“生活大爆炸”第一季第二集part 1

Scene: Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment. Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are present.


Leonard: Here we go, Pad Thai, no peanuts.(莱纳德在分发食盒)


Howard: But does it have peanut oil?(霍华德看着食物问)


Leonard: Uh, I’m not sure, everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.(莱纳德有些不确定,要伙伴们留意会对花生过敏的霍华德)


Sheldon: Since it’s not bee season, you can have my epinephrine.(谢尔顿转头对霍华德说)


Raj: Are there any chopsticks?(拉杰拿着叉子问)


Sheldon: You don’t need chopsticks, this is Thai food.(谢尔顿边拿食物边说)


Leonard: Here we go.(莱纳德无奈的预警)


Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the nineteenth century. Interestingly they don’t actually put the fork in their mouth, they use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.(谢尔顿巴拉巴拉)


Leonard: Ask him for a napkin, I dare you. (There is a knock on the door.) I’ll get it.(莱纳德和拉杰无奈对视)


Howard: Do I look puffy? I feel puffy.(霍华德总觉得自己已经过敏了,不停摸着脸和下巴)


(Leonard opens door to Penny, steps into hallway)

Penny: Hey Leonard.(佩妮穿着服务员制服,微笑打招呼)

嘿  莱纳德

Leonard: Oh, hi Penny.(莱纳德有些意外的向佩妮问好)

嘿  佩妮

Penny: Am I interrupting.(佩妮看着屋内说)


Leonard: No.(莱纳德连忙否认)


Sheldon (off): You’re not swelling, Howard.(屋子里传出谢尔顿安慰霍华德的声音)


Howard (off): No, no, look at my fingers, they’re like Vienna sausages.(霍华德害怕过敏开始着急)

不  不,看看我的手指,他们看起来像维也纳香肠。

Penny: Sounds like you have company.(佩妮指了指屋内)


Leonard: They’re not going anywhere. (Closes door, staying in hallway.) So, you’re coming home from work. That’s great. How was work.(莱纳德不想佩妮离开快速转换话题,带上门)

他们总在  你下班了  太好了  工作怎么样

Penny: Well, you know, it’s the Cheesecake Factory. People order cheesecake, and I bring it to them.(佩妮摊手向莱纳德说她的工作多无聊)

那是卖芝士蛋糕的  客人点芝士蛋糕  我给他们端过去

Leonard: So, you sort of act as a carbohydrate delivery system.(莱纳德紧张的思路走样)


Penny: Yeah, call it whatever you want, I get minimum wage. Yeah, anyways, I was wondering if you could help me out with something, I was….(佩妮无所谓的承认莱纳德的话,并提出请求)

是,随便你怎么叫  反正拿的工资最低  我想问一下  你能不能帮我点忙  

Leonard: Yes.(莱纳德不等佩妮说完就急着答应了)

Penny: Oh. Okay, great, I’m having some furniture delivered tomorrow, and I may not be here, so…. (apartment door opens, Sheldon, Raj and Howard appear) Oh! Hel…hello!(佩妮正说着拜托莱纳德的话,这时谢尔顿他们几个人出来了)

好的  明天会有人给我送家具    我可能不在   所以......哦,你......你们好啊

Howard: (speaks a phrase in Russian).(霍华德带着猥琐的表情,昂首挺胸的说了一句俄语)

Penny: I’m sorry?(佩妮没听懂)


Howard: Haven’t you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless Russian?(霍华德看到佩妮的回应兴奋的鼻孔都放大了)


Penny: No, I haven’t.(佩妮笑着否认)

不   没有

Howard: Get used to it.(霍华德开始自以为是的撩妹)


Penny: Yeah, I probably won’t, but… Hey Sheldon.(佩妮有些受不了,转而和谢尔顿打招呼)

我可能不会    嘿   谢尔顿

Sheldon: Hi.(细长的谢尔顿回应)

Penny: Hey Raj! (Raj looks uncomfortable) Still not talking to me, huh?(佩妮笑着和拉杰打招呼,拉杰看看旁边的朋友,低头不能说话)

嗨  拉杰   还是不和我说话?

Sheldon: Don’t take it personally, it’s his pathology, he can’t talk to women.(谢尔顿向佩妮解释好友的这种现象)

他不是故意和你过不去   这是他的老毛病了  他不能和女人说话

Howard: He can’t talk to attractive women, or in your case a cheesecake–scented Goddess!(霍华德带着迷醉的表情继续恭维佩妮)

他不能跟漂亮女人说话   或者就是像你这样有迷人芝士蛋糕味的女神

Leonard: So, there’s gonna be some furniture delivered?(看着无语的佩妮,莱纳德急忙解围)


Penny: Yeah, yeah, if it gets here and I’m not here tomorrow could you just sign for it and have them put it in my apartment.(佩妮说了请求帮忙的内容)

是的  如果送来的时候我不在   你能帮我签收一下然后放到我房间吗?

Leonard: Yeah, no problem.(莱纳德一口答应)


Penny: Great, here’s my spare key. Thank you.(佩妮眼波流转,递给莱纳德备用钥匙并转身离开)

太好了   这是备用钥匙   谢谢

Leonard: Penny, wait.(几人目送佩妮转身,莱纳德叫住佩妮)

佩妮   等等

Penny: Yeah?(佩妮回身走近两步,莱纳德退后两步)


Leonard: Um, if you don’t have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?(莱纳德不抱希望的邀请佩妮加入用餐)

如果你没什么事的话   你想一起吃点泰国菜看个超人电影马拉松吗?

Penny: A marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there?(佩妮提出关于超人电影的疑问,之后她会后悔)

马拉松?  到底有多少部超人电影啊?

Sheldon: You’re kidding, right?(谢尔顿听到这样的问题忍不住了,踏前一步)

你是开玩笑的   对不对?

Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her, which one was that?(佩妮描述自己唯一能记住的超人电影情节)

我比较喜欢路易斯  莱恩从飞机上掉下来 ,超人俯冲下去接住她的那部,那是第几部?

Leonard,Sheldon and Howard together: One. (Raj raises one finger).(拉杰伸出一根手指,其余三人同声说“1”)


Sheldon: You realise that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.(谢尔顿开始科普)


Penny: Yes, I know, men can’t fly.(佩妮用普通人的思路回应)

是的  我知道   人不能飞

Sheldon: Oh no, let’s assume that they can. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now travelling at approximately 120 miles per hour, hits them, and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.(谢尔顿绕过莱纳德走到佩妮面前巴拉巴拉,最后用一个劈成三段的手势做终结,佩妮梗住)

不不  假设人能飞,路易斯  莱恩从空中往下掉,以每秒32英尺的初速度做自由落体加速,超人俯冲下来用两个钢筋一样的手臂想要接住她,此时莱恩小姐在以每秒120公里的速度往下掉,碰到钢筋手臂,立马被劈成三半。

Leonard: Unless, Superman matches her speed and decelerates.(莱纳德探出头提出异议)


Sheldon: In what space, sir, in what space? She’s two feet above the ground. Frankly, if he really loved her, he’d let her hit the pavement. It would be a more merciful death.(谢尔顿回呛莱纳德)

还有时间吗  先生  她离地面两尺高   如果他真的爱她的话   他应该让她掉在马路上   那还比较仁慈

Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption that Superman’s flight is a feat of strength.(莱纳德不服,拉杰和霍华德走到他旁边表示支持他的论点)


Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself, it is well established that Superman’s flight is a feat of strength, it is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings, an ability he derives from Earth’s yellow Sun.(谢尔顿不接受反驳继续下结论,佩妮在旁边感觉有点待不住)

听到你自己说的了么   很明显他的飞行有无限的冲击力  这是他能越过大厦的能力的延伸   也是吸收来自太阳的能力

Howard: Yeah, and you don’t have a problem with that, how does he fly at night.(换二辩霍华德)


Sheldon: Uh, a combination of the moon’s solar reflection and the energy storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.(谢尔顿巴拉巴拉)

月亮反射的太阳光   结合氪星球皮肤细胞储存的能量

Penny: I’m just going to go wash up.(佩妮找借口离开)


Leonard: I have 26 hundred comic books in there, I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells.(莱纳德为了捍卫自己的观点提出打赌)

我有2600本漫画,我打赌  你找不到任何有关氪星球皮肤细胞的线索

Sheldon: Challenge accepted. (Tries door.) We’re locked out.(谢尔顿随即应战,走到门口,发现门锁了)

接受挑战    我们被锁在外面了

Raj: Also, the pretty girl left.(拉杰看着佩妮家的大门终于能说话了)

还有  那个美女走了




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