - 最短响应 (2.7.7以上版本);
        ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig();



        ServiceConfig<GreetingsService> hiConfig = new ServiceConfig<>();
        hiConfig.setRef(new GreetingsServiceImpl());
        // 权重
        RegistryConfig registryConfig = new RegistryConfig();
        // 多个registry时,该registry的权重

Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第2张图片





public class RandomLoadBalance extends AbstractLoadBalance {
	// invokers代表需要负载均衡的provider列表
	// URL代表该consumer的metadata,和zk中/dubbo/metadata/com.xxx.service/consumer/xxx-consumer节点内容相同
    protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
        // Number of invokers
        int length = invokers.size();
		// 根据从registry拿到的参数中寻找是否有weight参数或timestamp参数来判断
		// 是否需要加权操作
        if (!needWeightLoadBalance(invokers, invocation)) {
        	// 没有直接random选取
            return invokers.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(length));

        // 标志位,权重是否都一样
        boolean sameWeight = true;
        // weights序列,不过 weights[i]是0到i的provider节点实际weight的和
        // 如:
        // 节点索引i    : 0    1    2
        // 节点i的weight: 2    3    5
        //  weights[i] : 2  2+3=5 2+3+5=10
        // 应该叫weightSum更合适
        // 这是为了后面随机选取节点用,随机数大小落入哪个区间,就选哪个节点
        int[] weights = new int[length];
        // The sum of weights
        int totalWeight = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            int weight = getWeight(invokers.get(i), invocation);
            // Sum
            totalWeight += weight;
            // save for later use
            weights[i] = totalWeight;
            // 如果当前weight不是之前weight的和的索引倍数,则清空same标志
            // 索引:   0    1    2
            //   w:    3    3    2
            // total:  3    6    8
            // w*(i+1) 3    6    6
            //  same?  √    √    ×
            if (sameWeight && totalWeight != weight * (i + 1)) {
                sameWeight = false;
        // 如果权重不等 且 至少有一个invoker的权重大于0
        if (totalWeight > 0 && !sameWeight) {
            // 根据权重和计算随机offset
            int offset = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(totalWeight);
            // Return a invoker based on the random value.
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            	// 选取第一个小于offset的节点i做调用
                if (offset < weights[i]) {
                    return invokers.get(i);
        // 权重相等
        return invokers.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(length));



RandomLoadBalance中随机数生成使用ThreadLocalRandom,该类始于JDK1.7,由Doug Lea操刀编写。

优点:When applicable, use of ThreadLocalRandom rather than shared Random objects in concurrent programs will typically encounter much less overhead and contention.
用法:ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextX(…) (where X is Int, Long, etc).
缺点:Instances of ThreadLocalRandom are not cryptographically secure. Consider instead using java.security.SecureRandom in security-sensitive applications. Additionally, default-constructed instances do not use a cryptographically random seed unless the system property java.util.secureRandomSeed is set to true.


public class RoundRobinLoadBalance extends AbstractLoadBalance {
	 protected static class WeightedRoundRobin {
	 	private int weight;
        private AtomicLong current = new AtomicLong(0);
        private long lastUpdate;
		// 每次加一个权值
		public long increaseCurrent() {
            return current.addAndGet(weight);
	// 接口名称:
	// 如:
	// org.example.protocol.dubbo.GreetingsService.sayHi : < dubbo:// , WeightedRoundRobin >
	 private ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<String, WeightedRoundRobin>> methodWeightMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentMap<String, WeightedRoundRobin>>();

    protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
    	// <接口.方法>,如org.example.protocol.dubbo.GreetingsService.sayHi
        String key = invokers.get(0).getUrl().getServiceKey() + "." + invocation.getMethodName();
        // 初始化
        ConcurrentMap<String, WeightedRoundRobin> map = methodWeightMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
        // 权重和
        int totalWeight = 0;
        // 记录当前最大值
        long maxCurrent = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        // 记录更新时间,一个接口的所有provider的时间都一样。
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // 选中的
        Invoker<T> selectedInvoker = null;
        // 选中的
        WeightedRoundRobin selectedWRR = null;
        // 每次都会循环一遍,不会中途退出
        for (Invoker<T> invoker : invokers) {
        	// dubbo://
            String identifyString = invoker.getUrl().toIdentityString();
            // 获取权重,如果没有权重,则默认权重都一样,均为100
            int weight = getWeight(invoker, invocation);
            // 没有缓存,则为GreetingsService的这个provider设置weight,生成WeightedRoundRobin对象
            // 缓存了直接获取
            WeightedRoundRobin weightedRoundRobin = map.computeIfAbsent(identifyString, k -> {			
                WeightedRoundRobin wrr = new WeightedRoundRobin();
                return wrr;
			// 缓存的WeightedRoundRobin可能会过时,这里判定以下,保持最新的weight
            if (weight != weightedRoundRobin.getWeight()) {
                //weight changed
            // 更新
            // 每次每个provider都会先增加自己权重的值
            long cur = weightedRoundRobin.increaseCurrent();
            // 标记更新时间
            // 如果当前值大于最大值,则选取
            if (cur > maxCurrent) {
                maxCurrent = cur;
                selectedInvoker = invoker;
                selectedWRR = weightedRoundRobin;
            totalWeight += weight;
        if (invokers.size() != map.size()) {
            map.entrySet().removeIf(item -> now - item.getValue().getLastUpdate() > RECYCLE_PERIOD);
        if (selectedInvoker != null) {
        	// 注意,选中的weightedRoundRobin的current会减去totalWeight;
            return selectedInvoker;
        // should not happen here
        return invokers.get(0);


Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第3张图片

轮次 结果
0 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第4张图片
1 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第5张图片
2 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第6张图片
3 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第7张图片
4 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第8张图片
5 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第9张图片
6 Dubbo 源码解读:负载均衡策略_第10张图片

可以看到调用顺序为:A → \rightarrow B → \rightarrow A → \rightarrow C → \rightarrow B → \rightarrow A。



public class LeastActiveLoadBalance extends AbstractLoadBalance {

    protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
        // Number of invokers
        int length = invokers.size();
        // The least active value of all invokers
        int leastActive = -1;
        // The number of invokers having the same least active value (leastActive)
        int leastCount = 0;
        // 存储所有具有相同least active value的invoker的index,数组长度==leastCount
        int[] leastIndexes = new int[length];
        // the weight of every invokers
        int[] weights = new int[length];
        // The sum of the warmup weights of all the least active invokers
        int totalWeight = 0;
        // The weight of the first least active invoker
        int firstWeight = 0;
        // Every least active invoker has the same weight value?
        boolean sameWeight = true;

        // 过滤找到调用次数最少的provider,可能存在多个provider
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            Invoker<T> invoker = invokers.get(i);
            // Get the active number of the invoker
            int active = RpcStatus.getStatus(invoker.getUrl(), invocation.getMethodName()).getActive();
            // 获取权重参数,provider没有提供则默认100
            int afterWarmup = getWeight(invoker, invocation);
            weights[i] = afterWarmup;
            // 如果是第一次调用,或当前active小于最小的,设置新的leastActive
            if (leastActive == -1 || active < leastActive) {
            } else 
            // 多个leastActive
            if (active == leastActive) {
        // 如果符合最少调用次数的provider只有一个,直接返回
        if (leastCount == 1) {
            return invokers.get(leastIndexes[0]);
        if (!sameWeight && totalWeight > 0) {
            // 权重不等且totalWeight>0则利用权重随机选取
            int offsetWeight = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(totalWeight);
            // Return a invoker based on the random value.
            for (int i = 0; i < leastCount; i++) {
           		// 找到相同权重的provider第一个比随机选取的offsetWeight大的provider
                int leastIndex = leastIndexes[i];
                offsetWeight -= weights[leastIndex];
                if (offsetWeight < 0) {
                    return invokers.get(leastIndex);
        // 如果所有provider的weight相同或totalWeight==0则随机选取.
        return invokers.get(leastIndexes[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(leastCount)]);





public class ConsistentHashLoadBalance extends AbstractLoadBalance {

	// 对每一个接口方法缓存一个ConsistentHashSelector
	// key为interface.methodName
    private final ConcurrentMap<String, ConsistentHashSelector<?>> selectors = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConsistentHashSelector<?>>();

    protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
        String methodName = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation);
        String key = invokers.get(0).getUrl().getServiceKey() + "." + methodName;
        // 用来代表List>,如果内容变化,则该hashcode也变化,为了保持缓存一致性
        int invokersHashCode = invokers.hashCode();
        ConsistentHashSelector<T> selector = (ConsistentHashSelector<T>) selectors.get(key);
        // 缓存的ConsistentHashSelector为空,或已经过期
        if (selector == null || selector.identityHashCode != invokersHashCode) {
            selectors.put(key, new ConsistentHashSelector<T>(invokers, methodName, invokersHashCode));
            selector = (ConsistentHashSelector<T>) selectors.get(key);
        return selector.select(invocation);

	 private static final class ConsistentHashSelector<T> {
		// 虚拟节点和Invoker对应关系
        private final TreeMap<Long, Invoker<T>> virtualInvokers;
		// 一致性哈希,哈希环虚拟节点个数
        private final int replicaNumber;
        private final int identityHashCode;
		// select时候以方法的那个参数为key进行hash映射到hash环,默认第一个参数
        private final int[] argumentIndex;

		ConsistentHashSelector(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, String methodName, int identityHashCode) {
            this.virtualInvokers = new TreeMap<Long, Invoker<T>>();
            this.identityHashCode = identityHashCode;
            URL url = invokers.get(0).getUrl();
            // 如果hash.nodes没有指定,默认每个provider160个节点
            this.replicaNumber = url.getMethodParameter(methodName, HASH_NODES, 160);
            String[] index = COMMA_SPLIT_PATTERN.split(url.getMethodParameter(methodName, HASH_ARGUMENTS, "0"));
            argumentIndex = new int[index.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
                argumentIndex[i] = Integer.parseInt(index[i]);
            // 为每个invoker分配哈希环160个虚拟节点
            for (Invoker<T> invoker : invokers) {
                String address = invoker.getUrl().getAddress();
                for (int i = 0; i < replicaNumber / 4; i++) {
                    byte[] digest = Bytes.getMD5(address + i);
                    for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
                        long m = hash(digest, h);
                        virtualInvokers.put(m, invoker);
		 public Invoker<T> select(Invocation invocation) {
            boolean isGeneric = invocation.getMethodName().equals($INVOKE);
            // 获取此次invocation的hash的key
            String key = toKey(invocation.getArguments(),isGeneric); 
            byte[] digest = Bytes.getMD5(key);
            // 映射
            return selectForKey(hash(digest, 0));
