USE AdventureWorks2014GO SELECT object_id, index_id, type Into #indexes From sys.indexes;Select object_id, index_id, partition_id Into #parts From sys.partitions;Select object_id, index_id, row_count, partition_id Into #partStats From sys.dm_db_partition_stats;Select t.object_id Id, s.name SchemaName, t.name TableName, t.create_date CreationDate, t.modify_date LastModifiedDate, Count(Distinct i.index_id) IndexCount, Max(ddps.row_count) [RowCount], Count(Distinct (Case When i.type In (0,1,5) Then p.partition_id Else Null End)) PartitionCount, Sum(Case When i.type In (0,1,5) Then a.total_pages Else0End) *8DataTotalSpaceKB, Sum(Case When i.type Not In (0,1,5) Then a.total_pages Else0End) *8IndexTotalSpaceKB, Sum(a.used_pages) *8UsedSpaceKB, Sum(a.total_pages) *8TotalSpaceKB, (Case Max(i.type) When0Then0Else1End)asTableType From sys.tables t Join sys.schemas s On t.schema_id = s.schema_id Join #indexes i On t.object_id = i.object_id Join #parts p On i.object_id = p.object_id And i.index_id = p.index_id Join (Select container_id, Sum(used_pages) used_pages, Sum(total_pages) total_pages From sys.allocation_units Group By container_id) a On p.partition_id = a.container_id Left Join #partStats ddps On i.object_id = ddps.object_id And i.index_id = ddps.index_id And i.type In (0,1,5) -- Heap, Clustered, Clustered Columnstore And p.partition_id = ddps.partition_id Where t.is_ms_shipped =0And i.object_id >255Group By t.object_id, t.Name, t.create_date, t.modify_date, s.name;Drop Table #indexes;Drop Table #parts;Drop Table #partStats;