Level3.Unit3.Part3 Sources of Energy

★★★★★★Sources of Energy  

Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most plentiful sources of energy. 80


       solar energy = solar power 太阳能;one of +the形容词最高级+名词复述:最…的之一

       → e.g. Tony Stark is one of the richest people in the world. Tony Stark是世界上最富有的人之一

Solar power depends on sunlight, so in cloudy weather and at night, no power is generated/ˈdʒenəreɪtɪd/.  


       depend on 依靠;generate 创造,产生;

Wind energy is non-polluting but is only useful in places where there is a lot of wind.    81


       wind energy 风能;non-:表示否定的前缀 → non-polluting 无污染的;non-alcoholic 不含酒精的;non-traditional 非传统的;non-smoking 无烟的;

Wind turbines/ˈtɜrbaɪnz/ convert the kinetic/kɪˈnetɪk/ energy of the wind into mechanical power.


       wind turbine 风力涡轮机;mechanical power 机械能;convert A into B 把A转化成B;kinetic energy 动能;

Nuclear energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon gases as a waste product(产品).  84


       nuclear energy 核能;efficient 高效的;carbon gases 含碳气体;waste product 废弃物;

The dangers of nuclear power include deadly radioactive/ˌreɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ waste products.   76


        deadly (adj.) 致命的,致死的 → a deadly virus 致命的病毒;a deadly weapon 致命的武器;deadly radioactive waste products 致命的放射性废弃物;radio(放射的)+active(活跃的)  → radioactive 有辐射的,放射性的;

A major source of energy comes from the burning of fossil/ˈfɑːsl/  fuels/ˈfjuːəlz/ , such as coal and oil.    82


       fossil fuel 化石燃料;burn 燃烧 → the burning of fossil fuels 化石燃料的燃烧;such as 例如,比如(一般接名词);

       【for example VS such as】

       → e.g. This app has many features. for example,it can make a dinner reservation. 这款软件有很多功能,比如说它可以用来订餐

                  I like sports,such as basketball,baseball and football.  我喜欢运动,比如篮球,棒球和足球

When we burn fossil fuels, waste gases such as CO2 are produced. 


       CO2 = carbon dioxide 二氧化碳;

Fossil fuels remain/rɪˈmeɪn/ the largest source/sɔːrs/of energy for most countries.   77


       remain (v.)保持不变,仍然是 → remain+n.  → e.g. It remains a secret. 这事一直是个秘密

                                           → remain+adj.  → e.g. You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默

Hydropower comes from the kinetic energy of falling water.   75


       hydropower 水力发电;the kinetic energy of falling water 高处落下的水产生的动能;

Output is reliable and can be regulated/ˈreɡjuleɪtɪd/ to meet the demand, except during periods of drought/draʊt]/ . 


       output(n.) 输出,产出 →input (n.) 输入,投入;reliable(adj.) 可信赖的,可靠的;

       regulate(v.) 控制,调节 → e.g.  My mother regulate how much TV I can watch.

       meet(v.) 满足:meet the needs / requirements;动词不定式表示目的 to meet the demand 为了满足需求

       except +名词/名词短语:除…之外;drought(n.) 干旱;

跟读1:Dams are expensive to build and affect wildlife/ˈwaɪldlaɪf/such as fish.坝造价昂贵,会影响鱼类等野生动物。86

跟读2:We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.我们需要减少使用化石燃料来生产能源。 87

复述1:One of the main problems we face is how to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.  78

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