
        Ideally the student should rise in the morning at dawn or at the 4a.m.With some effort,rising early will not be difficult but will become as natual as rising late.Aftercleansig one's teeth and emptying the bowels and bladder,one should begin his practice with yoga postures.SAVANGASANA,the shoulderstand,should be performed last so that JALANDHARA  bandha,the chin lock,may be done more easily.After the postures one should practice prayanaya.One should not,howerver,practice prayanaya when feeling uneasy,depressed,or dejected.After prayanaya,meditation should be practiced.For meditative practice one should sit in the same place at the same time each day.The eyes should be closed and one should not stir on his seat.The body and heart should be errect.

    If one wants to attain the maximum benifit ,it is important to be regular in his pactices.Those who practice irregularly derive little benifit.One should set an initial goal of at least three month's practice so that he can form a habit and not go back to his past grooves.Good  control can be developed in three months.With zeal and tenacity one can become adept in six months.
