
3.0 库存管理

3.1 Functions of Inventory

Inventory can serve several functions that add flexibility to a firm’s operations. The four func- tions of inventory are:

  1. To provide a selection of goods for anticipated customer demand and to separate the firm from fluctuations in that demand. Such inventories are typical in retail establishments.

  2. To decouple various parts of the production process. For example, if a firm’s supplies fluctuate, extra inventory may be necessary to decouple the production process from suppliers.

  3. To take advantage of quantity discounts, because purchases in larger quantities may reduce the cost of goods or their delivery.

  4. To hedge against inflation and upward price changes.

3.2 Ordering picking system

Explain the operational characteristics of the “pick-to-light system". Further explain how the E-Commerce Retailing business model could affect the design of handling and storage equipment of the "pick-to-light system".

轻量拣货系统是简单但强大的系统,目的在简化仓库拣货操作,从而提高效率、生产力和 拣货准确性,同时降低成本

Although lower inventories and a just-in-time approach have received considerable attention in the business media, some organizations prefer to hold high levels of inventory. Discuss 2 reasons why they would want to hold high inventories?


  • 快速订单履行- 高库存水平的主要优势之一是可以确保在客户要求的时间范围内始终满足客户履行时间。由于客户将更快地收到产品,客户可以在这里获得更积极的体验,这是优质客户服务和忠诚度的基本方面。

  • 减少短缺风险- 除了快速满足客户需求之外,库存过剩将确保减少或消除库存短缺。如果工厂遇到无法继续生产的问题,商家可能会面临物品短缺的风险。持有更多库存将有效缓冲并降低这些情况下的风险,即使供应方面出现状况,也能保证及时的将商品递交到顾客手中。

  • 数量折扣- 能够持有大量库存通常意味着如果您批量购买,您可以从供应商折扣中受益。这些折扣将降低公司的购买成本,并提升销售利润。这也可能让您以较低的价格销售产品,从而使公司在市场上获得竞争优势。

4.0 需求管理和需求预测

4.1 Moving average

截屏2021-11-21 上午1.03.23

4.2 Weighted moving average

截屏2021-11-21 上午1.07.45

4.3 Linear regression

截屏2021-11-21 上午1.11.53

5.0 订单管理和仓储管理

5.1 ERP(enterprise resource planning) software

Question 5
What is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software?

Advances in MRP II systems that tie customers and suppliers to MRP II have led to the devel- opment of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is soft- ware that allows companies to (1) automate and integrate many of their business processes, (2) share a common database and business practices throughout the enterprise, and (3) pro- duce information in real time. A schematic showing some of these relationships for a manufac- turing firm appears in Figure 14.10.

The objective of an ERP system is to coordinate a firm’s whole business, from supplier evaluation to customer invoicing. This objective is seldom achieved, but ERP systems are um- brella systems that tie together a variety of specialized systems. This is accomplished by using a centralized database to assist the flow of information among business functions. Exactly what is tied together, and how, varies on a case-by-case basis. In addition to the traditional compo- nents of MRP, ERP systems usually provide financial and human resource (HR) management information. ERP systems may also include:

5.2 Warehosue

5.2.1 Warehouse vs Distribution center

San San missed a lot of classes lately. Provide an example to explain to San San the expression of a “highly automated warehouse/ distribution center”. Then discuss ONE (1) advantage and ONE (1) disadvantage of a highly automated warehouse/ distribution center. Should a business build and operates a “highly automated warehouse/ distribution center”? Justify your conclusion accordingly.


  • Emphasize the storage of goods by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers Is designed to provide the maximize usage of available storage space

  • As for manufacturers inventories being stored includes; raw material, work-in-progress, finished goods

  • Storage and order picking is usually done in bulk (unit load)

Distribution centers

  • Emphasize rapid movement of finished goods through the facility. It is designed to maximize throughput (number of goods entering and leaving in a time period)

  • Hence goods being stored are “fast movers” that are usually demand by end customers

  • Serves as a consolidation point for different type of finished good

  • Storage and order picking is usually not done in bulk (unit load)

7.0 运输管理

7.1 Line Haul system

Question 7

(a) A Motor Carrier Transport Operator offers its service via “Line Haul". Explain the THREE (3) operational characteristics of a "Line Haul" with example.

“Line” is a general term referring to a designated route serviced by a Transport Operator For ships = Shipping Lane For trailers = Line Haul A single line haul is operated by at least one trailer. Schedule of line haul can by improved by increasing the number of trailer

Operating characteristics of Line Haul includes; 1.Terminals are bounded by Geographical region that has transportation needs 2.Sequence of terminal is predetermined and repeated in loop

Business specific characteristics of a Line Haul Network in freight transportation are:

  • A high level of variety in product types

  • Specific senders and receivers

  • Strict service level agreements

在物流中,Line Haul 是指在遥远的城市之间通过陆路、航空或水路以任何运输方式进行的货物运输。货物的体积和重量各不相同,从小文件到重型托盘不等。快递、快递和包裹提供商承运人从给定仓库的各个发件人处收集货物。在该仓库,具有共同目的地的货物被整合到拖车中,以便(长途)运输到分拣设施(枢纽)或一个或多个其他仓库类型(例如配送设施)。在分拣设施中,来自不同来源的货物被再次分拣和合并,以便进一步运输到目的地。枢纽、仓库、拖拉机、拖车、码头工人和司机的配套基础设施统称为 Line Haul Network。

In the study of Logistics Management, we discovered that Logistics channels may include several activities. Explain THREE (3) such activities with examples.

1) 订单处理


基本上,商业团队接受客户的订单并将订单下达仓库。如果客户已付款,则商业团队会进入系统并告诉仓库客户已下单 10 件,因此仓库需要交付 10 件。

在许多公司中,从商业的进入也扣除了仓库中的库存。因此,如果商业团队批准了 10 件的采购订单,可用库存将自动扣除 10 件,从而不会发生重复订购。这是物流活动中的一个重要步骤,因为此步骤中的任何错误(错误输入数量、交货地址等)都会影响整个物流过程。



仓储的重点是仓库应靠近经销商或分销商的地方,并应便于货物的运送。如果有一种产品来自品牌公司,但需要 1 周才能交付,那么该产品在市场上的移动量可能不如另一种即使没有品牌也需要 2 天才能交付的产品。



5) 交通



6) 包装

有两种类型的包装 - 一种是顾客在超市或大卖场的货架上看到的包装看起来很有吸引力并促使顾客购买的包装。另一种是运输包装,其中产品散装包装,以避免任何破损或溢出,同时允许他们将大量产品安全地从一个地方转移到另一个地方。

7.2 Consignment

  • In the context of transportation, Consignment is a legal act of giving a agent the custody of goods, but retaining legal ownership until the goods are delivered

  • Role and responsibilities of parties involve are documented in the consignment

  • Other example consignment - Auction sales

7.2.1 Parties of a Consignment

With example, explain the role of the THREE (3) main parties of a Consignment.

Shipper / Consignor is the entity/company who retain ownership of goods being transported in a shipment

Carrier is the entities/ transport operators/ Logistics Service Providers that conducts the act of transporting the goods

  • Usually responsible for any possible loss/ damage of the goods during transportation

Consignee Is the party who will received the shipment

  • Usually is the buyer, but sometimes the buyer’s bank is named as the Consignee
