
风险 (Risk)

不确定性 (Uncertainty

实质风险因素 Physical hazard

道德风险因素 Moral hazard

心理风险因素 Morale hazard

风险事故 (Peril)

损害 ( Loss )

纯粹风险和投机风险 (Pure Risk and Speculative Risk)

财产风险、人身风险、责任风险和信用风险 (Property Risk.Personal Risk.Liability  Risk and

Credit Risk)

自然风险、社会风险、政治风险、经济风险和技术风险 (Physical Risk.Social Risk.Political

Risk.Economic Risk and Technology Risk)

基本风险和特定风险 (Fundamental Risk and Particular Risk)

静态风险与动态风险 (static risk, dynamic risk)

风险管理 (Risk Management

风险规避 (Risk avoidance

损失控制 (loss control

损失预防 (loss prevention

损失抑制 (loss reduction

风险自留( Risk retention

财务型风险管理( Financial management of risk

风险转移 (Risk transfer

可保风险 (insurable risk

投保人 (applicant

保险 (insurance)

保险费( premium

保险人 (insurer)

被保险人 (insured

海上保险( marine insurance

共同海损 (general average

单独海损 (particular average

火灾保险 (fire insurance

人身保险 (personal insurance

生命表 (mortality table)

自然保险费 (natural premium

均衡保险费” (level premium)

保险密度 (Insurance Density

保险深度 (Insurance Penetration

社会保险 (social insurance

商业保险 (commercial insurance

自愿保险 (voluntary insurance)

强制保险 (mandatory insurance

财产保险 (property insurance)

人身保险 (life insurance)

原保险 (primary insurance)

再保险 (re-insurance)

共同保险 (co-insurance)

重复保险 (double insurance

财产损失保险 (Property Insurance )

责任保险 (liability insurance)

信用保证保险 (credit insurance, guarantee insurance)

农业保险 (Agricultural Insurance )

人寿保险 (life insurance)

意外伤害保险 (accident insurance)

健康保险 (health insurance

保 险 合 同(Insurance Contract

保险合同是最大诚信合同 (contract of utmost good faith)

保险合同是对人的合同 (personal contract )

保险合同是附合合同 (contract of adhesion)

保险合同是射幸合同 (aleatory contract

保险价值( insured value

定值保险:( valued policy

不定值保险: (unvalued policy

保险金额 (insured amount

投保人 ,要保人 (applicant

保险人 ,承保人 (insurer

保单所有人( policyholder

受益人 (beneficiary

保险代理人 (Agent

保险经纪人 (Broker

保险公估人 (Assessor

保险利益 (insurable interest)

保险条款( insurance clause)

基本条款 (basic provisions

保险标的 (exposure)

责任免除( exclusion

施救费用( sue and

labor charge)

救助费用( salvage charges)

各种附加险( additional insurance

保险期限( period of coverage

要约( offer)和承诺( acceptance

投保单 (application form )

保险单 (policy)

保险凭证 (insurance certificate )

暂保单 (binder)

协商( consult

仲裁( arbitrate

诉讼( litigate

最大诚信原则 (Principle of Utmost Good Faith)

保险利益原则 (Principle of Insurable Interest)

近因原则 (Principle of  Proximate Cause)

损失补偿原则 (Principle of Loss Indemnity )

代位原则与分摊原则 (Principle of Subrogation and Contribution

最大诚信( utmost good faith )原则

逆选择( adverse selection)

告知 (representation or  disclosure

保证 (warranty

明示保证 ( express warranties)

默示保证 (implied warranties

确认保证 (promissory warranty

承诺保证 (affirmative warranty

代位原则与分摊原则 (Principle of Subrogation and Contribution

代位追偿( subrogation

委付( abandonment

推定全损( constructive total loss )

原保险人 (insurer)与再保险人 (reinsurer

比例再保险 (proportion- al reinsurance)

非比例再保险 (nonproportional reinsurance

自留额 (underlying retention) 和分保额 (amount of cession)

再保险费(分保费) (reinsurance premium)

分保佣金 (ceding commission ) 又称分保手续费

盈余佣金 (profit commission) 又称利润手续费

转分保 (retrocession

成数再保险 (quota share reinsurance

溢额再保险 (excess loss

临时再保险 (facultative reinsurance)

固定再保险 (treaty reinsurance)

预约再保险 ( facultative obligatory reinsurance )

股份保险公司 (stock insurance company)

相互保险公司 (mutual insurance company)

保险代理人( insurance agent)

保险经纪人( insurance broker)

保险监管 (insurance regulation )

